Official power2max support thread

Ok thanks. FYI, the other day I didn’t calibrate my Edge 500, under the assumption the auto-zeroing of the P2M would sort it all out, then proceeded to do a programmed workout with a warm up, then 3x10’ at 100% FTP. I hit what I thought were my normal threshold power numbers *as indicated by the Edge *during the first rep with some difficulty, but it felt much harder than usual. I then popped part way into the second rep! I couldn’t understand why I was having such a bad day not being able to hit my numbers. I repeated the exact same workout a few days later on the same bike, but this time calibrated the Edge before I began, and lo and behold it felt “right”, if you know what I mean. Lesson learned, you still need to calibrate the Edge 500 before you head off on the bike despite the auto-zeroing of the P2M!


Hi Dave,

3x10’ at FTP is pretty tough - in my experience if you blow up it can also be a day where you’re a bit more tired than usual I’ve had days where 3x10 at 90% seemed impossible- the hole you dig :-).

If you want to be extra sure that you have perfect data just coast for about 5 seconds shortly before you start your intervals, then you are absolutely certain you have a “fresh” zero offset.



I have a problem with my power2max type-s (rotor 3d). When I am doing high cadence drills or drills with a rapid increase in cadence the powermeter sometimes shows 0 power and 0 cadence. This happens on a trainer, I have not been able to replicate the behaviour on the road. Is the cadence measurement affected by the slight bouncing the happens on the trainer or is there another explanation.



Hi Kim,

it’s difficult to tell from the description alone. Most times when people see short cut outs its a reception problem. Would you mind sending me a file to our support email so that I can have a look at it? If you can provide a time stamp that would be excellent.



Is it the fit file from the device that you want is is a TCX file export from garmin connect sufficient. Where do I find the email address?

I see the 0 power and cadence reading from multiple recivers, my garmin 500 and the program trainerroad via an ant+ dongle (laptop). It is at the excact same times and intervals.

The address is support at power2max com.


Nicolas, I changed my q-rings out for some aero round rings. The set up is on 130bcd rotor 3d+ cranks with the p2m. I ‘feel’ that my readings since have been about 10-15 watts high…but rt. now…I have no way of knowing for sure. I was wondering if I didnt torque something just right…would this cause my problem? I have 3 possibilities that I have determined could be the cause(if it is actually reading high).

  1. I couldnt torque the p2m to the crankset because my torque meter wouldnt fit bt I did use a vice to hold the crank still…and noted where the meter and crank should return to as I tightened them back on. I basically just reveresed everything as exact as I could to tighten back up to torqe specs. Not the most accurate way of doing it…but the only option I had at the time.

  2. I also had 1 of the 5 chainring bolts was stripped…so I couldnt get it tightened to spec.

3. i swithched from oval rings to round rings…my fitter said that my pedal stroke was such that i would probably be more efficient on rounds…

what are your thoughts on any of these 3 options being the cause for a slight change in my Garmin 910xt power readings?

Hi Cojo,

one and two (torque and chain ring bolts) are settled as soon as you do an zero offset - either manual or automatic.

What’s likely is that you just had a good day - for example I raced this weekend and had sore legs on Tuesday, but amazing watts.

Best wishes

Hi Nicolas

Firstly - your crash replacement service is incredibly efficient, thank you. Admittedly a pain to post back to Germany from the uk, but still, an ace offer to customers.

I’ve installed my replacement p2m today, and fitted battery. Green light flashed. Went for ride. Was reading about right for 20mins, then slowly faded to 0 after 30mins, and now won’t pair with my Garmin(s). I’ve tried taking the battery and swapping that - green flashes every time.

What else can I try before admitting defeat and asking for a new one?

Any help from anyone much appreciated!


Hmm, these aren’t symptoms I have heard of.

The power meter is new? What model are we talking about and what Garmins are you pairing it with?


