Anyone following the Frank Meza alleged cheating story?

… with no sound coming out of their mouths.

That would be Heaven, actually. Steven A or Skip Bayless on Mute for Eternity

Surprising it isn’t an e-bike!

Update on MI

Here’s the link to the report on GMA.

They’re actually clowning on him. Pretty funny.

If this gets elevated to *Around The Horn *or Highly Questionable

There are so many smoking guns on this thing we now have an entire arsenal of them.

Just as in the past people would say someone “pulled a Rosie Ruiz”, in the future the saying is going to be “pulled a Meza”. He always hoped to achieve immortality, it just won’t be quite in the way he envisioned.

Wow, this is all just so sad.

There are so many smoking guns on this thing we now have an entire arsenal of them.

Just as in the past people would say someone “pulled a Rosie Ruiz”, in the future the saying is going to be “pulled a Meza”. He always hoped to achieve immortality, it just won’t be quite in the way he envisioned.

What’s sort of interesting is how long he pulled it off. Year after year. He had slip-ups, e.g. getting banned/DQ’d, but it never went viral until now.

And it’s interesting to think that it may have just been hubris that got him. If he’d just been satisfied with being a bad-ass 70+ guy with a 3:30 marathon, it wouldn’t have invited much scrutiny. But he had to go sub-3 into WR territory. That was eventually going to get him.

There are so many smoking guns on this thing we now have an entire arsenal of them.

Just as in the past people would say someone “pulled a Rosie Ruiz”, in the future the saying is going to be “pulled a Meza”. He always hoped to achieve immortality, it just won’t be quite in the way he envisioned.

You’re forgetting someone

Wow, this is all just so sad.
Sick kids and homeless animals are sad. This guys is just a cheating d-bag that finally has been exposed after heaven know how long of robbing results from better people.

Update on MI //

So Frank just did it as a duathlon, what’s the problem???

And it’s interesting to think that it may have just been hubris that got him. If he’d just been satisfied with being a bad-ass 70+ guy with a 3:30 marathon, it wouldn’t have invited much scrutiny. But he had to go sub-3 into WR territory. That was eventually going to get him.

If Mike Rossi hadn’t been such a loud-mouth about his kids’ unexcused absence when he took them up to Boston to watch him run the marathon he cheated his way into, no one would know who he was at all

THAT’s how* his *story all started

There are so many smoking guns on this thing we now have an entire arsenal of them.

Just as in the past people would say someone “pulled a Rosie Ruiz”, in the future the saying is going to be “pulled a Meza”. He always hoped to achieve immortality, it just won’t be quite in the way he envisioned.

You’re forgetting someone

Rossi was epic but this dude has him beat.

Update on MI //

So Frank just did it as a duathlon, what’s the problem???

The article says this: "He claims publicly that he will run again. In the latest LA Times article, Frank says he will run The 2020 LA Marathon with an observer to prove that he can run a marathon in under 3 hours. "

I’ll bet money that he will never race the LA Marathon again, and most likely no race ever again. He can’t run a 5K at the pace at which he cheated in the LA Marathon; but he most definitely can run his mouth. What A Loser!

Rossi was epic but this dude has him beat.

Meza cheated for years & years, but only now got caught

Rossi only cheated twice, got caught both times, yet his LetsRun thread is longer

Update on MI //

So Frank just did it as a duathlon, what’s the problem???

The article says this: "He claims publicly that he will run again. In the latest LA Times article, Frank says he will run The 2020 LA Marathon with an observer to prove that he can run a marathon in under 3 hours. "

I guess that “heart condition” resolved itself?

Rossi came to letsrun under many sock puppets to flame and troll from what I read. Never went to that thread myself.

That is true as well, yeah

I would say about 10% of the posts were him, under one name or another

Update on MI //

So Frank just did it as a duathlon, what’s the problem???

The article says this: "He claims publicly that he will run again. In the latest LA Times article, Frank says he will run The 2020 LA Marathon with an observer to prove that he can run a marathon in under 3 hours. "

I guess that “heart condition” resolved itself?

It will be back before next year’s race.

I guess that “heart condition” resolved itself? //

I believe the heart condition came after that article where he says he will run and prove it. Even pathological liars have their come to Jesus moments, when they box themselves into the smallest corners they can’t possibly get out of…

I believe the heart condition came after that article where he says he will run and prove it.

June 20, 2019

Frank to Loyola kids & coaches “I will run Chicago and prove them wrong”

Five minutes later, Frank to just the coaches “Nah, I’m not running anymore. Got this heart condition”

July 1, 2019

Frank states he will run LA 2020