February Swims - post 'em here

400 warmup, 500 pull with no paddles, 6x50 kick on 1:00

5x100 @ 1:30 (1:11,12,12,12,12)
50 easy on 1:00
4x100 @ 1:25 (1:11,12,11,12)
50 easy on 1:00
3x100 @ 1:20 (1:12,13)
rest several minutes
100 fast - 1:00.6
rest a few minutes
25 easy then 25 fast - 12.6

The 100s weren’t feeling great so I bailed on 3rd set. My younger brother wanted to race, so he swam 75 to my 100. He completely shocked me with a 51. I expected him to be no faster than 1:02. He just started swimming with his face in the water a few months ago.

2550 scy

Friday 8th Feb:
2x50 (sorting goggles out…!)
5x400 @ 15-20 secs rest. 6.32-6.26
100 easy
3x200 @ 3.30 - 3.14 to 3.11
200 w/down. Crampy swim - in both calves.

Sunday 10th Feb
AM: 23km run (2hrs 3)
PM: Very tired swim - the stroke felt all over the place.
1100 mixed bag warm up
10x50 @ between 10&15 seconds in between (depending on traffic) - 44’s heading south, 43’s heading north (yes it was that windy)
400 w/down
2000 LCM

On another note, a 2.5m bronze whaler shark was spotted close to shore near my house recently - at a beach along the IM Melb run leg. Plenty around at the moment, by all accounts…including 12 feet away from a work friend, who happened to be swimming at a surf beach over the weekend…

Friday 8th Feb:
2x50 (sorting goggles out…!)
5x400 @ 15-20 secs rest. 6.32-6.26
100 easy
3x200 @ 3.30 - 3.14 to 3.11
200 w/down. Crampy swim - in both calves.

Sunday 10th Feb
AM: 23km run (2hrs 3)
PM: Very tired swim - the stroke felt all over the place.
1100 mixed bag warm up
10x50 @ between 10&15 seconds in between (depending on traffic) - 44’s heading south, 43’s heading north (yes it was that windy)
400 w/down
2000 LCM

On another note, a 2.5m bronze whaler shark was spotted close to shore near my house recently - at a beach along the IM Melb run leg. Plenty around at the moment, by all accounts…including 12 feet away from a work friend, who happened to be swimming at a surf beach over the weekend…

Pool swimming is a LOT safer:)


500 free sw
300 free pull w/paddles, 200 free pull w/o
5 x
400 IM kick w/o bd
400 IM sw
5 x 100 breast
200 free easy

All on :15r, 6000 SCY.

20 x 100 @ 1:20 AV 1:11

Saw distance events got sold out first day for a zone meet by a single tri club. That really sucks for people shooting for a national ranking.

Feb. 6–OW 1mile swim in 41min, 22mile ride, 3mile run
Feb. 8–OW 1mile swim in 42:50, 22mile ride, 3mile run
Feb. 10–OW 1mile swim in 43:1, 22mile ride, 3mile run

put in over 10k last week, first time in 2.5 years doing that much work in the pool.
all distance scy

feb 4: 700 warm up, 300 kick, 300 drill, 14x 125s @ 130, 200 easy - total 3250
feb 5 600 warm up, 300 kick, 300 drill, 500 easy swim 10 x 75, 25 build, 25 sprint, 25 easy 300 easy 2750 total
feb 8 600 warm up 200 drill, 200 backstroke, 1x400 IM @630, 4x100 IM@140, 1x400 free @540 4x100 free @ 120, 1x400 back @6 4x100 back @1:25 4x100 kick,
100 warm down 3900 total
feb 10: easy 2k after a 20mile run: 800 warm up, 400 drill, 800 warm down

total week: 11900 scy

Some up and down swims over the weekend

Friday: 4700 scy including 8x200 on a slllooow interval. Dragging on the bottom of the pool day.

Saturday much better group swim: 5100 with a main set of:
2 X (10x100 @ 1:20, 100 Fast, 100 Easy, 10x50 @ :40, 50 Fast, 50 Easy)
R1- swim, R2- pull

Sunday shorter swim after run and ride: 3400scy
10x100 (k,dr,sw), 12x66 build every 3rd, 6x33 all out side by side w/ friend (these hurt)

Crack of dawn this Monday morning:
Wu- 400fr, 200IM (ra,la), 400 pull w/ band, 200IM (k,sw)

Ms- 5x200 @ 2:50, 5x50 @ 1:00 (F!, ez)
4x200 @ 2:45, 4x50 (F! bk, ez fr)
3x200 pull @ 2:40, 3x50 (F! br, ez fr)
2x200 @2:35, 2x50 (F!fr, ez fr) – this was a tough one
1x200 @2:30, 1x50 kick fast – happy w/ this last effort

Cd- various strokes/kick w/ fins

5700 scy

Pool still overly warm

1000s no time
5x100 various kicks
5x100@1:45 alt IM/fr
5x50@1:00 alt k/s s~:29/:29
50 bk cool

2300 sc yardages

a real cluster today, 8 people in the lane for a while, couldn’t keep my splits. made all the more difficult with the sichuan hot pot last night that forced me out of the pool twice.

