CarboPro Availability?

Does anyone know what’s up with the CarboPro supply? Seems like it’s been out of stock from the usual sources, Amazon, TheFeed, and even directly from CarboPro, for over a month. The CarboPro folks are silent about this on their site. Their social media accounts have been silent for about a year.

If it were just a pandemic supply-chain disruption, I would understand, but presumably then they’d post this explanation on their site and through their social media channels. Instead, they’re silent. Its weird.

Does anyone who has relied on CarboPro for training/race nutrition in the past have recommendations for a suitable substitute?

I really like the Hammer Nutrition lineup of products, and have been using them since 1989. Heed is a great base, and then you can add endurolytes in either powder or pill form to your required dosage of electrolytes. They use all natural ingredients with no fillers or colors.

You can use food-grade maltodextrin (what’s in carbopro). Easy to find at brewing stores, or online.

Does anyone know what’s up with the CarboPro supply? Seems like it’s been out of stock from the usual sources, Amazon, TheFeed, and even directly from CarboPro, for over a month. The CarboPro folks are silent about this on their site. Their social media accounts have been silent for about a year.

If it were just a pandemic supply-chain disruption, I would understand, but presumably then they’d post this explanation on their site and through their social media channels. Instead, they’re silent. Its weird.

Does anyone who has relied on CarboPro for training/race nutrition in the past have recommendations for a suitable substitute?

Not sure if they ship to the US, but I buy stuff from pretty reguarly.

But yeah probably cheaper ways to get the same sort of thing, as mentioned above.

Spoke to Ben Norman at BikeFix Utah.
They’ve got 3 x 2lb bags.

Thank you!

You can use food-grade maltodextrin (what’s in carbopro). Easy to find at brewing stores, or online.

Does anyone know what’s up with the CarboPro supply? Seems like it’s been out of stock from the usual sources, Amazon, TheFeed, and even directly from CarboPro, for over a month. The CarboPro folks are silent about this on their site. Their social media accounts have been silent for about a year.

If it were just a pandemic supply-chain disruption, I would understand, but presumably then they’d post this explanation on their site and through their social media channels. Instead, they’re silent. Its weird.

Does anyone who has relied on CarboPro for training/race nutrition in the past have recommendations for a suitable substitute?

Buy in bulk to save for sure. Or sugar. Or like 4:1 sugar to malto. Or any other ratio of sugar to malto will be better than straight malto.

**TLDR: Reconsider enriching retailers of cheap carbs with good marketing. ** They are, by and large, taking advantage of your lack of knowledge about how much food grade carbs cost to manufacture, compared to protein, which actually is expensive to manufacture and has much thinner profit margins.

Rationale dump:
Quick summary:
1:1 Glucose:Fructose Ratio Works better than 2:1.
90-150 grams of carbs per hour during exercise may be beneficial. 90 is not the limit.
Sucrose works as well as maltodextrin:fructose, and glucose:fructose 1:1 mixtures. >>90g/hr is optimal
Isotonicity is not as important as meeting carb and hydration needs. Both can be met with hypertonic solutions, greater than 90g/hr.
Detailed how-to guide for intra-workout fueling: (scroll to near bottom)
Running intra-workout fueling, sweetness discussion
Really spelling it out: HOW TO:
Even more how-to, with savings calculations:

Thanks for this info. I called them Saturday and bought all they had left.

Looks like CarboPro is back in stock!!

Looks like CarboPro is back in stock!!…-lb-136-kg-p-56.html

Thank you!

Hopefully other places will get it in stock soon that has some lower shipping rates. Yikes! $24 for 2 canisters.

In Canada I get all my carbs some CanadianProtein. I don’t know why you’d pay for anything more expensive. Only thing I have trouble finding here is Fructose at a decent price.

Carbohydrate Supplements Canada – Canadian Protein

Was looking for this today.

$24 shipping for a 3 lb tub.

Even paying full price for Infinit is cheaper than that :frowning:

Just buy this big one

Store it in $5 paint buckets from Home depot. You’ll probably never run out ever again.

If you don’t want 50lbs to store, get 8lbs for ~$20 for carbo gain from GNC which is the cheapest I’ve been able to find for something that doesn’t take up the whole pantry. It’s all the same stuff.

If you don’t want 50lbs to store, get 8lbs for ~$20 for carbo gain from GNC which is the cheapest I’ve been able to find for something that doesn’t take up the whole pantry. It’s all the same stuff.

Yes, chemically the same, but there’s differences.
I have had malto from different vendors and they differed in how easy they dissolved in water.
Currently using up a tub of CarboGain and it turns into goopy Elmers glue with water if you don’t stir it in slowly or use a blender.
I suspect a coarser consistency (Carboplex?) may dissolve easier, as GarboGain is a really fine powder.

If you don’t want 50lbs to store, get 8lbs for ~$20 for carbo gain from GNC which is the cheapest I’ve been able to find for something that doesn’t take up the whole pantry. It’s all the same stuff.

Thanks, I’ll take a look at that.