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Have you ever protested anything?
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These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I don't have much of a protesting bone as I think the first form of protest is stupid and accomplishes nothing and the second form that gets attention is illegal.

I have only been involved in one protest and that was when I a youth. I went to a friends church youth group that picketed an abortion clinic. I didn't care much about abortion at the time but there was a hot girl in my friends churches youth group so there I was holding signs, signing songs and picketing the abortion clinic.

We started on the parking lot of the clinic but then had to move over to the lot next door when we were told we could not be in the abortion clinic lot. The youth leaders would talk to girls going into the clinic and try to convince them not to go in. It worked on quite a few. Overall, it was a very peaceful protest and maybe it did stop some girls from having an abortion so perhaps it worked. Dated the girl for three years as well so score one for me.

never been motivated to ever protest anything else in person and can't imagine getting worked up about something in person.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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No, I think it's largely useless and possibly causes more harm than good much of the time.

Although I might consider it if we could organize something to protest against liars on internet forums.
Last edited by: ThisIsIt: Apr 30, 24 8:13
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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 I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn't.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I started a petition in 5th grade to change our shitty polyester pants, hot wool sweater vest and clip on tie uniforms and was threatened with a week suspension if I kept circulating it. They changed it the following year to khakis and polo shirt. No idea if it was related.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ike] [ In reply to ]
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ike wrote:
I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn't.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.
Last edited by: SDG: Apr 30, 24 8:12
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
No, I think it's largely useless and possible courses more harm than good much of the time.

Although I might consider it if we could organize something to protest against liars on internet forums.

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ike wrote:
My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
SDG wrote:
ike wrote:

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
SDG wrote:
ike wrote:

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

It's not just that you're a liar, your trolling is weak too. If you're going to beclown yourself here, try at least be more creative and entertaining.

Maybe one of your wives can help you out?
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
SDG wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
SDG wrote:
ike wrote:

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

It's not just that you're a liar, your trolling is weak too. If you're going to beclown yourself here, try at least be more creative and entertaining.

Maybe one of your wives can help you out?

No lies told. Just the truth that from some reason you either can't fathom or you just like to call people liars. No worries, you be you.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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60 hippies and their protest were quite effective in changing views in the US about war and other things. After Vietnam it became clear that the US could no longer use the draft to engage in proxy Cold War conflicts.

Protests also had significant roles in racial policies and culture in the US and have caused major peaceful changes in many other countries.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
SDG wrote:
ike wrote:

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

Somebody is fibbing again. Possibly a mutligenerational problem.

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.

Google vietnam war protestors and look at the images. Do they look like hippies?

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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"These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen."

No one will care about protests not interfering with others - by their very nature, if they do not cause an issue, no one has to pay any attention. The womens right to vote, end of slavery, british rule in ireland (india, or basically anywhere) were all brought about by protest, in many instances violent.

There are few things that would agitate me enough to get out and do something about them, or to want to make my feelings felt about them other than through a ballot box.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Yes. And we womens were correct.

The Women's March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president. It was prompted by Trump's policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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Andrewmc wrote:
"These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen."

No one will care about protests not interfering with others - by their very nature, if they do not cause an issue, no one has to pay any attention. The womens right to vote, end of slavery, british rule in ireland (india, or basically anywhere) were all brought about by protest, in many instances violent.

There are few things that would agitate me enough to get out and do something about them, or to want to make my feelings felt about them other than through a ballot box.

Exactly, to really protest it must be done at your own peril as it is in your face, often violent and designed to make people uncomfortable. ( can be arrested for it)

A protest that does not bother anyone is not really a protest is it?
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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ironclm wrote:
Yes. And we womens were correct.

The Women's March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president. It was prompted by Trump's policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women.

Yes, those vagina hats were pretty funny. Hope it made the folks feel better and they got some cool pictures.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
No, I think it's largely useless and possibly causes more harm than good much of the time.

Although I might consider it if we could organize something to protest against liars on internet forums.

You might make the argument that the college protesters are getting some results. In an election year, I think the Biden administration is pretty sensitive to this issue and to the reaction of the younger generation, who are an important voting block for Democrats.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you've got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the "He-Man, women's hater club". You and al falfa are kindred spirits.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ike wrote:
I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn't.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.

The protest was at the nearby college, but I was not yet in college.

As for your father's stories, yeah, some protesters behaved badly. So did some soldiers.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Yes. And we womens were correct.

The Women's March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president. It was prompted by Trump's policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women.

Yes, those vagina hats were pretty funny. Hope it made the folks feel better and they got some cool pictures.

They were protesting the administration that was poised to, and in fact did, overturn established law and stripped American women of reproductive freedom.

Possibly the most revealing post I’ve seen here in years.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [sphere] [ In reply to ]
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sphere wrote:
SDG wrote:
ironclm wrote:
Yes. And we womens were correct.

The Women's March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president. It was prompted by Trump's policy positions and rhetoric, which were considered misogynistic and represented a threat to the rights of women.

Yes, those vagina hats were pretty funny. Hope it made the folks feel better and they got some cool pictures.

They were protesting the administration that was poised to, and in fact did, overturn established law and stripped American women of reproductive freedom.

Possibly the most revealing post I’ve seen here in years.

Well, then I guess my thesis as regard to that issue is correct. The funny Vagina hats didn't do much to stop Trump from getting Roe v. Wade overturned. Hence, I hope they got some good pictures and had some fun.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ike] [ In reply to ]
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ike wrote:
SDG wrote:
ike wrote:
I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn't.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.

The protest was at the nearby college, but I was not yet in college.

As for your father's stories, yeah, some protesters behaved badly. So did some soldiers.

Agreed. Not sure where I would have been at that time, but tend to think I would have been against the war as well.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I've never protested nor do I have any desire.

From the outside looking in, I really have no idea what the students want in their protests. The storyline is that they are protesting the war in Gaza with Israel/ Palestine. Are they expecting the combatants to stop the war because American students are getting rowdy on their campuses? I suppose I could look it up but I, sadly, really don't care about a war that far away from here nor do I care about any of those college campuses. I feel that the protesters are doing a terrible job at convincing the common folk (I.E. me) why they should care about their cause.

Take a short break from ST and read my blog:
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you've got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the "He-Man, women's hater club". You and al falfa are kindred spirits.

What can I say other than I strongly disagree with those 'progressives' who thinks the womens belong in a country club and/or classroom.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Banter wrote:
I've never protested nor do I have any desire.

From the outside looking in, I really have no idea what the students want in their protests. The storyline is that they are protesting the war in Gaza with Israel/ Palestine. Are they expecting the combatants to stop the war because American students are getting rowdy on their campuses? I suppose I could look it up but I, sadly, really don't care about a war that far away from here nor do I care about any of those college campuses. I feel that the protesters are doing a terrible job at convincing the common folk (I.E. me) why they should care about their cause.

Ditto. Well not so much the distance that matters to me, but the history, motives and ideologies of the combatants. It's a tragic situation for sure.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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axlsix3 wrote:
SDG wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you've got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the "He-Man, women's hater club". You and al falfa are kindred spirits.

What can I say other than I strongly disagree with those 'progressives' who thinks the womens belong in a country club and/or classroom.

You would have made a great little rascal.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't, and I generally look at modern protestors as useful idiots.

What I also don't understand is how we (I mean specific to my city in western Canada) can find hundreds of people to shut down major roads/highways in protest of freaking Palestine every week but you know what never sees a protest? The fact that our healthcare system has collapsed and 20% of our province doesn't have access to a doctor. Or that despite declaring a state of emergency over the opioid crisis 8 years ago, we have barely increased our addiction services.

These are issues practically everyone agrees with regardless of party affiliation, and they effect people locally far more than whatever the conflict de jour is in the middle east. We don't even have a significant middle eastern immigrant community here.

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
I haven't, and I generally look at modern protestors as useful idiots.

What I also don't understand is how we (I mean specific to my city in western Canada) can find hundreds of people to shut down major roads/highways in protest of freaking Palestine every week but you know what never sees a protest? The fact that our healthcare system has collapsed and 20% of our province doesn't have access to a doctor. Or that despite declaring a state of emergency over the opioid crisis 8 years ago, we have barely increased our addiction services.

These are issues practically everyone agrees with regardless of party affiliation, and they effect people locally far more than whatever the conflict de jour is in the middle east. We don't even have a significant middle eastern immigrant community here.

Another point I was suggesting in another thread. These "protestors" are simply out for attention, news clicks and selfies. They don't really care about the issue, they just care about getting attention. If otherwise, you might see some protesting for the real things you mentioned that matter to everyone.

Still can't believe how bad the Canadian healthcare system has gotten. I tend to hold it up as a bastion of success when I argue for government run healthcare with my friends here in the US, but not sure that is a viable argument anymore.

Was talking to a friend that just got back from Sweden on a business trip and apparently, they have figured out how to make it work very well.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ike wrote:
I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn't.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.

My dad was a hippie during the Vietnam era. My dad was fully hippied-out with long hair, a fake fur vest, a guitar, and friends who could score weed. He was very attractive to my mom. lol My dad’s uncle died in WWII, and my dad grew up in the house with his grieving grandmother. My dad says he was very afraid of being drafted and killed or killing others in Vietnam, so he enlisted in the marines. Sometimes if you are afraid of being caught, you should turn and run AT the scary thing.

My dad recently wrote a book called, How I Improved the United States Marine Corps. He had an act of protest from within the marines! Initially my dad was in trouble for his protest, but he was exonerated and his commanding officer received punishment.
Last edited by: Barks&Purrs: Apr 30, 24 13:22
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Not to derail this thread but it seems like the fixes for our healthcare system are pretty straightforward.

Implementing them in an overly bureaucratic system with powerful and competing interests, all of whom out their own wants In front of what's actually good for healthcare delivery as a whole, is another story.

Our failure is one of leadership and not necessarily our system of healthcare.

Long Chile was a silly place.
Last edited by: BCtriguy1: Apr 30, 24 10:04
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.[/quote]

I’ve never protested.

My dad was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam war. He attended basic training at Fort Ord in Monterrey. He told a few stories about going to San Francisco and Haight Ashbury during that time. They all thought the hippies would hate the Army dudes, who stood out even in civies. He said it was the opposite; the hippies fawned over them and were very kind and open. The hippies showed a great deal of sympathy to the kids that had been drafted. He never spilled the beans but alluded to the girls being especially …. accommodating to he and his infantry mates.

"In case of flood climb to safety"
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [just jack] [ In reply to ]
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just jack wrote:

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.[/quote]

I’ve never protested.

My dad was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam war. He attended basic training at Fort Ord in Monterrey. He told a few stories about going to San Francisco and Haight Ashbury during that time. They all thought the hippies would hate the Army dudes, who stood out even in civies. He said it was the opposite; the hippies fawned over them and were very kind and open. The hippies showed a great deal of sympathy to the kids that had been drafted. He never spilled the beans but alluded to the girls being especially …. accommodating to he and his infantry mates.[/quote]
My dad claimed to have gotten his draft notice and immediately joined the national guard. I have not idea how that would work. He never left the states.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [just jack] [ In reply to ]
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just jack wrote:

Yeah, not quite, but thanks for playing. Damn hippies were a scourge on society, draft dodging, pot heads.[/quote]

I’ve never protested.

My dad was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam war. He attended basic training at Fort Ord in Monterrey. He told a few stories about going to San Francisco and Haight Ashbury during that time. They all thought the hippies would hate the Army dudes, who stood out even in civies. He said it was the opposite; the hippies fawned over them and were very kind and open. The hippies showed a great deal of sympathy to the kids that had been drafted. He never spilled the beans but alluded to the girls being especially …. accommodating to he and his infantry mates.[/quote]
For some reason that seems so much more believable than the trope of hippies spitting on soldiers.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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There are a lot of stores about Vietnam veterans being poorly treated by the general public, hippies or otherwise. Yes there was pity for those who were drafted, but there was also a national shame at what was seen as wartime atrocities carried about by our troops.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [axlsix3] [ In reply to ]
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axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

Seems to me you have been "sticking it to the man(men)" for decades.

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
We started on the parking lot of the clinic but then had to move over to the lot next door when we were told we could not be in the abortion clinic lot. The youth leaders would talk to girls going into the clinic and try to convince them not to go in. It worked on quite a few. Overall, it was a very peaceful protest and maybe it did stop some girls from having an abortion so perhaps it worked. Dated the girl for three years as well so score one for me.

You only managed to score once in three years? No wonder you need multiple wives.
Last edited by: eb: Apr 30, 24 11:20
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [torrey] [ In reply to ]
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torrey wrote:
There are a lot of stores about Vietnam veterans being poorly treated by the general public, hippies or otherwise. Yes there was pity for those who were drafted, but there was also a national shame at what was seen as wartime atrocities carried about by our troops.

No doubt, but the hippies spitting on vets is nonetheless a trope.

That's incredibly aggressive. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened here or there, but I doubt it was common. SDG makes shit up all the time, and he probably made this up too because he's heard the trope.

Just looked it up.

There's even a Wikipedia page for it.

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

I think 'proper' protests can be more than that. A permitted protest may shut down traffic on major streets and inconvenience commuters on the way home from work. They can be loud, raucous affairs that make the news.

They can also be something like a strike. Those can be peaceful and go beyond being seen, but may interfere with people's way of life - which is kind of the point. It draws attention without necessarily being violent or just holding a sign to be seen.

SDG wrote:
Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

One cynical (but IMO true) answer is the 'safety valve' theory. It's important for people to have a mechanism to vent frustration and anger with the status quo. It may not effect change in the short term, but it may prevent the powder keg from lighting off in a more spectacular way.

And in the longer term (depending on the issue), protest may raise awareness of issues and be part of a larger change of perspective on an issue.

SDG wrote:
. Have you ever protested anything?

Yes. I've taken part in protests that were either officially permitted, or had informal acquiescence of the relevant powers that be. I've never been involved in a violent protest or one that didn't have some level of official recognition of the legitimacy of the event.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I played a lot of “Rock Against...” shows in the early 80s: Against Racism, Homelessness, Hunger, Homophobia, Crack, Reagan, Sexism ... you know who made out? Whose lives got better? Whales ... fucking WHALES survive better now than ANY of those other humans

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you've got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the "He-Man, women's hater club". You and al falfa are kindred spirits.

