IronCowboy - Conquer 100 (100 IM distances/100 CONSECUTIVE DAYS)- results page

But by claiming he has done a Deca, which is a real event under stringent rules, he both devalues others and shows no respect, and just undermines his own credibility. If he stuck to claiming his own achievements instead of comparing himself with others, he would get more backing.

And this is the issue, to your point he just plastered all over his IG and facebook that he finished a deca ironman. When in reality he didnt.

Nobody disagrees that its his event or that these are his rules, people are pissed because because he then claims to do something with rule changes to make it easier. And while its his life and doesnt affect me, it also doesnt mean that i cant call him out on it. In the same way that someone who goes out and runs 21 miles and calls it a marathon would get called out.

And just to put things into perspective, based on the ICs “finishing times” for his “deca” he would have come in 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at the last deca i raced. And this is comparing to peoples times who raced with no drafting under stringent rules. 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at an event that none of the true top racers from around the world attended.

But by claiming he has done a Deca, which is a real event under stringent rules, he both devalues others and shows no respect, and just undermines his own credibility. If he stuck to claiming his own achievements instead of comparing himself with others, he would get more backing.

And this is the issue, to your point he just plastered all over his IG and facebook that he finished a deca ironman. When in reality he didnt.

Nobody disagrees that its his event or that these are his rules, people are pissed because because he then claims to do something with rule changes to make it easier. And while its his life and doesnt affect me, it also doesnt mean that i cant call him out on it. In the same way that someone who goes out and runs 21 miles and calls it a marathon would get called out.

And just to put things into perspective, based on the ICs “finishing times” for his “deca” he would have come in 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at the last deca i raced. And this is comparing to peoples times who raced with no drafting under stringent rules. 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at an event that none of the true top racers from around the world attended.


I’ve been following this thread with an interest in someone doing something that is physically very difficult. But I can arrive at no other conclusion than to say that he is a dishonest person, intentionally misleading people who don’t know better.

He is not doing an Ironman every day. He did not do a Deca. He simply is not doing these things.

I’m a believer in the importance of being accurate and honest about our athletic achievements. If anyone asks me if I have run a marathon the answer is no. If they ask if I have ever run an ultra, the answer is no. I reserve the right to honestly tell them that “during Covid I organized and did a solo 50k run for charity.” But that does not mean that I ran a “marathon” or a real “ultra” event.

He could, similarly, say that he is “covering 140.6 miles per day by swimming, biking and running distances that correspond to a triathlon, but with modified rules to make it feasible” and I would respect it. But when you flat out lie (and he is lying at this point), I’m out.

I think what’s bothersome about James is that he’s intentionally misleading the general public about his attempt. He uses the word Iron in his name. He posts and says that he’s doing Ironman length triathlons. He wants people to believe he’s doing Ironman’s when he knows full well that he’s not. And he knows the general public doesn’t have the time to fact check him. The guy that ran with him yesterday said that he’s doing an Ironman with James. That will be shared and spread the lie. I’m sure that even though James was tagged in the post he’s not going to correct the guy because he wants people to think he’s doing Ironman’s. He makes money off that falsehood.

Here’s the post:


Today James Lawerence aka the Iron Cowboy really made my day.
My wife and I have tried to find him along the Murdock in the evenings as he finishes his DAILY Iron Man. He has always smiled and been gracious but I still tend to get tongue Tied when we see him. Today he noticed I was setting up the phone to get a picture and he jumped in. Being around him there is a palpable energy and confidence as he conquers the impossible yet again. Crazy awesome! What is your impossible — go get after it!”

But by claiming he has done a Deca, which is a real event under stringent rules, he both devalues others and shows no respect, and just undermines his own credibility. If he stuck to claiming his own achievements instead of comparing himself with others, he would get more backing.

And this is the issue, to your point he just plastered all over his IG and facebook that he finished a deca ironman. When in reality he didnt.

Nobody disagrees that its his event or that these are his rules, people are pissed because because he then claims to do something with rule changes to make it easier. And while its his life and doesnt affect me, it also doesnt mean that i cant call him out on it. In the same way that someone who goes out and runs 21 miles and calls it a marathon would get called out.

And just to put things into perspective, based on the ICs “finishing times” for his “deca” he would have come in 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at the last deca i raced. And this is comparing to peoples times who raced with no drafting under stringent rules. 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at an event that none of the true top racers from around the world attended.


I’ve been following this thread with an interest in someone doing something that is physically very difficult. But I can arrive at no other conclusion than to say that he is a dishonest person, intentionally misleading people who don’t know better.

He is not doing an Ironman every day. He did not do a Deca. He simply is not doing these things.