Hi Nicolas

I’ve been using my type s on the track with a 110-144 adaptor. I’m aware of the potential auto zero issues but it seems to work fine with consistent results and ones that match perceived effort compared to numbers I get on the road

One thing I’m interested in though is what the power2max is actually recordin at low pedal revs. Off a start I regularly hit (calculated) forces of 1500-2000 N. However when I’ve been on a force platform (sampling at 500 Hz!) a peak force of 1500 N requires a jump squat with 80 kgs (I’m 75 kgs and that’s about as high as I can go). So it kind of seems surprising that I could hit that much with one leg off the start (30 rpm presumably means all of the 1 Hz Ant+ data package is from one leg).

I’m also quite interest in whether my data as I accelerate through 30-90 rpm is impacted by aliasing at all? Again this is guess work but I see a strangely linear reduction in force with increasing leg speed between about 40 and 120 rpm that I’m not 100% convinced is natural.

I’d be really interested if you could share a bit about how the power2max is calculating the power. My guess is that its sampling at 50 Hz as specified by the online documentation, averaging the accelerometer data to keep it from being too noisy, and using the peak output from the strain guages to calculate power? Otherwise that peak force seems erroneous. Or potentially the £20k force platform is wrong, but, that would be bad news…

Any details would be mega useful so I can use my power data to inform my lifting.



Hi Alex,

complicated question, fun :-).

The road power meter is specified from 30 rpm upward. When you start it will take a little moment to get an accelerometer signal. Since the track is super smooth the signal will be of great quality, so data will be good.

I don’t quite follow your one leg conclusion - why would the force be from one leg only? Torque is total torque - ie how hard you push on one pedal and pull on the other. Especially at low rpm I would expect the pull component to be significant.

Regarding the acceleration: since the acceleration is very gradual and your are on a smooth track the conditions are ideal. There should not be a problem with it. As to how power changes during a start phase, that’s not my area of expertise - more one for sports physiologists :-).

Re power: sampling is done at 50HZ and torque (which varies A LOT) over a pedal turn is smoothed, ie averaged, so you can actually read the data. The data is updated every second, as per the ANT+ protocol. If you took the peak torque you would overestimate power.

Re the force platform comparison: again, I’m not a sports physiologist, to mind came that pedaling involves both legs and the duration of the force makes a big difference.

I hope this helps and that I understood your question right.


I have a power2max on my tri-bike and I love it and I now want to add one to my road bike. I went to your website and I am not sure which one I should select.

My Road bike is a:
2011 Specialized Allez Sport Compact
Crankset: Truvativ Isoflow
Bottom Bracket: Cr-Mo axle, 68mm x 113mm

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joel Thomas

Hi Joel,

great to hear you like your power2max!

Your Allez is a BSA threaded frame. Unfortunately the Isoflow bottom bracket is not compatible, so you’ll need to change it.

The cheapest solution will be the FSA Gossamer with a FSA Megaexo BSA bottom bracket. The next nicer option will be the Rotor 3D with a Rotor BB1 bottom bracket.

I hope this helps, don’t hesitate to ask any other questions!


Nicholas -

Can you confirm: the sram S900 spider type S is compatible with a GXP BB? I have a PF30(Ridley) frame, but am using wheels MFG PF30-GXP adapters for the GXP spindle on the cranks I have.

Hi Goldentech,

yes, if you have SRAM S900 / 950 or Force22 GXP cranks. The spider can be installed both on the BB30 and the GXP version of the cranks.


Thanks I have one more question… I have an extra FSA Gossamer crank (from my old tri bike) would I be able to use that with the FSA Megaexo adapter and just buy the power meter?


Hi Joel,

unfortunately not. The FSA cranks are one piece (crank plus spider) which makes it impossible to install a power meter. However, the FSA Gossamer is extremely well priced - only $20 more than the power meter alone!


You may have answered this with Joel but I already own the fsa gossamer 165mm p2m but need 155mm cranks. Anyway to swap the cranks on my existing p2m? If not, do I have any other options like trade in or do I just have to buy a whole new meter?

Hi cbump,

unfortunately 165mm is the shortest we have on the Gossamer. The only cranks we have in 155mm are the Rotor 3D+, which are completely different in terms of power meter.

Sorry I don’t have better news.