And AL Bundy had No Ma'am...

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Banter wrote:
I've never protested nor do I have any desire.

From the outside looking in, I really have no idea what the students want in their protests. The storyline is that they are protesting the war in Gaza with Israel/ Palestine. Are they expecting the combatants to stop the war because American students are getting rowdy on their campuses? I suppose I could look it up but I, sadly, really don't care about a war that far away from here nor do I care about any of those college campuses. I feel that the protesters are doing a terrible job at convincing the common folk (I.E. me) why they should care about their cause.

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I protested against protesters in Aotea Square or marching down Queen St. Does that count?

The fuck can New Zealand do about a war in Gaza?
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
Tri-Banter wrote:
I've never protested nor do I have any desire.

From the outside looking in, I really have no idea what the students want in their protests. The storyline is that they are protesting the war in Gaza with Israel/ Palestine. Are they expecting the combatants to stop the war because American students are getting rowdy on their campuses? I suppose I could look it up but I, sadly, really don't care about a war that far away from here nor do I care about any of those college campuses. I feel that the protesters are doing a terrible job at convincing the common folk (I.E. me) why they should care about their cause.

Babylon BEE nails it again. Hilarious and oh so correct.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
Tri-Banter wrote:
I've never protested nor do I have any desire.

From the outside looking in, I really have no idea what the students want in their protests. The storyline is that they are protesting the war in Gaza with Israel/ Palestine. Are they expecting the combatants to stop the war because American students are getting rowdy on their campuses? I suppose I could look it up but I, sadly, really don't care about a war that far away from here nor do I care about any of those college campuses. I feel that the protesters are doing a terrible job at convincing the common folk (I.E. me) why they should care about their cause.

That's pretty funny.

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
I played a lot of “Rock Against...” shows in the early 80s: Against Racism, Homelessness, Hunger, Homophobia, Crack, Reagan, Sexism ... you know who made out? Whose lives got better? Whales ... fucking WHALES survive better now than ANY of those other humans

You clearly didn't rock hard enough
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
torrey wrote:
There are a lot of stores about Vietnam veterans being poorly treated by the general public, hippies or otherwise. Yes there was pity for those who were drafted, but there was also a national shame at what was seen as wartime atrocities carried about by our troops.

No doubt, but the hippies spitting on vets is nonetheless a trope.

That's incredibly aggressive. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened here or there, but I doubt it was common. SDG makes shit up all the time, and he probably made this up too because he's heard the trope.

Just looked it up.

There's even a Wikipedia page for it.


Dang, all these years I have been spitting on hippies to make things even and it isn’t even true.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [schroeder] [ In reply to ]
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I have read that the protests were primarily against the draft and once that was suspended protest activity dropped off. The press up to about 1968 apparently reported largely favorably about the war.

LBJ how many kids have you killed today. So they protested against Nixon and the democrats.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Last edited by: spockman: Apr 30, 24 13:59
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Tri-Banter] [ In reply to ]
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Tri-Banter wrote:
I've never protested nor do I have any desire.

From the outside looking in, I really have no idea what the students want in their protests. The storyline is that they are protesting the war in Gaza with Israel/ Palestine. Are they expecting the combatants to stop the war because American students are getting rowdy on their campuses? I suppose I could look it up but I, sadly, really don't care about a war that far away from here nor do I care about any of those college campuses. I feel that the protesters are doing a terrible job at convincing the common folk (I.E. me) why they should care about their cause.

It seems like less they are doing a bad job and more that you don’t care.

They want their universities to divest from companies associated with Israel’s violent occupation of Palestine.


Which is not historically unprecedented. Students did the same thing to get universities to divest from South Africa. Those protests were basically identical to what we are seeing now.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
SDG wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you've got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the "He-Man, women's hater club". You and al falfa are kindred spirits.

And AL Bundy had No Ma'am...

Are you saying YOU have a problem with Amazonian women?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
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spockman wrote:
I have read that the protests were primarily against the draft and once that was suspended protest activity dropped off. The press up to about 1968 apparently reported largely favorably against the war.

LBJ how many kids have you killed today. So they protested against Nixon and the democrats.

Protests were directed mostly at the war, not the draft. The draft didn't end until 1973. A big turning point in 1968 was Cronkite going to Vietnam and concluding the war had no ending.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
mattbk wrote:
SDG wrote:
axlsix3 wrote:
Subway bumped their footlong sandwich price from $5 to $9.99. I chained myself to door until the manager agreed to knock it down by $2.

The local country club started allowing women to apply for membership. I love the womens but could not stand for this so I chained myself to the door until the manager reverse policy and made it a dude only place.

Those were just 2 recent protests. I may have protested against women teachers in the 70's.

9.99? That was a bargain. Until it gets to $20 a sandwich you've got nothing to worry about.

The little rascals had the "He-Man, women's hater club". You and al falfa are kindred spirits.

And AL Bundy had No Ma'am...

Are you saying YOU have a problem with Amazonian women?

Hell no, was a play on joke to the other "protest" I replied too. It was a silly show from the 90s.

Check out Steven Pressfield's The Last of the Amazons. He is an amazing author for historical military fiction, the level of his accurate historical detail is astonishing in his books. Gates of Fire was my favorite, Virtues of War a close second. He also uncharacteristically wrote The Legend of Bagger Vance, a 1930s golf book come Matt Damon and Will Smith movie directed by Robert Redford. I have only read his historical military fiction, though he has one called Killing Rommel, which is on the British Long Range Desert Group in WWII which has the excruciating task of moving tanks through sand in North Africa... and of course killing Erwin Rommel.

The novel covers Theseus's travels to the lands of the Amazons, his elopement with their war queen Antiope, and the war pursued by the Amazons to recover their queen and honor, which leads them to the walls of Athens and to eventual oblivion as a people. Most of the story is told through a series of interlocked flashbacks and recollections by an Athenian girl, Bones; her governess, the captive Amazon Selene; and Bones's uncle Damon, Selene's lover.
Last edited by: mattbk: Apr 30, 24 14:05
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
RandMart wrote:
I played a lot of “Rock Against...” shows in the early 80s: Against Racism, Homelessness, Hunger, Homophobia, Crack, Reagan, Sexism ... you know who made out? Whose lives got better? Whales ... fucking WHALES survive better now than ANY of those other humans

You clearly didn't rock hard enough

... didn't ROLLINS hard enough !!!

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
Are you saying YOU have a problem with Amazonian women?

As a non-tall person I have throughly enjoyed my adventures with women who had a height advantage over me (the bipolar coke-whore was 5'8"), also women who where about my same height but far more "athletic" in build than myself

Then, there were the dancers - who were another category, altogether

ETA: THIS was my 27,000th Post; thank you, all

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: Apr 30, 24 18:02
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Protested many times - Anti-apartheid, Iraq War and many times since then. Been arrested a few times. Slept in the quad of my school for a month in the 80's. I adore how "putting up tents" gets your panties bunched up. You would have had a difficult time during the 60's ;).
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I don't have much of a protesting bone as I think the first form of protest is stupid and accomplishes nothing and the second form that gets attention is illegal.

I have only been involved in one protest and that was when I a youth. I went to a friends church youth group that picketed an abortion clinic. I didn't care much about abortion at the time but there was a hot girl in my friends churches youth group so there I was holding signs, signing songs and picketing the abortion clinic.

We started on the parking lot of the clinic but then had to move over to the lot next door when we were told we could not be in the abortion clinic lot. The youth leaders would talk to girls going into the clinic and try to convince them not to go in. It worked on quite a few. Overall, it was a very peaceful protest and maybe it did stop some girls from having an abortion so perhaps it worked. Dated the girl for three years as well so score one for me.

never been motivated to ever protest anything else in person and can't imagine getting worked up about something in person.
I'm a bit ashamed to admit...
In my salad days a hot girl could get me to a protest, especially if she didn't protest (wink).
Now that I'm old and wise, nah.

I saw this on a white board in a window box at my daughters middle school...
List of what life owes you:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I don't have much of a protesting bone as I think the first form of protest is stupid and accomplishes nothing and the second form that gets attention is illegal.

I have only been involved in one protest and that was when I a youth. I went to a friends church youth group that picketed an abortion clinic. I didn't care much about abortion at the time but there was a hot girl in my friends churches youth group so there I was holding signs, signing songs and picketing the abortion clinic.

We started on the parking lot of the clinic but then had to move over to the lot next door when we were told we could not be in the abortion clinic lot. The youth leaders would talk to girls going into the clinic and try to convince them not to go in. It worked on quite a few. Overall, it was a very peaceful protest and maybe it did stop some girls from having an abortion so perhaps it worked. Dated the girl for three years as well so score one for me.

never been motivated to ever protest anything else in person and can't imagine getting worked up about something in person.

I guess for these students and others protesting, its a genocide. I know some will say its not, but what they (the protestors) see happening is a genocide, or at the very least ethnic cleansing. The starvation, the destruction, the loss of life. Its pretty horrific regardless and they have a strong urge to do something. I think if the United States turned Kabul into a "Gaza" and then went on to do the same thing to dozens of other Afghan cities and villages after 9/11 to destroy the Taliban, would it be wrong to protest against that?

I mean, if you were alive during WWII, how would you protest against the Holocaust if you knew it was happening? Do something "quiet and out of the way"?
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I agree - and whether you agree with it or not, many independce movements have succeeded out of a violent struggle - one persons freedom fighter is another person terrorist

the protests on Gaza are a mixed bag with probably a disproportionate and overrepresented minority of anti-semites

I suspect more are anti-zionist / israel but we are seeing a lot of anti semitism

we are also seeing a lot of islamophobia

I am interested to see how this all plays out this time
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [tri_kid] [ In reply to ]
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tri_kid wrote:

I mean, if you were alive during WWII, how would you protest against the Holocaust if you knew it was happening? Do something "quiet and out of the way"?

I think a more apt analogy would be would you protest against the United States' genocidal bombing of German and Japanese civilians.

Leaving aside in this case almost no one protesting is actually an Israeli or a Palestinian, whereas in the WWII context someone protesting in the US would be the equivalent of an Israeli protesting today. Not to mention, I don't think you can make much of an argument that in WWII the US govt. and other institutions were supporting the Nazi or Japanese regimes, so I'm not sure what you would be protesting against in the US in regards to the Holocaust?
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
I haven't, and I generally look at modern protestors as useful idiots.

What I also don't understand is how we (I mean specific to my city in western Canada) can find hundreds of people to shut down major roads/highways in protest of freaking Palestine every week but you know what never sees a protest? The fact that our healthcare system has collapsed and 20% of our province doesn't have access to a doctor. Or that despite declaring a state of emergency over the opioid crisis 8 years ago, we have barely increased our addiction services.

These are issues practically everyone agrees with regardless of party affiliation, and they effect people locally far more than whatever the conflict de jour is in the middle east. We don't even have a significant middle eastern immigrant community here.

Our local hospital has a catchment area of 100,000 people. In the space of 6 months we have had one of our two ents announce they are leaving for greener pastures. Ie more money. Never liked the guy he was here only for a year and seemed most interested in jacking his income by charging pts for things he shouldn't be. One of our two urologists announced he is leaving just 4 months after recruiting urologist number two. Urologist number two is fresh out of residency and has to be pulling his hair out because I am sure he wouldn't have agreed to have come had he known this is coming. Our chief of staff had to resign that role because his wife filed a restraining order against him. A year ago we just had our only neurologist come back after a one year suspension for assaulting his wife.

In the past 4 months I have taken on 20 really elderly folks because their docs retired. I am currently on three days of holidays but will spend half of it catching up on things. I could retire from family practice and make a nice income just assisting in the OR. But who would see my patients. Yeah Canada!

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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Andrewmc wrote:
I agree - and whether you agree with it or not, many independce movements have succeeded out of a violent struggle - one persons freedom fighter is another person terrorist

the protests on Gaza are a mixed bag with probably a disproportionate and overrepresented minority of anti-semites

I suspect more are anti-zionist / israel but we are seeing a lot of anti semitism

we are also seeing a lot of islamophobia

I am interested to see how this all plays out this time

I suspect that the violence I’m hearing about is from agitators who have no real interest in anyone’s rights. The amount of mindless aggression and general stupidity in America has consequences— shitty people feel emboldened to be violent. Anyone engaging in violence has no honest or upstanding intentions or motivations.

I think the honest protestors will quickly disassemble and take their efforts to influence policy elsewhere.

Meanwhile MAGA will continue to promote violence. They will end up on the wrong side of the law AGAIN.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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B.McMaster wrote:
SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.

I'm sure most of that money is a government loan. Next they will protest to have it forgiven.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
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AutomaticJack wrote:
B.McMaster wrote:
SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.

I'm sure most of that money is a government loan. Next they will protest to have it forgiven.

I'd think a lot of those kids' parents are footing the bill at Ivy League schools.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
B.McMaster wrote:
SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.

I'm sure most of that money is a government loan. Next they will protest to have it forgiven.

I'd think a lot of those kids' parents are footing the bill at Ivy League schools.

Regardless, learning the limits to free speech is a good and valuable life lesson. Jan6 rioters might have advice for college rioters.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
I'm not sure what you would be protesting against in the US in regards to the Holocaust?

Arguably, the U.S. isolationism that was in fashion at the time, championed by Woodrow Wilson. Standing by and watching as Jewish people were rounded up and killed. Then as Poland, Norway, Denmark, Britain, Russia, and France were invaded. Concentration camps started around 1934. The attack on Pearl Harbor was late in 1941. A long time to sit on our hands when we knew what was going on.

Yes, multiple ironies with today's protests. But there was arguably ample rationale to protest against the (IMO) pleasant fictions of isolationism. Still alive today with the Trumpian isolationism and Bernie-style isolationism.

To answer the OP. Yes, but not in the context of mass public protest. Trail doesn't do crowds/mobs. I protest through letter-writing. fwiw. With one exception. I participated in a protest/vigil after a right-wing attack on a local synagogue. (my in-person introduction to antifa). I was there more for the vigil part.
Last edited by: trail: May 1, 24 7:31
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I did my doctorate at Oregon State. We were unionized, as was the U of O. When their grad students went on strike, I went over and picketed with them. They won. :-) I was glad to be a part of it.