I’m a believer in the importance of being accurate and honest about our athletic achievements. If anyone asks me if I have run a marathon the answer is no. If they ask if I have ever run an ultra, the answer is no. I reserve the right to honestly tell them that “during Covid I organized and did a solo 50k run for charity.” But that does not mean that I ran a “marathon” or a real “ultra” event.

He could, similarly, say that he is “covering 140.6 miles per day by swimming, biking and running distances that correspond to a triathlon, but with modified rules to make it feasible” and I would respect it. But when you flat out lie (and he is lying at this point), I’m out.

I am being a fan of his daily 16 hrs training days and want to give him a heroical pat on the back for his ICman100/100 as it is kind of an interesting human feat of persistence, organization and exercise.

But then he undermines himself making claims that are outright lies (the part of your post in bold above). I am fan of his persistence and focus and a hater of his level of honesty. I have to simultaneously decouple the two sentiments that co exist in my brain. It is generally something that I am good at in all kinds of aspects of life and I don’t wholistically hate a person for trangressions in one area of their life when the other part of their life they may be doing something good/virtuous/productive. I’d rather focus on the things that someone does well and support that and beat on them for what they do badly.

him claiming a deca is like a guy Everesting and saying he climbed Everest.

Well… IC just claimed in an IG post “This is what a Deca looks like…” after completing #10.

Er… not really.

This guy… smh.

I think what’s bothersome about James is that he’s intentionally misleading the general public about his attempt. He uses the word Iron in his name. He posts and says that he’s doing Ironman length triathlons. He wants people to believe he’s doing Ironman’s when he knows full well that he’s not. And he knows the general public doesn’t have the time to fact check him. The guy that ran with him yesterday said that he’s doing an Ironman with James. That will be shared and spread the lie. I’m sure that even though James was tagged in the post he’s not going to correct the guy because he wants people to think he’s doing Ironman’s. He makes money off that falsehood.

Here’s the post:


Today James Lawerence aka the Iron Cowboy really made my day.
My wife and I have tried to find him along the Murdock in the evenings as he finishes his DAILY Iron Man. He has always smiled and been gracious but I still tend to get tongue Tied when we see him. Today he noticed I was setting up the phone to get a picture and he jumped in. Being around him there is a palpable energy and confidence as he conquers the impossible yet again. Crazy awesome! What is your impossible — go get after it!”

I think it’s awesome he inspires you. And I hope that inspiration helps you do positive things and create value for the yourself, and the world, in some way, large or small.

But the dude ain’t doing a daily Ironman.

But by claiming he has done a Deca, which is a real event under stringent rules, he both devalues others and shows no respect, and just undermines his own credibility. If he stuck to claiming his own achievements instead of comparing himself with others, he would get more backing.

And this is the issue, to your point he just plastered all over his IG and facebook that he finished a deca ironman. When in reality he didnt.

Nobody disagrees that its his event or that these are his rules, people are pissed because because he then claims to do something with rule changes to make it easier. And while its his life and doesnt affect me, it also doesnt mean that i cant call him out on it. In the same way that someone who goes out and runs 21 miles and calls it a marathon would get called out.

And just to put things into perspective, based on the ICs “finishing times” for his “deca” he would have come in 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at the last deca i raced. And this is comparing to peoples times who raced with no drafting under stringent rules. 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at an event that none of the true top racers from around the world attended.


I’ve been following this thread with an interest in someone doing something that is physically very difficult. But I can arrive at no other conclusion than to say that he is a dishonest person, intentionally misleading people who don’t know better.

He is not doing an Ironman every day. He did not do a Deca. He simply is not doing these things.

I’m a believer in the importance of being accurate and honest about our athletic achievements. If anyone asks me if I have run a marathon the answer is no. If they ask if I have ever run an ultra, the answer is no. I reserve the right to honestly tell them that “during Covid I organized and did a solo 50k run for charity.” But that does not mean that I ran a “marathon” or a real “ultra” event.

He could, similarly, say that he is “covering 140.6 miles per day by swimming, biking and running distances that correspond to a triathlon, but with modified rules to make it feasible” and I would respect it. But when you flat out lie (and he is lying at this point), I’m out.

I am being a fan of his daily 16 hrs training days and want to give him a heroical pat on the back for his ICman100/100 as it is kind of an interesting human feat of persistence, organization and exercise.

But then he undermines himself making claims that are outright lies (the part of your post in bold above). I am fan of his persistence and focus and a hater of his level of honesty. I have to simultaneously decouple the two sentiments that co exist in my brain. It is generally something that I am good at in all kinds of aspects of life and I don’t wholistically hate a person for trangressions in one area of their life when the other part of their life they may be doing something good/virtuous/productive. I’d rather focus on the things that someone does well and support that and beat on them for what they do badly.

