Womens Camp 2019

I’m interested in this but would be out for April as that’s Boston marathon month…

March 13-17
April 10-14 1

OK - vote for either one of these dates (or both or neither) please. Monty - please confirm availability. We would like to get it on the calendar before all weekends book up.


March 13-17
April 10-14 1
OK - vote for either one of these dates (or both or neither) please. Monty - please confirm availability. We would like to get it on the calendar before all weekends book up. //

Either of those weeks works for me, whichever one gets the most of the womens on board…


either date works for me.

April is better for me!

Well it should be a bit warmer in April, so maybe everyone see if they can shoehorn in that date??

OK Monty - put April 10-14 in the books. That will guarantee that my Nashville Predators play in the NHL playoffs.

looks like dates are April 10-14? that is weekend of Du nationals

that is weekend of Du nationals //

SO how many of you womens is that going to affect? At that time of year there are some bigger races just about every weekend, so maybe a head count to see if it is worth taking another look at??

April 10-14 - let’s start making a list of attendees

Not me. Gotta work, unfortunately!

I should still be in!

Dont forget that we still have most of the Tri sports hoard, and you will get a crack at it before we take it all to wildflower again. Those of you that did the camp last year can tell the others that those savings alone will pay for the trip!!!

Time to think about flights. Who is in?

April 10-14


Who else?

I will likely be driving again, as we now have a second home in Las Vegas (winter white gets pretty old, pretty fast)

My initial plans are to arrive on April 9 and leave on the evening of April 12 in order to race the Rage Triathlon the following day in Lake Mead, NV.

I would love to come. But I will be a last minute addition if I do…won’t have schedule for April until March 16, and then I may still not know! My plan would probably be fly to LAX and rent a car. If it turns out I can get there I’ll keep folks posted with arrangements so we can share a car if it works.

I would love to come. But I will be a last minute addition if I do…won’t have schedule for April until March 16, and then I may still not know! My plan would probably be fly to LAX and rent a car. If it turns out I can get there I’ll keep folks posted with arrangements so we can share a car if it works.

Great - keep us posted!

Who else?

FINAL CALL - we only have Sally and I confirmed so we may cancel (or possibly move to May or June). Need to know ASAP so Monty can plan.

April 10-14

SkyFlyGal - tentative

CANCELLED FOR APRIL. If anyone is interested in the May or June time frame, LMK.

FINAL CALL - we only have Sally and I confirmed so we may cancel (or possibly move to May or June). Need to know ASAP so Monty can plan.

April 10-14

SkyFlyGal - tentative

April is Boston month