I don't know if I've protested aside from that. I have a long list of things I boycott, however - locally and nationally. I think I made a thread about that once.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
I'm not sure what you would be protesting against in the US in regards to the Holocaust?

Arguably, the U.S. isolationism that was in fashion at the time, championed by Woodrow Wilson. Standing by and watching as Jewish people were rounded up and killed. Then as Poland, Norway, Denmark, Britain, Russia, and France were invaded. Concentration camps started around 1934. The attack on Pearl Harbor was late in 1941. A long time to sit on our hands when we knew what was going on.

Yes, multiple ironies with today's protests. But there was arguably ample rationale to protest against the (IMO) pleasant fictions of isolationism. Still alive today with the Trumpian isolationism and Bernie-style isolationism.

To answer the OP. Yes, but not in the context of mass public protest. Trail doesn't do crowds/mobs. I protest through letter-writing. fwiw. With one exception. I participated in a protest/vigil after a right-wing attack on a local synagogue. (my in-person introduction to antifa). I was there more for the vigil part.

Good point, I guess I was thinking about once we were in it to win it.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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Andrewmc wrote:
I agree - and whether you agree with it or not, many independce movements have succeeded out of a violent struggle - one persons freedom fighter is another person terrorist

An example of a violent independence movement that killed innocent civilians is, ironically enough, the Zionist movement that fought for a Jewish state of Israel.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Dr. Tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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When I was a sophomore at USNA, the administration "updated" the rules for Midshipman privileges, and removed or curtailed a lot of the things we were scheduled to receive as we moved up through the ranks. Freshmen got almost no privileges, Seniors got a bunch, and it was laid out in graduated steps in between. Things like the amount of time we could spend off campus, permission to wear civilian clothes, etc.

The administration announced the changes in an official message that laid out the specific privileges authorized at each year level. Someone edited up a version of the official message announcing the changes, and everywhere it listed the changes to privileges our class was going to have, it just took out the official language and said "Class of '97 gets fucked over." They sent that via e-mail, and it bounced around, getting forwarded by people as they got it and found it funny. I was one of those who forwarded it. That mild form of protest over a pretty dumb set of administration policies landed me and a dozen or so other Midshipmen in the Battalion Commander's office being interrogated about the origin of the e-mail. That knucklehead actually had the stones to try to tell us that, if this was wartime, we'd be standing trial for mutiny.

Not sure if that counts as actual "protest," but I doubt anyone else here has protested something and been accused of a committing a hanging offense.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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B.McMaster wrote:
SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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I have a few college aged kids. At two of their colleges, they have had zero protests. Way to go school and students.

At the other school, my son texted with a laugh emoji saying the freaks were out protesting. He pointed out it's always the ugly, fat, purple hair, nose ring girls that get involved in this stuff. Not a single good-looking person to be seen anywhere around therm.

I told him to go up and laugh at them and then just move along. He asked what he should do if someone tried to prevent him from getting to class. Told him to push his way through and the second someone did more than simply nudge him, knock the shit out of them. You want to play the game, you have to ready to pay the consequences.

He came last night laughing about it and no one tried to prevent him from moving around campus.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

Neither is being full of shit.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

Neither is being full of shit.

I think these fat ass ugly girls were also full of shit as their asses were all big. Cheap looking clothes, way too many ear piercings, lots of tattoos, smoking and just total freaks. Who let's their kids grow up to look and dress like that? Do you?

Man, what a scene for the normal kids to be exposed to these freaks. I guess we will need baristas of the future to keep our coffee coming so there is a place for them in the future.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

My kids think for themselves.

It drives me crazy.

SDG you have done a great job training little conformists.

You should be proud!
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 1, 24 12:22
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Was he out walking at UCLA last night?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Velocibuddha] [ In reply to ]
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Velocibuddha wrote:
SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

My kids think for themselves.

It drives me crazy.

SDG you have done a great job training little conformists.

You should be proud!

Damn straight I am. I tend to not want my kids thinking for themselves when they are young and impressionable. If they think its a good idea to touch a hot stove, I say don't do that. If they think its a good idea to walk around in traffic, I tell them its not. If they think its a good idea to do Crack, I tell them not to do it.

If they thought it was a good idea to have purple hair, be a fat ass and dismiss their physical health, wear a nose ring, cover themselves with tatoos and be an attention whore and fall for anything that comes along to make them think they are helping the "oppresed" of the world,. I will tell them they are idiots. So far, my kids are pretty good at making decisions when I let them. Two college D1 athletes, one getting a degree in economics with a job waiting after graduation. All much smarter than me academically.

My one son let his facial hair grow out all straggly and stupid looking for a few months because his GF liked it. He tends to love the Latina girls and she said it was great on him. In reality, he looked like a homeless loser thug. I told him he looked like a homeless loser and if ever planned to get a job he may want to think about how he presents himself to future employers. He cut his facial hair the next week. Guess what, the girl still likes him and all is good. Win win.

I crack up at the people that say we are letting our kids make their own decisions and fiture things out. Really, then why the F**k did you decide to become a parent in the first place if you were going to let the kid raise himself?

We have too many kids on these colleges campuses right now whose parents let their kids figure it out on their own. They are the idiots currently protesting and breaking shit and threatening jewish kids.
Last edited by: SDG: May 1, 24 12:34
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [oldandslow] [ In reply to ]
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oldandslow wrote:
Was he out walking at UCLA last night?

No, but we did see that kid on TV and talked about him. It was what actually brought up his question. I suggested the kid on TV should have powered through the idiots and if one of them grabbed him, he then punch them in the face. Hence, that was my advice to my kid.

That kid at UCLA is making a name for himself. I have seen him on two talking head shows and he was giving a speech on campus last night in some other news clip.

But, he should have plowed through the protestors. They have no right to block you from going to class.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [oldandslow] [ In reply to ]
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oldandslow wrote:
I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

My kids think for themselves.

It drives me crazy.

SDG you have done a great job training little conformists.

You should be proud!

Damn straight I am. I tend to not want my kids thinking for themselves when they are young and impressionable. If they think its a good idea to touch a hot stove, I say don't do that. If they think its a good idea to walk around in traffic, I tell them its not. If they think its a good idea to do Crack, I tell them not to do it.

If they thought it was a good idea to have purple hair, be a fat ass and dismiss their physical health, wear a nose ring, cover themselves with tatoos and be an attention whore and fall for anything that comes along to make them think they are helping the "oppresed" of the world,. I will tell them they are idiots. So far, my kids are pretty good at making decisions when I let them. Two college D1 athletes, one getting a degree in economics with a job waiting after graduation. All much smarter than me academically.

My one son let his facial hair grow out all straggly and stupid looking for a few months because his GF liked it. He tends to love the Latina girls and she said it was great on him. In reality, he looked like a homeless loser thug. I told him he looked like a homeless loser and if ever planned to get a job he may want to think about how he presents himself to future employers. He cut his facial hair the next week. Guess what, the girl still likes him and all is good. Win win.

I crack up at the people that say we are letting our kids make their own decisions and fiture things out. Really, then why the F**k did you decide to become a parent in the first place if you were going to let the kid raise himself?

We have too many kids on these colleges campuses right now whose parents let their kids figure it out on their own. They are the idiots currently protesting and breaking shit and threatening jewish kids.

They are free to do exactly what their parents and superiors tell them to do.

As their parents, were free to do exactly what their parents and superiors told them

Now back to work SDG.

Those status symbols aren't going to pay for themselves.
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 1, 24 12:52
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
B.McMaster wrote:
SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.

I'm sure most of that money is a government loan. Next they will protest to have it forgiven.

I'd think a lot of those kids' parents are footing the bill at Ivy League schools.

Regardless, learning the limits to free speech is a good and valuable life lesson. Jan6 rioters might have advice for college rioters.

Not at $66,139 (per quick google search) when some-one else is footing the bill. Hopefully their little "life lesson" comes with a harsh dose of reality that 66,139 is not something to just piss away. You are at school to earn a degree. In a sense its your job, but some-one is paying for it. Protest when you are supporting yourself - not when some-one else is support you.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
oldandslow wrote:
Was he out walking at UCLA last night?

No, but we did see that kid on TV and talked about him. It was what actually brought up his question. I suggested the kid on TV should have powered through the idiots and if one of them grabbed him, he then punch them in the face. Hence, that was my advice to my kid.

That kid at UCLA is making a name for himself. I have seen him on two talking head shows and he was giving a speech on campus last night in some other news clip.

But, he should have plowed through the protestors. They have no right to block you from going to class.

What kid, what clip? You might need to post a link. I was referring to the major unrest last night. Did you see any of that?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [oldandslow] [ In reply to ]
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oldandslow wrote:
SDG wrote:
oldandslow wrote:
Was he out walking at UCLA last night?

No, but we did see that kid on TV and talked about him. It was what actually brought up his question. I suggested the kid on TV should have powered through the idiots and if one of them grabbed him, he then punch them in the face. Hence, that was my advice to my kid.

That kid at UCLA is making a name for himself. I have seen him on two talking head shows and he was giving a speech on campus last night in some other news clip.

But, he should have plowed through the protestors. They have no right to block you from going to class.

What kid, what clip? You might need to post a link. I was referring to the major unrest last night. Did you see any of that?

you can find it on google pretty easy. Video shows anti-Israel protesters block Jewish student from getting to class; UCLA responds (msn.com)

I saw NYPD cops arresting some idiots at Columbia and loading them into busses.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [B.McMaster] [ In reply to ]
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B.McMaster wrote:
Barks&Purrs wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
AutomaticJack wrote:
B.McMaster wrote:
SDG wrote:
These idiots on these college campuses got me to thinking about protesting in general. We have a right to protest but it must be done properly. Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Or is that definition of protesting unrealistic for affecting any real change? If your protest is quiet, out of the way, non violent, and does not interfere with anyone, what is the point?

For example, I suggest the college kids have a right to sit on the lawn, hold signs, chant quietly and have conversations all day about what they believe in. They don't have a right to put up tents, block kids from going to class, graffiti up the school, shout in people's faces, storm buildings, destruct property. However, the first type of protest gets little attention where the second forces folks to pay attention. The second form is not protected, and those folks should be arrested, however. Therein lies the problem for the protestor.

I suggest college kids go to class and learn something. I feel really bad for those parents that spent a LOT of money to send their kid to these Ivy league schools to have their kid suspended the week before finals. I'm guessing they don't get a refund.

That's an expensive decision by the kids to make when some-one else is footing the bill.

I'm sure most of that money is a government loan. Next they will protest to have it forgiven.

I'd think a lot of those kids' parents are footing the bill at Ivy League schools.

Regardless, learning the limits to free speech is a good and valuable life lesson. Jan6 rioters might have advice for college rioters.

Not at $66,139 (per quick google search) when some-one else is footing the bill. Hopefully their little "life lesson" comes with a harsh dose of reality that 66,139 is not something to just piss away. You are at school to earn a degree. In a sense its your job, but some-one is paying for it. Protest when you are supporting yourself - not when some-one else is support you.

That’s something parents will have to work out with their kids, and it’s none of my business. I am
not overly concerned with it. If they haven’t sorted it out by the time the kid goes to college, then these kids (and their parents) will quickly get up to speed.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
oldandslow wrote:
SDG wrote:
oldandslow wrote:
Was he out walking at UCLA last night?

No, but we did see that kid on TV and talked about him. It was what actually brought up his question. I suggested the kid on TV should have powered through the idiots and if one of them grabbed him, he then punch them in the face. Hence, that was my advice to my kid.

That kid at UCLA is making a name for himself. I have seen him on two talking head shows and he was giving a speech on campus last night in some other news clip.

But, he should have plowed through the protestors. They have no right to block you from going to class.

What kid, what clip? You might need to post a link. I was referring to the major unrest last night. Did you see any of that?

you can find it on google pretty easy. Video shows anti-Israel protesters block Jewish student from getting to class; UCLA responds (msn.com)

I saw NYPD cops arresting some idiots at Columbia and loading them into busses.

That's easy, they should definitely have let the student through (minus 3 points for protesters, as windy would say). What about last night, any comments?


Last edited by: oldandslow: May 1, 24 13:24
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.

They took people in custody and know which ones are students vs non students. They climbed a ladder and a team entered and cleared the building making many arrests. Cute deflection though. Your "evidence" on these protests has been extremely weak in multiple threads and tantamount to either incompetence or deceptive lying.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Velocibuddha] [ In reply to ]
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Velocibuddha wrote:
SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

My kids think for themselves.

It drives me crazy.

SDG you have done a great job training little conformists.

You should be proud!

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.

They took people in custody and know which ones are students vs non students. They climbed a ladder and a team entered and cleared the building making many arrests. Cute deflection though. Your "evidence" on these protests has been extremely weak in multiple threads and tantamount to either incompetence or deceptive lying.

Just to be clear you are saying we should believe this organization that is either lying or incompetent?

Because I don’t see why we should believe an organization that is either lying or incompetent.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.

They took people in custody and know which ones are students vs non students. They climbed a ladder and a team entered and cleared the building making many arrests. Cute deflection though. Your "evidence" on these protests has been extremely weak in multiple threads and tantamount to either incompetence or deceptive lying.

Just to be clear you are saying we should believe this organization that is either lying or incompetent?

Because I don’t see why we should believe an organization that is either lying or incompetent.

I believe you and the students and their professional handlers are the incompetent liars. So yes, we should not believe them.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [oldandslow] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

Dealing with the protests and college campuses, how are these kids studying for finals? arnt they going to fail? How long are the protests going to last? Cant the private schools just tell the kids if they are trespassing they are going to be kicked out of school?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.

They took people in custody and know which ones are students vs non students. They climbed a ladder and a team entered and cleared the building making many arrests. Cute deflection though. Your "evidence" on these protests has been extremely weak in multiple threads and tantamount to either incompetence or deceptive lying.

Just to be clear you are saying we should believe this organization that is either lying or incompetent?

Because I don’t see why we should believe an organization that is either lying or incompetent.

I believe you and the students and their professional handlers are the incompetent liars. So yes, we should not believe them.

Ok, I presented evidence.