I’ve tried hard to like the guy as well and I know that I’m far from perfect though seperating the two aspects (persitence & focus vs level of honesty) is becoming harder to do. Or maybe its getting easier the more he continues. I’m so confused.

Out of respect for the Ironman community and in the interest of accuracy, he should be doing everything he can to ensure that people know he is not doing Ironman’s. Correcting the record. But he’s not. He’s reposting the lie.

In a sense what James is doing is like plagiarism, but he’s allowing others to do it for him and he’s profiting from it.

It’s dishonest and it casts a light on his prior questionable ethics controversies.

Well… IC just claimed in an IG post “This is what a Deca looks like…” after completing #10.

Er… not really.
Yeah but nobody outside of a few of us will give a shit and correct him and those who do correct him will get slammed for it…Been there done that.The modern world is all about blurring the lines for a feel good story and we see it every day in the mainstream media.

A basketball rim diameter is 18 inches. You can’t use a 20 inch diameter rim, make a thousand baskets in a row and then tell the world you made a thousand free throws. They’re not free throws and you can’t make it so with fine print that says “I define a free throw as using a 12 inch diameter rim.”

If someone tried to profit off doing this, the NBA and basketball community would shred the person.

So this idea, that people on this board are being petty by calling James out, is ridiculous.

I call it protecting the integrity of the sport and I think more people should be speaking out about it.

James is not doing 100 Ironman’s, let alone 1.

just replying in general – with the double deca claim…what the “I. C.” is doing, kinda reminds me of the last 4 or 5 years, both in terms of stretching the truth, alternate facts, and the outright trolling…me thinks he’s worked on his troll/con game a tad more than his SBR game. Going for some popcorn, the next 90 days should be interesting!

A basketball rim diameter is 10 inches. You can’t use a 12 inch diameter rim, make a thousand baskets in a row and then tell the world you made a thousand free throws. They’re not free throws and you can’t make it so with fine print that says “I define a free throw as using a 12 inch diameter rim.”

You from Manitoba? :wink:

Hahaha you know what I meant…

Hahaha you know what I meant…

And, by the way, I just noticed that that 10" rim article from Manitoba was published on April Fool’s day. I was fooled, as I was going to seriously dig into how the heck some Manitoban high school player might be able to even score. I caught it before I googled “high school basketball scoring average in Manitoba” :smiley:

Well… IC just claimed in an IG post “This is what a Deca looks like…” after completing #10.

Er… not really.
Yeah but nobody outside of a few of us will give a shit and correct him and those who do correct him will get slammed for it…Been there done that.The modern world is all about blurring the lines for a feel good story and we see it every day in the mainstream media.

I mean ya, on the one hand everyone skews facts to fit their agenda or cherry picks information. For instance I highlight achievements on my resume while leaving out mistakes that I have made (kinda funny given you tend to get better experience and lessons from the mistakes, but I digress). But there needs to be limits, I would not put “10 years CEO experience” on my resume if I was the assistant to the CEO for 10 years. And yes, I would say that pushing 1.0w/kg for 6hours and walking a marathon is exactly the same kind of training benefit gained as the experience the assistant to the CEO gets.

Is there any proof that he is actually a cowboy?

Is there any proof that he is actually a cowboy?


Growing up in rural Montana riding horses, gathering cattle, branding cattle, and all the other fun ranching stuff I can say that you can call yourself what you want, but in the words of the great Conway Twitty. “Don’t call him a cowboy till ya seen him ride.” hahaha. (pink)

But by claiming he has done a Deca, which is a real event under stringent rules, he both devalues others and shows no respect, and just undermines his own credibility. If he stuck to claiming his own achievements instead of comparing himself with others, he would get more backing.

And this is the issue, to your point he just plastered all over his IG and facebook that he finished a deca ironman. When in reality he didnt.

Nobody disagrees that its his event or that these are his rules, people are pissed because because he then claims to do something with rule changes to make it easier. And while its his life and doesnt affect me, it also doesnt mean that i cant call him out on it. In the same way that someone who goes out and runs 21 miles and calls it a marathon would get called out.

And just to put things into perspective, based on the ICs “finishing times” for his “deca” he would have come in 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at the last deca i raced. And this is comparing to peoples times who raced with no drafting under stringent rules. 4th or 5th place out of 6 people at an event that none of the true top racers from around the world attended.

I’ve been following this thread since the beginning, especially your posts since you have some good personal insight given your background in ultras. I realize that is his event/his rules, and I am also impressed with the mental/physical aspect involved on his part. He’s said up front what his rules are, so I guess there is some transparency in that regard. However, he has to expect criticism when he calls what he is doing something else and then seeks attention for it.