Can you present any evidence?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

The current protestors would probably weight heavily on there being an idea of no moral absolutes more likely in favor of "openness" and moral relativity particularly as it pertains to the human body. However the Israeli campaign against Hamas there is no moral ambiguity there Colombia and the other universities must condemn it and divest from Israel. Yet their objection to absolutism would not so much be that the premises advanced are wrong rather it is wrong in of it self to be "closed minded"

I heard an interview with Salmon Rushdie yesterday and he thinks the young are the least likely to vigorously be free speech defenders. He said, "It is mainly old fogies like me who vigorously defend free speech"

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
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spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Cheap looking clothes, way too many ear piercings, lots of tattoos, smoking and just total freaks. Who let's their kids grow up to look and dress like that? Do you?

Man, what a scene for the normal kids to be exposed to these freaks. I guess we will need baristas of the future to keep our coffee coming so there is a place for them in the future.

Fuck the Normies; Normies do NOT like change which is why things STAY fucked up - it's in their better interest than having to deal with "us"

It's the Freaks & Weirdos who say "I don't think this is right" and try doing something about it

If they were alive today, Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would've been best buddies in Physics Club

As I've said before, according to my daughter NOT having any tattoos is the most Punk Rock thing I've ever done (or NOT done, as the case may be)

But, I had orange hair and piercings and wore thrift store clothes (because we were on welfare; although we lived in Haddonfield, which was REALLY fucked up - but that's a whole OTHER story)

Question: would you consider a clean-cut straight-edge kid in who worked as an admin in a law firm by day but was in a Hardcore Punk band in their off-time Normal or Freak? Suppose they were non-binary, just to make it interesting?

Trying to parse out where your prejudices lie

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: RandMart: May 1, 24 16:18
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

That’s not what he said, is it? He said the confusing part is the dichotomy between likely being all for free speech and presumably being against Jordan Peterson speaking on campus.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

That’s not what he said, is it? He said the confusing part is the dichotomy between likely being all for free speech and presumably being against Jordan Peterson speaking on campus.

What evidence for “likely being all for feee speech”?

They are protesting for change in school policy, that applies to both cases.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
slowguy wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

That’s not what he said, is it? He said the confusing part is the dichotomy between likely being all for free speech and presumably being against Jordan Peterson speaking on campus.

What evidence for “likely being all for feee speech”?

They are protesting for change in school policy, that applies to both cases.

Well that’s a separate question, and I’m not here to defend his presumption about their free speech stance.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
slowguy wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

That’s not what he said, is it? He said the confusing part is the dichotomy between likely being all for free speech and presumably being against Jordan Peterson speaking on campus.

What evidence for “likely being all for feee speech”?

They are protesting for change in school policy, that applies to both cases.

So are you saying the anti Israel protestors disagree with the principle of free speech. That if Jewish students wanted to advocate for the Israeli gov'ts policy they would say, "They have no right to do that?" That they want the school policy to be Jordan Peterson should not be allowed to speak on campus and that's okay? That school policy is that we get to decide who does and does not get to speak?

Because I think the whole basis of them being allowed to camp out and protest is the idea of free speech. They would be sawing off the branch they are sitting on.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.

They took people in custody and know which ones are students vs non students. They climbed a ladder and a team entered and cleared the building making many arrests. Cute deflection though. Your "evidence" on these protests has been extremely weak in multiple threads and tantamount to either incompetence or deceptive lying.

Just to be clear you are saying we should believe this organization that is either lying or incompetent?

Because I don’t see why we should believe an organization that is either lying or incompetent.

I believe you and the students and their professional handlers are the incompetent liars. So yes, we should not believe them.

Ok, I presented evidence.

Can you present any evidence?

It's been all over live news all fucking day. You are calling the "evidence" lies though. I dont do other people's easy research for them. But you are here in bad faith, and I at least hope you know that. If I'm bored at work tomorrow I may do your own research for you, but only for the readers here as no bit of real evidence will sway your conviction.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
slowguy wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

That’s not what he said, is it? He said the confusing part is the dichotomy between likely being all for free speech and presumably being against Jordan Peterson speaking on campus.

What evidence for “likely being all for feee speech”?

They are protesting for change in school policy, that applies to both cases.

So are you saying the anti Israel protestors disagree with the principle of free speech. That if Jewish students wanted to advocate for the Israeli gov'ts policy they would say, "They have no right to do that?" That they want the school policy to be Jordan Peterson should not be allowed to speak on campus and that's okay? That school policy is that we get to decide who does and does not get to speak?

Because I think the whole basis of them being allowed to camp out and protest is the idea of free speech. They would be sawing off the branch they are sitting on.

The "free speech" terrorist supporters only support their speech, not other views that may be opposing.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

They only sent the NYPD in after the protestors broke into Hamilton Hall and blockaded themselves inside. What should have been the schools response? I would have sent the police in, had the protestors arrested and if they were students, expelled them from the school.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
oldandslow wrote:

I wonder how many of the extremists are even college students? It appears that the anarchists who took over the building in Columbia did not even go to school there.

My kid goes to USC. Most of the protesters were students, and now they all are. This is especially true as the false meme "all of them are non-students!" took hold and became the primary criticism of the protests.

That is the same thing the students and some faculty said about Columbia. However after actions were take the police who made arrests, the school execs, and Eric Adams announced otherwise, saying there were very many non students there. The Columbia protesters screamed it wasn't true and stick by the all students untruth. The student protesters are either lying of just foolish. Or some of both. There are ads on fucking Craigslist like during the BLM riots to recruit outsiders.

The evidence that they were not students is this:

Deputy Commissioner Tarik Sheppard shows the chains used to secure Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

"This is not what students bring to school. This is what professionals bring to campuses and universities."


Of course the bike lock that the NYPD was presenting as evidence of outside “professionals”, is actually a bike lock Columbia actually sells to students at a discount:


Then a reporter pointed out to the NYPD this fact and they just kept pretending this was some crazy thing, even though she was though them university website that shows the discount:


So I think we should question the NYPDs statements here, they are either totally incompetent or liars. And neither are something we should trust.

They took people in custody and know which ones are students vs non students. They climbed a ladder and a team entered and cleared the building making many arrests. Cute deflection though. Your "evidence" on these protests has been extremely weak in multiple threads and tantamount to either incompetence or deceptive lying.

Just to be clear you are saying we should believe this organization that is either lying or incompetent?

Because I don’t see why we should believe an organization that is either lying or incompetent.

I believe you and the students and their professional handlers are the incompetent liars. So yes, we should not believe them.

Ok, I presented evidence.

Can you present any evidence?

It's been all over live news all fucking day. You are calling the "evidence" lies though. I dont do other people's easy research for them. But you are here in bad faith, and I at least hope you know that. If I'm bored at work tomorrow I may do your own research for you, but only for the readers here as no bit of real evidence will sway your conviction.

Ok, your evidence is claims by NYPD. NYPD’s evidence is that they found a bike lock that the university recommends and sells to students as evidence there were professionals involved.

Can you explain how a bike lock that the university sells to students is evidence of non-student involvement? Since you apparently agree. This should be easy to explain.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattr] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattr wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

They only sent the NYPD in after the protestors broke into Hamilton Hall and blockaded themselves inside. What should have been the schools response? I would have sent the police in, had the protestors arrested and if they were students, expelled them from the school.

So you are saying Columbia was right in 1968 to send the cops on students that blockade led themselves in Hamilton hall, even though the university says that was wrong in retrospect?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattr wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

They only sent the NYPD in after the protestors broke into Hamilton Hall and blockaded themselves inside. What should have been the schools response? I would have sent the police in, had the protestors arrested and if they were students, expelled them from the school.

So you are saying Columbia was right in 1968 to send the cops on students that blockade led themselves in Hamilton hall, even though the university says that was wrong in retrospect?

Whether the current administration says it was wrong in retrospect doesn't seem to be the be all and end all about whether it was justified. I wouldn't have much confidence in their opinion they seem to be the same group that doesn't know what the heck to do with the current situation.

In 1968 the situation was a bit of a powder keg. The university at the time feared student on student violence. The "Majority Coalition" had blocked the Low LIbrary where the white student group was protesting. It looked like there was going to be violence between the protestors and counter protestors. In fact there was when they stopped supplies from getting in. The Majority Committee agreed to back down if the university did something. So they left. If the university did nothing they may well have been back. The police were able to clear the black students from Hamilton hall without any violence and even had black officers etc to help. The black students had earlier got the white activists to leave Hamilton hall because they didn't want violence and destruction of records to cast them into disrepute. They didn't trust the white student organization to act like adults it seems. When the the police tried to clear the white protestor group things got violent. I'd say the white student group was not non violent. A NYPD officer was permanently injured when a student jumped onto him from a second floor window breaking his back. The following day student protestors continued battling officers armed with sticks.

A faction of the white student group protestors (the SDS) with others formed the weather underground which subsequently bombed gov't buildings. Including the Capital Building (which seems like a bad thing) and the Pentagon.

Things went better at Notre Dame


They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
Ok, your evidence is claims by NYPD. NYPD’s evidence is that they found a bike lock that the university recommends and sells to students as evidence there were professionals involved.

Can you explain how a bike lock that the university sells to students is evidence of non-student involvement? Since you apparently agree. This should be easy to explain.

Multiple media outlets, including NYT, are reporting that there were non-students participating. For example, there is video/photos of Lisa Fithian, described as a 63 year-old professional protester in attendance, with accounts that she gets paid to teach students how to protest. She describes herself as a “nonviolent direct action trainer.”



(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
I guess one other thing is in the 60s the general mass of the population had some sense or respect even awe of the universities as a place where young people could gain wisdom.

Among average people these days I think a university is seen as a place where one can gain the education and credentials to get a good job but not much else. You got into Harvard, great you will make bank. So the social wisdom of the faculty or the students doesn't count for much.

The universities in America seem to have capitulated in the 60s and 70s as much as those in Germany in the 30s to popular opinion. In one case it was the left and the other the right.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
spockman wrote:
I guess one other thing is in the 60s the general mass of the population had some sense or respect even awe of the universities as a place where young people could gain wisdom.

Among average people these days I think a university is seen as a place where one can gain the education and credentials to get a good job but not much else. You got into Harvard, great you will make bank. So the social wisdom of the faculty or the students doesn't count for much. .

Unfortunate side effect of insistence that every child should get a college degree. At some point, if everyone gets something, it’s no longer a sign of anything special.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

I agree that there is ample evidence that there have been outside agitators involved and they actively trying to enflame the situation but they are hardly all "Pro-Hamas". For example this guy, who called Muslims the N-Word while spitting and assaulting them at UCLA, clearly isn't "pro-Hamas". He also is not a UCLA student.

Last night Jewish "protestors" attacked the encampment at UCLA. They chanted "Second Nakba!" while they did it. For those who do not know what that means.

Nakba - Wikipedia
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [svennn] [ In reply to ]
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svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

People seem to take the most extreme examples that end up in the media, often only at elite or very left wing schools, as what is typical. Not to mention in my experience there is a huge emphasis on critical thinking skills (the how, not the what).

Why don't we hold up what goes on at places like Liberty University as the problem with Universities these days?

In me experience the real problem at Universities is that they've gone from a place to get a liberal education to places you go to after high school so you can get a better paying job. Relatively few students are here because they are interested in learning.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

I form my opinion on feedback I get from having a son in college, daughter in public HS, and a wife who has worked in the public school system for 27 years.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [svennn] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
svennn wrote:
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

I form my opinion on feedback I get from having a son in college, daughter in public HS, and a wife who has worked in the public school system for 27 years.

What sort of classes is your son taking where they tell him what to think?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [svennn] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
svennn wrote:
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

I form my opinion on feedback I get from having a son in college, daughter in public HS, and a wife who has worked in the public school system for 27 years.

What have they told you about this indoctrination program?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

I form my opinion on feedback I get from having a son in college, daughter in public HS, and a wife who has worked in the public school system for 27 years.

What have they told you about this indoctrination program?

My son's high school social studies teacher had all kinds of right wing conservative views. He told them stuff like women had no place in the military. Does that qualify as telling them what to think or is it just exposure to a conservative person?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [oldandslow] [ In reply to ]
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I am in Europe currently. The lead story on Sky this morning was the events at UCLA. When the cops started moving in they broke away from an interview to provide live coverage. Granted Sky is Murdoch owned but the other channels were also covering the chaos.

The Euros love stories of Americans behaving badly.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
slowguy wrote:
spockman wrote:
I guess one other thing is in the 60s the general mass of the population had some sense or respect even awe of the universities as a place where young people could gain wisdom.

Among average people these days I think a university is seen as a place where one can gain the education and credentials to get a good job but not much else. You got into Harvard, great you will make bank. So the social wisdom of the faculty or the students doesn't count for much. .

Unfortunate side effect of insistence that every child should get a college degree. At some point, if everyone gets something, it’s no longer a sign of anything special.

Is that right? Are you sure about all that?

I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say these ideas —that college education is primarily valuable for attaining a job, not for enriching the student’s life.

I have also never heard anyone say college education is a special treat that should be reserved for only special people. Or that too many people at college devalue the educational, enrichment or career opportunities.

By the way, I have also never heard anyone insist that every child go to college. I have only ever heard a ruckus made to encourage first generation college students. The egalitarian principle at play is not that every child must go but rather every child must have the opportunity, if they want to take out loans, work while in school, etc, etc.

Speaking of gaining wisdom, my youngest told me that it’s good for people to go out into the world & speak to new people & experience new things so that they have an understanding of reality.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

Long Chile was a silly place.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

This may come as a shock to you, but all those MAGA nut bags have just as many information resources available to them. However, they, like students, are heavily influenced by the people and authoritative voices surrounding them everyday, which is how they end up with very specific viewpoints despite such and abundance of info. Places like schools, where one segment of people are set up as being authoritative and with power to show the environment, discussion, rules for dialogue, etc. definitely can lend itself to forming the way kids who are still relatively easily influenced think about the world.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
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Barks&Purrs wrote:
Speaking of gaining wisdom, my youngest told me that it’s good for people to go out into the world & speak to new people & experience new things so that they have an understanding of reality.

Someone's been listening/reading Henry Rollins, I see?

That's good parenting

Granted, Henry (now) has the wherewithal to go pretty much anywhere he wants, but starting small, and just getting out of your town, your state, your comfort zone, is a good start; wanting to do so, is even more important

When D'Wife & I took our honeymoon on Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, we knew no one who's ever been there before; we just picked a spot where people would say "Where? I've never heard of that!!! It must've been so cool!!!"

So, we really had ZERO backup if it became an Adventure ("When everything goes wrong, that's when adventure begins" - Yvon Chouinard)

It did not - over our ten days there we met quite a few people from all over Europe, which we never had done before

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
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chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [svennn] [ In reply to ]
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svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

Who gave this training and what text was used?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [svennn] [ In reply to ]
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svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [slowguy] [ In reply to ]
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slowguy wrote:
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

This may come as a shock to you, but all those MAGA nut bags have just as many information resources available to them. However, they, like students, are heavily influenced by the people and authoritative voices surrounding them everyday, which is how they end up with very specific viewpoints despite such and abundance of info. Places like schools, where one segment of people are set up as being authoritative and with power to show the environment, discussion, rules for dialogue, etc. definitely can lend itself to forming the way kids who are still relatively easily influenced think about the world.

I understand that authority was an important thing where you went to school but the idea that kids are becoming liberals because they are being mass brain washed by teachers is fantasy, especially in high school. Kids are more influenced by TikTok than any of their teachers.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
mattbk wrote:

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

I agree that there is ample evidence that there have been outside agitators involved and they actively trying to enflame the situation but they are hardly all "Pro-Hamas". For example this guy, who called Muslims the N-Word while spitting and assaulting them at UCLA, clearly isn't "pro-Hamas". He also is not a UCLA student.

Last night Jewish "protestors" attacked the encampment at UCLA. They chanted "Second Nakba!" while they did it. For those who do not know what that means.

Nakba - Wikipedia

I admit I use the "pro-Hamas" as a bit of an antagonizing phrase since it has been seen and is a part of these protests turned riots. However the protestors are pushing for the Hamas demands, that Israel be abolished and it become a one state solution with no Israel. CNN interviewed a Jewish student who wanted to support anti war protests but couldnt be involved due to the Hamas oriented goal of one state with obliteration of Israel, citing the intifada against Israel rhetoric as keeping her firmly away. Hell, I showed in the other thread that the USC valedictorian's speech was cancelled because she is pushing for a one state solution that requires the obliteration of the state of Israel. These are not pro Palestine, but pro Hamas views. Reasonable protest would tell the Palestinians to rise up against their real oppressor's and fight Hamas to liberate themselves.

And the outside agitators argument from Chaparral is over now that the NYPD had made arrests and been able to actual put out some stats:

Roughly half of the 282 total people arrested at Columbia and CCNY were not affiliated with the schools, NYPD says
From CNN's John Miller
Out of the total 282 people arrested at both Columbia University and the City College of New York on Tuesday, 134 individuals were not affiliated with either school, according to a New York Police Department official who shared the breakdown with CNN. The remaining 148 individuals did have an affiliation with one of the two universities.
Broken down by school, the numbers skew a bit differently — 80 people arrested at Columbia did have an affiliation with the Ivy League university, while only 32 did not, according to the official. Those numbers represent arrests both inside and outside Hamilton Hall.
At CCNY, the breakdown was flipped —102 people arrested were not affiliated with the school and only 68 were affiliated.
The NYPD said it was able to determine this data by cross-checking records with the universities.

Plus the below statement show it was much more than the simple bike lock argument Chaparral is trying to use. Also all the plywood walls being put up with many drills and other tools found, hell most of these liberal university ivy leaguers wouldnt have the first clue how to use power tools and build something like what has been found.

"The black block attire, the breaking windows, breaking doors, the vandalism property destruction, the barricading, the make-shift weapons that we recovered in the encampment," said Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD's deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism. "That change in tactics, combined with the presence of known individuals on campus in the lead-up to what happened in Hamilton Hall, is why we had a real elevated concern around public safety."


Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

Long Chile was a silly place.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

That, my friend is apeshit crazy. Little kids taught to recite stuff and feel guilty for the sins of their forefathers. What a great way to build a society.

I can't believe anyone takes that seriously when saying it. "Hi, my name is Bob and I would like to acknowledge the land we are on was taken from somebody, I don't really remember. And also, my name is Bob and I feel like a male today so call me he, him, his, or else I will be offended and report you to the pronoun police here in Canada."
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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Where is hell is the Oatmeal Captain in chief on all this protesting stuff? It's been over a week now and no word, statement or attempt to address it. I guess the ice cream and oatmeal is extra good this week and bed time came a little early so he can't get out his crayons and write out a statement.

This is how a guy that should be a shoe in loses an election 101. Let chaos reign on the TV and internet night and day and ignore it.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

Yeah I've seen some of the land use stuff on Youtube video talks out of Canada and Australia, don't think I've ever seen it elsewhere. Where I work at some point they suggested pronouns in your email tag. Relatively few people have them. Also where I work is probably well behind the tide for US universities. The University campus where I work out has some of the local native American language names on newish building. I find the one outside the gym amusing because it's so long. Of course no native word for "gym" so it's a really long phrase that means something like "the place where games are played".
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
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mattbk wrote:
the protestors are pushing for the Hamas demands, that Israel be abolished and it become a one state solution with no Israel.

I am sure there are some protestors that want that, but I wonder if it is the majority? I have seen plenty of protestors calling for peace and a two state solution.

It seems to me that the protestors are not a homogeneous group. Interesting look at the people behind some of them.

Who’s behind the pro-Palestinian protests in the U.S.? (nbcnews.com)

I agree with the NYPD assessment. There were clearly some Black Bloc anarchists involved in the destruction. Those chaos monkeys hide behind legitimate movements to sew their chaos. Ultimately it is the reasonability of the protestors to police the extremists, but it can take some time for people to realize they are being taken advantage of.

Credit to the Jewish Federation Los Angeles for calling out the Jewish extremists who attacked the UCLA protest.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

I had to Google "Land use acknowledgement". Basically they have to say that Canada is filled with thieves that stole land.....Manditory talking shit about Canada everyday sounds like Windy's wet dream. I can understand telling people your pronouns at the start of the class......but everyday sounds like a waste of time.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

That, my friend is apeshit crazy. Little kids taught to recite stuff and feel guilty for the sins of their forefathers. What a great way to build a society.

I can't believe anyone takes that seriously when saying it. "Hi, my name is Bob and I would like to acknowledge the land we are on was taken from somebody, I don't really remember. And also, my name is Bob and I feel like a male today so call me he, him, his, or else I will be offended and report you to the pronoun police here in Canada."


"It's apeshit crazy that any little boys should be expected to recite stuff that I don't approve of.
Not me and my kids!
We are awesome. We recite stuff that I do approve of."

You can't make this stuff up.

Good job SDG!
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
slowguy wrote:
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

This may come as a shock to you, but all those MAGA nut bags have just as many information resources available to them. However, they, like students, are heavily influenced by the people and authoritative voices surrounding them everyday, which is how they end up with very specific viewpoints despite such and abundance of info. Places like schools, where one segment of people are set up as being authoritative and with power to show the environment, discussion, rules for dialogue, etc. definitely can lend itself to forming the way kids who are still relatively easily influenced think about the world.

I understand that authority was an important thing where you went to school but the idea that kids are becoming liberals because they are being mass brain washed by teachers is fantasy, especially in high school. Kids are more influenced by TikTok than any of their teachers.

I can’t help you if you choose to be painfully comically unaware of how human psychology and the real world work.

I didn’t say authority. I said authoritative. I’m not talking about rank hierarchy, but the level of trust and influence a professor has and the degree of influence environment has on college aged students.

I highlight this relative to your claim that students have lots of other info sources, as if all the other people you disagree with on the right didn’t also have those info sources available.


(insert pithy phrase here...)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Velocibuddha] [ In reply to ]
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Velocibuddha wrote:
We recite stuff that I do approve of."

You can't make this stuff up.

That's what SDG does every day! He works so hard almost every day to try to convince he's the decision-making paterfamilias that I'm reasonably sure he's a beta using the fantasies he crafts on the internet as the outlet for his frustrations.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
We recite stuff that I do approve of."

You can't make this stuff up.

That's what SDG does every day! He works so hard almost every day to try to convince he's the decision-making paterfamilias that I'm reasonably sure he's a beta using the fantasies he crafts on the internet as the outlet for his frustrations.

In fairness he has at least 2 wives to deal with, that's enough to reduce most men to a beta.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Properly means peaceful, not interfering with others and generally just being seen.

Yes I have been by your words, properly protesting this thread.

Shockingly it has not stopped this thread, and no one seems to even have noticed my protest, I am begging to wonder if you know what your talking about, with this definition.

Just Triing
Triathlete since 9:56:39 AM EST Aug 20, 2006.
Be kind English is my 2nd language. My primary language is Dave it's a unique evolution of English.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [DavHamm] [ In reply to ]
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svennn wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
SDG wrote:
Nutella wrote:
SDG's imaginary kid sent an imaginary text about an imaginary ugly fat chick and bragged about being an imaginary tough guy.....

Your so nutty. He took a few pictures and showed them to me. Not imaginary but damn I didn't need to see that. Some folks must not look in the mirror in the morning. Ugly, fat, purple hair, Karen attitude, and self righteous is no way for lady to go through life eh?

My kids think for themselves.

It drives me crazy.

SDG you have done a great job training little conformists.

You should be proud!

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

It is apparently quite difficult to teach kids HOW to think.

I make fun of SDG.

He is doing a good job playing the narcissist. (Impervious to self reflection).

It is true though...

That many people seem to think "knowing how to think" - means repeating opinions that you approve of.


I wanted my kids to think for themselves.

I have a bunch of very strong opinions.
I worked very hard to NOT tell my kids "the answer" to any of the important questions of the day.

The outcome was that my kids wound up repeating other people's overbearing dumbass opinions!!

To be fair though..
Neither of my kids had an expressed interest in becoming an "intellectual.,"
Neither was "Harvard material."
They went to college to get a good job.

Why would they learn HOW to think for themselves?

On the positive side they both have decent jobs.

And more importantly.....

They both continue to grow and learn.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Velocibuddha] [ In reply to ]
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Velocibuddha wrote:
It is apparently quite difficult to teach kids HOW to think.

I make fun of SDG.

You make a good point, no matter how much we make fun of SDG he still has not learned how to think.

I wonder if I can hire one of those indoctrination teachers? When they are done working magic with my kids maybe they can spend some working on the dog?
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [trail] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
trail wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
We recite stuff that I do approve of."

You can't make this stuff up.

That's what SDG does every day! He works so hard almost every day to try to convince he's the decision-making paterfamilias that I'm reasonably sure he's a beta using the fantasies he crafts on the internet as the outlet for his frustrations.

I agree with this Beta thing.

I am not an alpha either. (More like a lone-wolf)

"One of my kids played D1 soccer. Both of them studied something practical in school. Both wound up with decent jobs. Neither would have attended a protest. Or would have expressed a radical, independent thought.
I wish they would be a bit more independent!
Maybe with age and wisdom!
At least they broke the yoke of their limiting hometown environment and got away from their overbearing father."

"My kids played D1 soccer. They study something practical. They will get decent jobs. They are free-thinkers because they repeat what I tell them. I am a free- thinker because I repeat what I am told. "Radical and independent thought" that's soo Beta.
Alpha is doing what you are told!!"
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 2, 24 10:21
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
mattbk wrote:
the protestors are pushing for the Hamas demands, that Israel be abolished and it become a one state solution with no Israel.

I am sure there are some protestors that want that, but I wonder if it is the majority? I have seen plenty of protestors calling for peace and a two state solution.

It seems to me that the protestors are not a homogeneous group. Interesting look at the people behind some of them.

Who’s behind the pro-Palestinian protests in the U.S.? (nbcnews.com)

I agree with the NYPD assessment. There were clearly some Black Bloc anarchists involved in the destruction. Those chaos monkeys hide behind legitimate movements to sew their chaos. Ultimately it is the reasonability of the protestors to police the extremists, but it can take some time for people to realize they are being taken advantage of.

Credit to the Jewish Federation Los Angeles for calling out the Jewish extremists who attacked the UCLA protest.

Yes, though that is why I admitted I was purposely being a bit antagonistic. I was growing tired of all the its only pro Palestinian rhetoric. So I add in the pro Hamas aspect as well. Plus, as you mentioned, I agree these good protestors should be policing their own and kicking out the agitators that are ruining their attempted movement. For the black bloc anarchists they dont even necessarily care about the cause as much as the fight. The way they have been behaving is akin to what those purposefully trying to cast doubt on the cause would do as well. However the media is admitting the chaos that has turned into riots now, unlike the famous CNN headline of "Mostly Peaceful Protests" with massive fires burning behind the reporter. Fox 11 LA reported this morning that yesterday the "protestors" maced one of their female reporters in the face and that they were throwing fire extinguishers at the police, one of which hit one of their camera men and knocked him over. Most agree that this now has crossed the line for acceptable protesting and they cleaned out many of the camps this morning. Though I read a piece of drivel in the normally great FT this morning. Usually the only opinion pieces I read there are finance based but I read one on the protests. The foolish author had the gall to condemn breaking up the protests turned riots and said the best simple solution was to cave to all the demands of the protestors and then it would all happily end.

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
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Nutella wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

I had to Google "Land use acknowledgement". Basically they have to say that Canada is filled with thieves that stole land.....Manditory talking shit about Canada everyday sounds like Windy's wet dream. I can understand telling people your pronouns at the start of the class......but everyday sounds like a waste of time.

This is the same across universities in Canada, and pretty much at the start of any public presentation by a member of government. The land use acknowledgement is always some iteration of this:

"I would like to humbly acknowledge the privilege of serving our community on the unceded ancestral territories of the Lekwungen-speaking Peoples, in particular the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations".

That's taken from the latest email our school sent out, fwiw.

My wife has joked this is spoken so frequently that in her nursing practicum she will have to say "before I perform this emergency intubation, I would like to take a moment to humbly acknowledge...."

Why do you feel people should be forced to state their pronouns at the start of every meeting? Why not leave it up to folks if they wish to announce theirs?

Long Chile was a silly place.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
trail wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
We recite stuff that I do approve of."

You can't make this stuff up.

That's what SDG does every day! He works so hard almost every day to try to convince he's the decision-making paterfamilias that I'm reasonably sure he's a beta using the fantasies he crafts on the internet as the outlet for his frustrations.

In fairness he has at least 2 wives to deal with, that's enough to reduce most men to a beta.

and you could never make that up. Man, what a chore that would be. Did I say I was Mormon?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Velocibuddha] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Velocibuddha wrote:
trail wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
We recite stuff that I do approve of."

You can't make this stuff up.

That's what SDG does every day! He works so hard almost every day to try to convince he's the decision-making paterfamilias that I'm reasonably sure he's a beta using the fantasies he crafts on the internet as the outlet for his frustrations.

I agree with this Beta thing.

I am not an alpha either. (More like a lone-wolf)

"One of my kids played D1 soccer. Both of them studied something practical in school. Both wound up with decent jobs. Neither would have attended a protest. Or would have expressed a radical, independent thought.
I wish they would be a bit more independent!
Maybe with age and wisdom!
At least they broke the yoke of their limiting hometown environment and got away from their overbearing father."

"My kids played D1 soccer. They study something practical. They will get decent jobs. They are free-thinkers because they repeat what I tell them. I am a free- thinker because I repeat what I am told. "Radical and independent thought" that's soo Beta.
Alpha is doing what you are told!!"

I'm not sure how your alpha and beta got involved in this but I guess you guys ran to that as folks often call you beta. My kids can do as they want when they get out on their own. Thinking, doing, living, all good for them.

They will do as I say and live like I direct while they are at home. It's called parenting. Still not sure why folks have kids to let them "figure it out" instead of teaching them what is right and wrong and how to get through life.

the letting them figure out crowd produces fat ass, ugly, purple haired mutants protesting at the 80K a year college they are going to, that is paid for by someone else, and demanding water and vegen food as they barricade themselves into buildings.

But, hey, hope it works out for you.
Last edited by: SDG: May 2, 24 10:45
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
SDG wrote:
Still not sure why folks have kids to let them "figure it out" instead of teaching them what is right and wrong and how to get through life.

the letting them figure out crowd produces fat ass, ugly, purple haired mutants protesting at the 80K a year college they are going to, that is paid for by someone else, and demanding water and vegen food as they barricade themselves into buildings.

But, hey, hope it works out for you.

We let our kids "figure it out" because.......

"figuring it out for your self" is what it means to be a free adult, in a democratic society.

Doing what you are told...

Means you are a child.
Or a simpering, pathetic "ass-kiss"..

I want neither of these things for my children.

But you do you...

Or rather, you do what your mommy and daddy and the nice men on TV tell you to do ...

And believe that, that's you...

At least you can talk smack about other fat entitled people...
"they have blue hair!"
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 2, 24 11:18
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

I had to Google "Land use acknowledgement". Basically they have to say that Canada is filled with thieves that stole land.....Manditory talking shit about Canada everyday sounds like Windy's wet dream. I can understand telling people your pronouns at the start of the class......but everyday sounds like a waste of time.

This is the same across universities in Canada, and pretty much at the start of any public presentation by a member of government. The land use acknowledgement is always some iteration of this:

"I would like to humbly acknowledge the privilege of serving our community on the unceded ancestral territories of the Lekwungen-speaking Peoples, in particular the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations".

That's taken from the latest email our school sent out, fwiw.

My wife has joked this is spoken so frequently that in her nursing practicum she will have to say "before I perform this emergency intubation, I would like to take a moment to humbly acknowledge...."

Why do you feel people should be forced to state their pronouns at the start of every meeting? Why not leave it up to folks if they wish to announce theirs?

Most countries could do a similar mea culpa. If G.B. were forced to acknowledges their decades of colonialism at each event it would eat up at least 30 minutes.

The only time I ever announced my pronouns was at a Parents of trans kids event 10+ years ago. I don't use it in my emails or Linkedin.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Velocibuddha] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Velocibuddha wrote:
SDG wrote:
Still not sure why folks have kids to let them "figure it out" instead of teaching them what is right and wrong and how to get through life.

the letting them figure out crowd produces fat ass, ugly, purple haired mutants protesting at the 80K a year college they are going to, that is paid for by someone else, and demanding water and vegen food as they barricade themselves into buildings.

But, hey, hope it works out for you.

We let our kids "figure it out" because.......

"figuring it out for your self" is what it means to be a free adult, in a democratic society.

Doing what you are told...

Means you are a child.
Or a simpering, pathetic "ass-kiss"..

I want neither of these things for my children.

But you do you...

Or rather, you do what your mommy and daddy and the nice men on TV tell you to do ...

And believe that, that's you...

At least you can talk smack about other fat entitled people...
"they have blue hair!"

you have it twisted Buddha. Teaching your kids rules, discipline, life principles etc is not turning them into simpering, pathetic ass kiss. HA!!!!! It is teaching them to be self-reliant, independent, strong, principle driven, family-oriented citizens.

You know how I am right? Take a look at the fat ass, ugly, blue haired, nose ring, tattooed mutants all around college campuses right now. I bet their parents are lot more like you and than me.

Set some boundaries, give some guidance, teach some principles. It's called parenting.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
ike wrote:
I protested against the Vietnam War. It was peaceful. I mean, the protest was peaceful. The War wasn't.

At college or somewhere else?

My father was in the ROTC in college and would wear his uniform around campus on days he was required. He said the "hippies" as he called them would yell at him and spit at him while he walked around campus. Shaped a lot of his views on 70's culture and hippies etc.

He later went to Vietnam and served in battle.

Knowing what I know now, I am not sure if I would have been on the side of protesters during vietnam, in the military or just not caring and spending time in the rec center playing bball and chasing girls. I tend to think I would have been against the war and but not very vocal about it.

Most would say the 60's culture in reference to Vietnam and the hippie movement. The Tet Offensive in 1969 marked the height of the war and deescalation started then with peace talks ongoing and then the fall of Saigon finally in 1975.

I wore a uniform on campus starting in the fall of 1970 and while it did cause a reaction, never did we feel threatened though. The peak campus demonstrating was the spring of that year.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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SDG wrote:
Velocibuddha wrote:
SDG wrote:
Still not sure why folks have kids to let them "figure it out" instead of teaching them what is right and wrong and how to get through life.

the letting them figure out crowd produces fat ass, ugly, purple haired mutants protesting at the 80K a year college they are going to, that is paid for by someone else, and demanding water and vegen food as they barricade themselves into buildings.

But, hey, hope it works out for you.

We let our kids "figure it out" because.......

"figuring it out for your self" is what it means to be a free adult, in a democratic society.

Doing what you are told...

Means you are a child.
Or a simpering, pathetic "ass-kiss"..

I want neither of these things for my children.

But you do you...

Or rather, you do what your mommy and daddy and the nice men on TV tell you to do ...

And believe that, that's you...

At least you can talk smack about other fat entitled people...
"they have blue hair!"

you have it twisted Buddha. Teaching your kids rules, discipline, life principles etc is not turning them into simpering, pathetic ass kiss. HA!!!!! It is teaching them to be self-reliant, independent, strong, principle driven, family-oriented citizens.

You know how I am right? Take a look at the fat ass, ugly, blue haired, nose ring, tattooed mutants all around college campuses right now. I bet their parents are lot more like you and than me.

Set some boundaries, give some guidance, teach some principles. It's called parenting.

My kids are supposed to be grown ups.
(Or growing up).
That's my hope.

It's true I haven't seen much of the "blue haired tattooed mutants."

I have, however, known a whole bunch of fat, lazy, suburban, ass-kiss, effeminate (yet macho soundings) premium mediocre middle age...

I don't want to be that!
I don't want my kids to be that!

It's hard to avoid!!

I admit.

Blue hair and tattoos - doesn't seem any worse. Only less permanent!!! Or at least, easier to grow out of.
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 2, 24 11:57
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
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I know plenty of self-reliant, independent, strong, principle driven, family-oriented citizens, who have blue/purple/teal/etc. hair, tattoos, and piercings

They work where I do, which is NOT a coffee shop, thrift store, bookstore, or record store, thank you very much

I agreed that parents should teach their children principles, and that's where it starts; we might disagree on WHICH principles

"Punk ain't the boots or the hair dye. I've been asked to define it many times so I've actually thought about it for a couple of seconds. In fact, punk rock means EXEMPLARY MANNERS TO YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEING. Fuck being an asshole, what you pricks thought it was twenty years ago*" - Joe Strummer

* FORTY years ago, now, as that quote is 20 years old LOL

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Nutella wrote:
Most countries could do a similar mea culpa. If G.B. were forced to acknowledges their decades of colonialism at each event it would eat up at least 30 minutes.

The only time I ever announced my pronouns was at a Parents of trans kids event 10+ years ago. I don't use it in my emails or Linkedin.

It's almost certainly the case that any indigineous people you might want to acknowledge were only on that land at the expense of some previous group they took it from. It's not like migrations and usurping of land started with the colonial powers of Europe in recent centuries.

I did a quick look through recent emails and I could only find one person doing pronouns in their email. Not even the colleague who has a kid who is trans does them.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Nutella wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
svennn wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Nutella wrote:
The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

My wife recently took a teaching position at our university. She has spent most of her career in hospital running a nursing unit, but after finishing her second mat leave took this position to get away from the madness that is our hospital system.

She is about as politically uninvolved as one gets. She doesn't pay attention to it, she just votes for our left leaning party every 4 years seeing as she's a union member and that's what the union tells their members to do.

The onboarding for her new job at the university is a comical distillation of all things currently woke. It's insane. If that's the training/guidance educators are being given, I think it's fair to say that's what is also being passed down to students.

This is the same training my wife on a regular basis to stay accredited.

After all the DEI and implicit bias training she is afraid to talk to anyone.

I do think this sort of stuff has a chilling effect at some level. The problem comes if you have a person who isn't giving others the benefit of the doubt and is easily offended.

Where I work we get very little of this sort of training. I think I've done one implicit bias training in all the time I've been here and frankly I thought it was useless. It was so obvious that even if you were a Neo Nazi you'd have to be brain dead not to score as unbiased on the test. Most of our training seems to be around sexual harrassment and that sort of stuff, not DEI.

My wife is currently 3 days in to her onboarding/preparation and they have yet to touch on anything actually related to course work. It's all been DEI. At the start of every meeting, every day, every person has to say their name, make a land use acknowledgement of the ancestral lands the college, or hospital they will be assigned to is on, followed by announcing their pronouns. Every day. Non-negotiable. That is also the expectation at the start of every class, every day. That's also the policy at my kid's schools. Any time a teacher addresses a group of parents or makes an announcement, it is preceded by a land use acknowledgement and their pronouns. My kid knew the land use acknowledgement before learning the national anthem.

That's kind of the textbook definition of indoctrination.

I had to Google "Land use acknowledgement". Basically they have to say that Canada is filled with thieves that stole land.....Manditory talking shit about Canada everyday sounds like Windy's wet dream. I can understand telling people your pronouns at the start of the class......but everyday sounds like a waste of time.

This is the same across universities in Canada, and pretty much at the start of any public presentation by a member of government. The land use acknowledgement is always some iteration of this:

"I would like to humbly acknowledge the privilege of serving our community on the unceded ancestral territories of the Lekwungen-speaking Peoples, in particular the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations".

That's taken from the latest email our school sent out, fwiw.

My wife has joked this is spoken so frequently that in her nursing practicum she will have to say "before I perform this emergency intubation, I would like to take a moment to humbly acknowledge...."

Why do you feel people should be forced to state their pronouns at the start of every meeting? Why not leave it up to folks if they wish to announce theirs?

Most countries could do a similar mea culpa. If G.B. were forced to acknowledges their decades of colonialism at each event it would eat up at least 30 minutes.

The only time I ever announced my pronouns was at a Parents of trans kids event 10+ years ago. I don't use it in my emails or Linkedin.

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

Long Chile was a silly place.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
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You know what it means to be anti-anti-racism, right?

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I agree, but it sure isn't conservatives pushing this stuff up here...

I think it's fair to say it's left wing indoctrination. It creates a bias amongst staff and educators are essentially given the choice of getting in line and say the thing they want you to say, or else. What you end up with are people who either believe the same or are too scared to speak up. Then you have a group with a very narrow ideology in charge of imparting knowledge to your students. It's interesting that this is the policy in my kids grade 1 class all the way up to the university course my wife is now in charge of teaching.

I mean if that's not indoctrination what the hell is it.

Long Chile was a silly place.
Last edited by: BCtriguy1: May 2, 24 12:35
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
RandMart wrote:
You know what it means to be anti-anti-racism, right?

On a related note..

This is a fun book..

There Is No Antimemetics Division by qntm https://www.goodreads.com/...ntimemetics-division
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
RandMart wrote:
You know what it means to be anti-anti-racism, right?

The issue isn't anti-racism, the issue is people treating it as a religion (e.g. by having everyone profess to following it in public declarations).

The same thing could be said about something like nationalism.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Thom] [ In reply to ]
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Thom wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I agree, but it sure isn't conservatives pushing this stuff up here...

I think it's fair to say it's left wing indoctrination. It creates a bias amongst staff and educators are essentially given the choice of getting in line and say the thing they want you to say, or else. What you end up with are people who either believe the same or are too scared to speak up. Then you have a group with a very narrow ideology in charge of imparting knowledge to your students. It's interesting that this is the policy in my kids grade 1 class all the way up to the university course my wife is now in charge of teaching.

I mean if that's not indoctrination what the hell is it.

you keep this talk up and you are going to get cancelled here in the LR.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
Thom wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...


I don't disagree but wouldn't say the pledge of allegiance is particularly a right/left ideological issue.
Are employees and educators at US universities forced to say the Pledge before speaking at every meeting?

Long Chile was a silly place.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

Had to look him up as I wasnt familiar with him. Looks like your anti-racism mention is from a 2021 book of his? Did you read the book? He has multiple books that look interesting. Might get "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue" for my English teacher brother. "Nine Nasty Words in the English Language" sound like an interesting read as well.

"According to John McWhorter, the problem is that a well-meaning but pernicious form of antiracism has become, not a progressive ideology, but a religion—and one that’s illogical, unreachable, and unintentionally neoracist."

Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
Thom wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...


I don't disagree but wouldn't say the pledge of allegiance is particularly a right/left ideological issue.
Are employees and educators at US universities forced to say the Pledge before speaking at every meeting?

Not that I know of. I was forced to say it everyday before school. Not sure schools are doing that so much anymore. Don't think my kids' schools did it?

I would say it's an example of nationalism effectively operating as a religion of a sort. A little too over the top and Orwellian for my taste.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
Thom wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...


I don't disagree but wouldn't say the pledge of allegiance is particularly a right/left ideological issue.
Are employees and educators at US universities forced to say the Pledge before speaking at every meeting?

The USA has a long and glorious history of punishing people who refuse to comply with ideological pledges.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

Had to look him up as I wasnt familiar with him. Looks like your anti-racism mention is from a 2021 book of his? Did you read the book? He has multiple books that look interesting. Might get "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue" for my English teacher brother. "Nine Nasty Words in the English Language" sound like an interesting read as well.

"According to John McWhorter, the problem is that a well-meaning but pernicious form of antiracism has become, not a progressive ideology, but a religion—and one that’s illogical, unreachable, and unintentionally neoracist."


I've never read any of his books. The vast majority of what I have listened to from him is his linguistics podcast and talks. But he also does "public intellectual" stuff as well, mostly related to race. If you catch him on someone else's podcast that's usually what he talks about. Frankly I find linguistics far more interesting, but we have race on the brain so that probably garners him more attention.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
Thom wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...


I don't disagree but wouldn't say the pledge of allegiance is particularly a right/left ideological issue.
Are employees and educators at US universities forced to say the Pledge before speaking at every meeting?

Not that I know of. I was forced to say it everyday before school. Not sure schools are doing that so much anymore. Don't think my kids' schools did it?

I would say it's an example of nationalism effectively operating as a religion of a sort. A little too over the top and Orwellian for my taste.

Interesting. We never had to recite anything like that (just waiting for Windy to jump in with a joke about pledging allegiance to the Queen, or King now I guess).
I'm not sure how I would feel about the pledge of allegiance every morning. On one hand, I think it's good to impart some kind of national pride in kids. Celebrate the good things about your country while not being blind to the bad things. I think if you don't have a sense of pride in your country you're probably less likely to have one in your city, your community, your neighbourhood, etc. Whether or not the best way to achieve that is by reciting the Pledge daily, well, I'm not sure.

Long Chile was a silly place.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Whether or not the best way to achieve that is by reciting the Pledge daily, well, I'm not sure.

I can't imagine it does. It just becomes something you say by rote memorization without even thinking about. It's like the grace we said before eating when I was kid, "God is great, god is good, thank you for this food we are about to eat". Utterly meaningless.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
mattbk wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

Had to look him up as I wasnt familiar with him. Looks like your anti-racism mention is from a 2021 book of his? Did you read the book? He has multiple books that look interesting. Might get "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue" for my English teacher brother. "Nine Nasty Words in the English Language" sound like an interesting read as well.

"According to John McWhorter, the problem is that a well-meaning but pernicious form of antiracism has become, not a progressive ideology, but a religion—and one that’s illogical, unreachable, and unintentionally neoracist."


I've never read any of his books. The vast majority of what I have listened to from him is his linguistics podcast and talks. But he also does "public intellectual" stuff as well, mostly related to race. If you catch him on someone else's podcast that's usually what he talks about. Frankly I find linguistics far more interesting, but we have race on the brain so that probably garners him more attention.

Well his two linguistics books I mentioned stood out the most so I may give them a try.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
Whether or not the best way to achieve that is by reciting the Pledge daily, well, I'm not sure.

I can't imagine it does. It just becomes something you say by rote memorization without even thinking about. It's like the grace we said before eating when I was kid, "God is great, god is good, thank you for this food we are about to eat". Utterly meaningless.

In rural 1970- 80s America, you could expect threats and possibly real violence- if you refused to participate in the pledge of allegiance or the star spangled banner.

I moved to Australia in 1983.

They did not force children to participate in loyalty pledges.

By the age of 18-
I did feel, however, that Australian society somehow represented the. .. "tyranny of the reasonable."

I voluntarily moved back to the USA - land of guns, bibles and screaming lunatics (of every variety).

I think this was a mistake!

But, I suppose I have become a screaming lunatic of my own type.
And I probably wouldn't fit in, in Australia.

Canada is probably similar.
Last edited by: Velocibuddha: May 2, 24 13:34
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
Nutella wrote:
svennn wrote:

In my opinion, that's problem with many of the colleges these days.

They are busy telling the kids what to think, not how to think.

How much time do you spend on college campuses these days?

This may come as a shock to old folks but kids have lots of sources of information "these days". The idea that colleges are actually leftist indoctrination camps exists mainly in the right-wing echo chamber.

People seem to take the most extreme examples that end up in the media, often only at elite or very left wing schools, as what is typical. Not to mention in my experience there is a huge emphasis on critical thinking skills (the how, not the what).

Why don't we hold up what goes on at places like Liberty University as the problem with Universities these days?

In me experience the real problem at Universities is that they've gone from a place to get a liberal education to places you go to after high school so you can get a better paying job. Relatively few students are here because they are interested in learning.

College professors have enough problems getting students to read the syllabus, they wish they had the sort of influence people think they have.

Plus, most college students are in STEM subjects, business, etc. Do people think they a calculus professor is indoctrinating them into communism or something?

The reason that kids probably get more liberal in college, is not because of teachers, but because you are for the first time in your life on your own and for many surrounded by the diverse group of people. You are meeting new people that have very different life experiences and you are forced to live with them.

I think that is the same reason that while people the army are more conservative than average, they become more liberal after serving:

Similar sort of situation, you have to deal with a more diverse group.

In other words, the social experience is the likely the dominating factor in any political beliefs coming out of college than some professor.

I would hate to prescribe this level of intelligence on the right wing nut jobs running many parts of the country, but this may be a real reason for the attack on diversity in higher education. If you can make it so it is dominated by more wealthy white dudes and keep out others, it will reduce this affect.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
mattbk wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

Had to look him up as I wasnt familiar with him. Looks like your anti-racism mention is from a 2021 book of his? Did you read the book? He has multiple books that look interesting. Might get "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue" for my English teacher brother. "Nine Nasty Words in the English Language" sound like an interesting read as well.

"According to John McWhorter, the problem is that a well-meaning but pernicious form of antiracism has become, not a progressive ideology, but a religion—and one that’s illogical, unreachable, and unintentionally neoracist."


I've never read any of his books. The vast majority of what I have listened to from him is his linguistics podcast and talks. But he also does "public intellectual" stuff as well, mostly related to race. If you catch him on someone else's podcast that's usually what he talks about. Frankly I find linguistics far more interesting, but we have race on the brain so that probably garners him more attention.

Well his two linguistics books I mentioned stood out the most so I may give them a try.

His podcast is called Lexicon Valley, unfortunately it went behind a paywall last year. All the old ones are still available on the podcast app on the iphone. They randomly release a new one every once in a while for free too. He's a Broadway/show tune guy, so he always tries to work that into the show. I guess that's interesting but god most of that stuff is just so cringe. I don't get it.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
In other words, the social experience is the likely the dominating factor in any political beliefs coming out of college than some professor.

I would hate to prescribe this level of intelligence on the right wing nut jobs running many parts of the country, but this may be a real reason for the attack on diversity in higher education. If you can make it so it is dominated by more wealthy white dudes and keep out others, it will reduce this affect.

It was the 90s and probably a lot different than today. I have the impression anthropology has become a pretty "woke" field but I don't think it was that way back then. I certainly became more liberal in college. I don't remember any professor ever indoctrinating me with any sort of ideology. It was just the exposure to the wider world of ideas and people, that my little parochial upbringing wasn't the only way life could be lived. The mushrooms and acid probably helped too.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
mattbk wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
mattbk wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

Had to look him up as I wasnt familiar with him. Looks like your anti-racism mention is from a 2021 book of his? Did you read the book? He has multiple books that look interesting. Might get "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue" for my English teacher brother. "Nine Nasty Words in the English Language" sound like an interesting read as well.

"According to John McWhorter, the problem is that a well-meaning but pernicious form of antiracism has become, not a progressive ideology, but a religion—and one that’s illogical, unreachable, and unintentionally neoracist."


I've never read any of his books. The vast majority of what I have listened to from him is his linguistics podcast and talks. But he also does "public intellectual" stuff as well, mostly related to race. If you catch him on someone else's podcast that's usually what he talks about. Frankly I find linguistics far more interesting, but we have race on the brain so that probably garners him more attention.

Well his two linguistics books I mentioned stood out the most so I may give them a try.

His podcast is called Lexicon Valley, unfortunately it went behind a paywall last year. All the old ones are still available on the podcast app on the iphone. They randomly release a new one every once in a while for free too. He's a Broadway/show tune guy, so he always tries to work that into the show. I guess that's interesting but god most of that stuff is just so cringe. I don't get it.

Lol, well maybe I'll send to my Mom as well as she is all show tunes and Broadway. If I accidentally string a certain set of words together it results in her busting out a show tune song... I asked her if she is able to get two shows a day in when she visits Broadway... she frowned and said she gets three lol
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.

No. You were violently anti police during the BLM riots. I dont remember the thread of your worst moment off the top of my head but I do remember you defending the violent terrorists that tried to burn down the Portland police station with police still in it. That was the little green men in Portland thread with you arguing with Steve Hawley. But you also around that time in one of a dozen threads said police being attacked were getting what they deserved. Even the lefties called you out on that one.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.

PS- Your heroes were inciting violence and riots amongst many people and cities. The police were a small fraction of the number involved. Dealing with 100x plus amount of violent rioters per officer requires more than sweet pleasantries from the cops while being assaulted with weapons and explosives. You really have a terrorist mindset that stems from being an indoctrinated foolish person.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.

No. You were violently anti police during the BLM riots. I dont remember the thread of your worst moment off the top of my head but I do remember you defending the violent terrorists that tried to burn down the Portland police station with police still in it. That was the little green men in Portland thread with you arguing with Steve Hawley. But you also around that time in one of a dozen threads said police being attacked were getting what they deserved. Even the lefties called you out on that one.

Ok, how was I violently police on an Internet forum? Did I like, somehow punch someone through their screen? How was I violent?

Ok, now I know you are full of shit. Because Steve was defending the police and federal thugs beating up non-violent protestors because a day before someone, not the peole being violently assaulted days later, had set fires to an empty Portland police union building.

So steve, was the one advocating the actual violence. I was the one saying violence is bad.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.

No. You were violently anti police during the BLM riots. I dont remember the thread of your worst moment off the top of my head but I do remember you defending the violent terrorists that tried to burn down the Portland police station with police still in it. That was the little green men in Portland thread with you arguing with Steve Hawley. But you also around that time in one of a dozen threads said police being attacked were getting what they deserved. Even the lefties called you out on that one.

Ok, how was I violently police on an Internet forum? Did I like, somehow punch someone through their screen? How was I violent?

Ok, now I know you are full of shit. Because Steve was defending the police and federal thugs beating up non-violent protestors because a day before someone, not the peole being violently assaulted days later, had set fires to an empty Portland police union building.

So steve, was the one advocating the actual violence. I was the one saying violence is bad.

Nope. And you defended these rioting attempted murderers. The liberal mayor said police were inside and it was attempted murder.

PORTLAND, Ore — Hours after Mayor Ted Wheeler, in a news conference Thursday, accused a small, masked group of “attempting to commit murder” by trying to light a police precinct on fire with officers inside, hundreds of people returned to Southeast Portland to face off with police again.

PS- Your advocating for violence I was referring to prior where even the lefties were calling you and a few others out was for a death threat against a sitting SCOTUS member. That was a peach of a thread.

Last edited by: mattbk: May 3, 24 6:01
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.

No. You were violently anti police during the BLM riots. I dont remember the thread of your worst moment off the top of my head but I do remember you defending the violent terrorists that tried to burn down the Portland police station with police still in it. That was the little green men in Portland thread with you arguing with Steve Hawley. But you also around that time in one of a dozen threads said police being attacked were getting what they deserved. Even the lefties called you out on that one.

Ok, how was I violently police on an Internet forum? Did I like, somehow punch someone through their screen? How was I violent?

Ok, now I know you are full of shit. Because Steve was defending the police and federal thugs beating up non-violent protestors because a day before someone, not the peole being violently assaulted days later, had set fires to an empty Portland police union building.

So steve, was the one advocating the actual violence. I was the one saying violence is bad.

Nope. And you defended these rioting attempted murderers. The liberal mayor said police were inside and it was attempted murder.

PORTLAND, Ore — Hours after Mayor Ted Wheeler, in a news conference Thursday, accused a small, masked group of “attempting to commit murder” by trying to light a police precinct on fire with officers inside, hundreds of people returned to Southeast Portland to face off with police again.

PS- Your advocating for violence I was referring to prior where even the lefties were calling you and a few others out was for a death threat against a sitting SCOTUS member. That was a peach of a thread.


First, I never defended someone trying to commit murder. Don’t know why you are lying about that.

Second, can you explain how my post you linked to is “violently anti-police”?

Also, nowhere in that post or thread did I support death threats. I explicitly say it would be better without them.

Can you stop lying about what I have said?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [SDG] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
No protests.

I am a straight, white male. I don't have much to be upset about.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BLeP wrote:
No protests.

I am a straight, white male. I don't have much to be upset about.

You've obviously never heard of MAGAts.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [ThisIsIt] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
ThisIsIt wrote:
BLeP wrote:
No protests.

I am a straight, white male. I don't have much to be upset about.

You've obviously never heard of MAGAts.

They're all fucking idiots who don't know how good they have it.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BLeP wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BLeP wrote:
No protests.

I am a straight, white male. I don't have much to be upset about.

You've obviously never heard of MAGAts.

They're all fucking idiots who don't know how good they have it.

You don't get, they'd have it all, if it weren't for the elites and women and brown people getting special treatment over them.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
chaparral wrote:
spockman wrote:
I find the current crop of protestors confusing. I am sure they think they are all for free speech but if for instance Jordan Peterson was coming to campus they would try to prevent him speaking. Not that I am a big JP fan although he says some things that are quite brilliant others not so much.

Why is it confusing that someone protesting Israel’s abuse of Palestinians would also protest Jordan Peterson?

Protesting Jordan Peterson is one thing. Shutting down campus and creating the situation where the authorities are worried there is going to be violence are two different things.

When I was a medical student despite being opposed to abortion. I went to a talk put on at the medical school where they let Canada's most prominent abortionist speak at length. In fact he was the only speaker. I found the guy quite chilling. But nobody tried to prevent him from speaking or threaten violence.

It is not like this has never happened at Columbia in the past and they also have never regretted it:


It is really funny they still have that website up. Just funny to be like, we regret sending violent thugs against student protestors, also we are going to do it again!

Also, if the university was worried about violence, why did they send in the NYPD?

The "violent thugs" here are your peoples, the pro hamas thugs that are now confirmed rioters at some campuses. It's hopefully being stopped before it spreads everywhere. Supporting this makes you a "thug". And it makes you a racist.

Can you explain why you think I am on the NYPDs side?

What? I obviously dont think you are on the side of the NYPD or any police for that matter. We all read your crazy rhetoric during the BLM riots where you said the cops were getting what they deserved and that they deserve people to enact violence on them. So not surprising you are on the side of the violence here again.

Where the fuck did I say cops got what they deserved?

I was against violence and the vast majority of the violence came from the cops. The violence of NYPD officers is very well documented:






The NYPD loves beating up non violent protestors.

I am not going to search mega threads from 3 years ago just to provide your own posts to you but you definitely did, to the point liberal posters were asking you to stop, I remember Bretom saying to you "Oof, please just stop" after you doubled down on cops being deserving of attacks. That's "where the fuck" you said it.

I am just going to assume these accusations, that you are making up, is to just ignore the evidence of the NYPD’s rampant violence. Because you don’t actually care about people being violently attacked.

No. You were violently anti police during the BLM riots. I dont remember the thread of your worst moment off the top of my head but I do remember you defending the violent terrorists that tried to burn down the Portland police station with police still in it. That was the little green men in Portland thread with you arguing with Steve Hawley. But you also around that time in one of a dozen threads said police being attacked were getting what they deserved. Even the lefties called you out on that one.

Ok, how was I violently police on an Internet forum? Did I like, somehow punch someone through their screen? How was I violent?

Ok, now I know you are full of shit. Because Steve was defending the police and federal thugs beating up non-violent protestors because a day before someone, not the peole being violently assaulted days later, had set fires to an empty Portland police union building.

So steve, was the one advocating the actual violence. I was the one saying violence is bad.

Nope. And you defended these rioting attempted murderers. The liberal mayor said police were inside and it was attempted murder.

PORTLAND, Ore — Hours after Mayor Ted Wheeler, in a news conference Thursday, accused a small, masked group of “attempting to commit murder” by trying to light a police precinct on fire with officers inside, hundreds of people returned to Southeast Portland to face off with police again.

PS- Your advocating for violence I was referring to prior where even the lefties were calling you and a few others out was for a death threat against a sitting SCOTUS member. That was a peach of a thread.


First, I never defended someone trying to commit murder. Don’t know why you are lying about that.

Second, can you explain how my post you linked to is “violently anti-police”?

Also, nowhere in that post or thread did I support death threats. I explicitly say it would be better without them.

Can you stop lying about what I have said?

Bullshit, as you are full of it. You absolutely were the most anti police person on this forum during the BLM riots. You were defending the Portland fire starters and tried to claim in this thread that was because the police station was empty and cops did bad shit so this is what happens. I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020. In the thread I linked it was not police but a sitting SCOTUS where you alluded to FAFO and that this was an option in order to remove life long appointed judges that you don't like. You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win. So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
BLeP wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BLeP wrote:
No protests.

I am a straight, white male. I don't have much to be upset about.

You've obviously never heard of MAGAts.

They're all fucking idiots who don't know how good they have it.

Maybe we should deport them to Canada, that'll teach em... ;)
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Barks&Purrs] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
My dad recently wrote a book called, How I Improved the United States Marine Corps. He had an act of protest from within the marines! Initially my dad was in trouble for his protest, but he was exonerated and his commanding officer received punishment.

This is brave and awesome

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:

Bullshit, as you are full of it. You absolutely were the most anti police person on this forum during the BLM riots. You were defending the Portland fire starters and tried to claim in this thread that was because the police station was empty and cops did bad shit so this is what happens. I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020. In the thread I linked it was not police but a sitting SCOTUS where you alluded to FAFO and that this was an option in order to remove life long appointed judges that you don't like. You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win. So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Yes, I was absolutely against the police violently attacking innocent people, since I think the police should not violate people’s rights and the police should follow the law.

That is very different than your baseless accusation that I was advocating violence.

But you seem to be one of the people that thinks police should be above the law and certain people should not have the rights granted to them by the constitution.

I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020.

No you didn’t. You linked to a story about a different incident than the one I was posting about with Steve.

Here is the clearly empty building you are claiming had people in it, can you point me to where in the video you see people:


Also are you defending the actions of law enforcement in that thread? Really?

You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win.

You do understand this all applies to you, not me? You said I was “violently anti-police” and to show it you bring up a post about judges. So you were both lying and shifting the topic. Exactly what you are accusing me of.

So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Ok that is just fucking funny. You are the one here upset that I was against thugs using violence.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
You do understand this all applies to you, not me?

Projection. Matt is all about projection.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:

Bullshit, as you are full of it. You absolutely were the most anti police person on this forum during the BLM riots. You were defending the Portland fire starters and tried to claim in this thread that was because the police station was empty and cops did bad shit so this is what happens. I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020. In the thread I linked it was not police but a sitting SCOTUS where you alluded to FAFO and that this was an option in order to remove life long appointed judges that you don't like. You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win. So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Yes, I was absolutely against the police violently attacking innocent people, since I think the police should not violate people’s rights and the police should follow the law.

That is very different than your baseless accusation that I was advocating violence.

But you seem to be one of the people that thinks police should be above the law and certain people should not have the rights granted to them by the constitution.

I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020.

No you didn’t. You linked to a story about a different incident than the one I was posting about with Steve.

Here is the clearly empty building you are claiming had people in it, can you point me to where in the video you see people:


Also are you defending the actions of law enforcement in that thread? Really?

You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win.

You do understand this all applies to you, not me? You said I was “violently anti-police” and to show it you bring up a post about judges. So you were both lying and shifting the topic. Exactly what you are accusing me of.

So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Ok that is just fucking funny. You are the one here upset that I was against thugs using violence.

You are an emotional crybaby. Over the years you seem to continually take the side of illegal rioters. It should strike you that you seem to be the most extreme in all these arguments. Yes you take the side of violence in favor of anarchy.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [Nutella] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Nutella wrote:
chaparral wrote:
You do understand this all applies to you, not me?

Projection. Matt is all about projection.

Birds of a feather... you two make a cute duo
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:

Bullshit, as you are full of it. You absolutely were the most anti police person on this forum during the BLM riots. You were defending the Portland fire starters and tried to claim in this thread that was because the police station was empty and cops did bad shit so this is what happens. I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020. In the thread I linked it was not police but a sitting SCOTUS where you alluded to FAFO and that this was an option in order to remove life long appointed judges that you don't like. You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win. So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Yes, I was absolutely against the police violently attacking innocent people, since I think the police should not violate people’s rights and the police should follow the law.

That is very different than your baseless accusation that I was advocating violence.

But you seem to be one of the people that thinks police should be above the law and certain people should not have the rights granted to them by the constitution.

I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020.

No you didn’t. You linked to a story about a different incident than the one I was posting about with Steve.

Here is the clearly empty building you are claiming had people in it, can you point me to where in the video you see people:


Also are you defending the actions of law enforcement in that thread? Really?

You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win.

You do understand this all applies to you, not me? You said I was “violently anti-police” and to show it you bring up a post about judges. So you were both lying and shifting the topic. Exactly what you are accusing me of.

So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Ok that is just fucking funny. You are the one here upset that I was against thugs using violence.

Yes, of course you have the same opinions you had years ago. They are still wrong and still crazy.
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [mattbk] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:

Bullshit, as you are full of it. You absolutely were the most anti police person on this forum during the BLM riots. You were defending the Portland fire starters and tried to claim in this thread that was because the police station was empty and cops did bad shit so this is what happens. I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020. In the thread I linked it was not police but a sitting SCOTUS where you alluded to FAFO and that this was an option in order to remove life long appointed judges that you don't like. You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win. So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Yes, I was absolutely against the police violently attacking innocent people, since I think the police should not violate people’s rights and the police should follow the law.

That is very different than your baseless accusation that I was advocating violence.

But you seem to be one of the people that thinks police should be above the law and certain people should not have the rights granted to them by the constitution.

I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020.

No you didn’t. You linked to a story about a different incident than the one I was posting about with Steve.

Here is the clearly empty building you are claiming had people in it, can you point me to where in the video you see people:


Also are you defending the actions of law enforcement in that thread? Really?

You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win.

You do understand this all applies to you, not me? You said I was “violently anti-police” and to show it you bring up a post about judges. So you were both lying and shifting the topic. Exactly what you are accusing me of.

So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Ok that is just fucking funny. You are the one here upset that I was against thugs using violence.

You are an emotional crybaby. Over the years you seem to continually take the side of illegal rioters. It should strike you that you seem to be the most extreme in all these arguments. Yes you take the side of violence in favor of anarchy.

Just to be clear, me saying police should follow the law and not violate the rights of people is in favor of violence and anarchy?
Quote Reply
Re: Have you ever protested anything? [chaparral] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:
chaparral wrote:
mattbk wrote:

Bullshit, as you are full of it. You absolutely were the most anti police person on this forum during the BLM riots. You were defending the Portland fire starters and tried to claim in this thread that was because the police station was empty and cops did bad shit so this is what happens. I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020. In the thread I linked it was not police but a sitting SCOTUS where you alluded to FAFO and that this was an option in order to remove life long appointed judges that you don't like. You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win. So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Yes, I was absolutely against the police violently attacking innocent people, since I think the police should not violate people’s rights and the police should follow the law.

That is very different than your baseless accusation that I was advocating violence.

But you seem to be one of the people that thinks police should be above the law and certain people should not have the rights granted to them by the constitution.

I showed it was not an empty police station just like you were shown that directly in the little green men thread from 2020.

No you didn’t. You linked to a story about a different incident than the one I was posting about with Steve.

Here is the clearly empty building you are claiming had people in it, can you point me to where in the video you see people:


Also are you defending the actions of law enforcement in that thread? Really?

You are fucking lying. Usually you keep shifting or drilling down to specifics that are not relevant trying to make your damn near identical situation somehow different, then claiming a win.

You do understand this all applies to you, not me? You said I was “violently anti-police” and to show it you bring up a post about judges. So you were both lying and shifting the topic. Exactly what you are accusing me of.

So stop lying and stop employing terrorist mentality arguments.

Ok that is just fucking funny. You are the one here upset that I was against thugs using violence.

You are an emotional crybaby. Over the years you seem to continually take the side of illegal rioters. It should strike you that you seem to be the most extreme in all these arguments. Yes you take the side of violence in favor of anarchy.

Just to be clear, me saying police should follow the law and not violate the rights of people is in favor of violence and anarchy?

Of course not. But that wasn't simply your position. The issue is that you routinely take the side of violent rioters as the good side.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I agree, but it sure isn't conservatives pushing this stuff up here...

I think it's fair to say it's left wing indoctrination. It creates a bias amongst staff and educators are essentially given the choice of getting in line and say the thing they want you to say, or else. What you end up with are people who either believe the same or are too scared to speak up. Then you have a group with a very narrow ideology in charge of imparting knowledge to your students. It's interesting that this is the policy in my kids grade 1 class all the way up to the university course my wife is now in charge of teaching.

I mean if that's not indoctrination what the hell is it.

It is kind of stupid really. We acknowledge we are on the traditional lands of whatever "nation" all whilst knowing there isn't a snowballs chance of us giving up the land. The point seems to be so everybody can carry around an appropriate amount of guilt. People being perpetually guilty without any practical way of resolving that guilt is very damaging. Climate anxiety where kids cannot sleep at night because they are worrying abut the planet not good for their mental health.

My daughter graduation from a STEM discipline four years ago half the graduating class was Asian. This was one of better Canadian Universities. I wonder what they were thinking when some lady (white as driven snow) who was six years into university doing some social sciences degree still not having done anything practical in her lift blathered on with the native land acknowledgement etc.

Your wife being in healthcare all the while knowing there isn't even a healthcare system anymore. I think native people want healthcare maybe would should fix that.

They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within
Dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good T.S. Eliot

Last edited by: spockman: May 5, 24 20:05
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
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spockman wrote:
....blathered on with the native land acknowledgement etc.


If you are trigged by that just wait until you hear about CRT, groomers, and Moms for Liberty.
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Re: Have you ever protested anything? [spockman] [ In reply to ]
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spockman wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
BCtriguy1 wrote:

Just to bring this conversation back to the point, do you feel that the behavior I described above would count as indoctrination of left wing ideology in university?

I think forcing someone to publicly profess anything is creepy and Orwellian. It reminds me of something that John McWhorter has said, anti-racism is functionally a religion for its advocates.

I agree, but it sure isn't conservatives pushing this stuff up here...

I think it's fair to say it's left wing indoctrination. It creates a bias amongst staff and educators are essentially given the choice of getting in line and say the thing they want you to say, or else. What you end up with are people who either believe the same or are too scared to speak up. Then you have a group with a very narrow ideology in charge of imparting knowledge to your students. It's interesting that this is the policy in my kids grade 1 class all the way up to the university course my wife is now in charge of teaching.

I mean if that's not indoctrination what the hell is it.

It is kind of stupid really. We acknowledge we are on the traditional lands of whatever "nation" all whilst knowing there isn't a snowballs chance of us giving up the land. The point seems to be so everybody can carry around an appropriate amount of guilt. People being perpetually guilty without any practical way of resolving that guilt is very damaging. Climate anxiety where kids cannot sleep at night because they are worrying abut the planet not good for their mental health.

My daughter graduation from a STEM discipline four years ago half the graduating class was Asian. This was one of better Canadian Universities. I wonder what they were thinking when some lady (white as driven snow) who was six years into university doing some social sciences degree still not having done anything practical in her lift blathered on with the native land acknowledgement etc.

Your wife being in healthcare all the while knowing there isn't even a healthcare system anymore. I think native people want healthcare maybe would should fix that.

I'm trying to think of some sort of analogy for it and the only thing I can come up with is being forced to say (or at least listen to) a prayer of some sort. Was there ever a similar sort of phenomenon during McCarthyism and the Red Scare?
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