200 ez
8 x 75 @ 1:20 rotate stroke by 25
4 x 50 bk k @ 1:00
5 x 100 @ 1:40 alt reverse IM/free
6 x 100 @ 1:15 (things were out of control at this point, ended up sitting out a 50 as the lane leader caught my feet)
8 x 50 build @ 1:00
4 x 50 strong IM order @1:15 (37, 40, 40, 31, i’m a back half IMer :slight_smile:
200 ez

2850 scy

rest yesterday, felt ‘off’ from it

6.8 mi run
2200 yds:

2 x 300 w/u
5 x 100 on 1:35
4 x 200 #1 and #4 alt k/sw by 25
3 x 100 on 1:45 trying to go fast (fast did not happen)
got out and did shoulder exercises

Everything that could go wrong is going wrong and has been for a week. That can stop at any point.

I like having a base set to track progress and know where I am. My base set this season will be 6 x 300’s on 4:10 in SCM

Today I did 5 (time constraints) on 4:10 3:49 / :48: / :47 / :47 / :44 - AVG = 3:47

I wasn’t warmed up enough when I started and I didin’t do 6. But it is a start. I hope to avg 3:42 by the end of April. I think I will be at 3:45 the next time I do the set in two weeks.

800 w/up
11x200 - first 4 @ 3.30, last 7 @ 3.25 - ave pace sub 3.08 (3.07.9!!)
200 easy
200 easy

3500 LCM

last week’s swims:

1- swim, every 4th 50 drill
2- 100swim/100kick (free/fly by 50)
3-pull (paddles+buoy), breathe every 5 on every 4th 50
4- same as #1

+about 45min running


300 easy
4x50 drill
4x200 on 2:50 (2:27-27-27-26)
2x50 kick drill
4x150 on 2:05 (1:48-48-48-47)
2x50 kick drill
4x100 on 1:25 (1:10’s)
2x50 kick drill
4x50 on :45 (33-34-33-33)
2x50 kick drill
100 easy

Mon.11.Feb.2013, all on :15 - :20r

2 x 500 free, sw/pl
800 IM sw + 400 IM kick
600 IM kick + 400 IM sw + 200 fr pl
400 IM kick + 200 IM sw + 200 fr sw
200 IM kick + 200 IM sw + 200 fr pl
100 IM kick + 100 IM sw + 100 fr sw
8 x 100 breast
100 fr sw easy
100 fr sw hard
100 fr pl easy

6200 SCY + 11 mi bike + 3 mi run

Knowlegable fish… how much difference (benefit) is there between a 4k swim and a 5k swim? Not looking for percentage terms, but for me, the real benefits from a long ride seem to kick in above 4 hours, and above 2 hours in a long run - what is your ‘point’ for swimming?

Knowlegable fish… how much difference (benefit) is there between a 4k swim and a 5k swim? Not looking for percentage terms, but for me, the real benefits from a long ride seem to kick in above 4 hours, and above 2 hours in a long run - what is your ‘point’ for swimming?

Are you talking about doing it straight? Yeah, a 5k straight is less beneficial than 4k straight. Both suck as ideas go.

Sorry if that is not what you were suggesting.

Knowlegable fish… how much difference (benefit) is there between a 4k swim and a 5k swim? Not looking for percentage terms, but for me, the real benefits from a long ride seem to kick in above 4 hours, and above 2 hours in a long run - what is your ‘point’ for swimming?

Are you talking about doing it straight? Yeah, a 5k straight is less beneficial than 4k straight. Both suck as ideas go.

Sorry if that is not what you were suggesting.

Not straight - overall session…

100 swim
zoomers on
4 x 50 kick @ 60
4x25 drill @ 30
8x25 fly @ 25
zoomers off
5 x 200pull/paddles @ 2:45 decend 1-5 2:20, 2:15, 2:15, 2:14, 2:10

100 easy
60 x 25 @ 25 balls to the walls (extra 40 sec after each 20).

800 IM sw

man you did a legit 800 IM? kudos to you. i have a long-term goal to complete a 200 fly someday (and a respectable 400 lcm IM), but at my best can only manage 100 scy or 50 + 4-5 strokes lcm.

Had a great workout this morning. Tues/Th no college kids, so we have more lanes and it’s not too crazy.

500 wu
4 x 250 @ 3:20 (made 'em and held pace ~3:09)
3 x 200 @ ??? various strokes
8 x 100 pull paddles @ 1:25 (~1:09)
4 x (25 strong/50 ez, 50 strong/25 ez, 75 strong) IMO @ 1:15 (couldn’t finish the fly, bk/br ~1:03, fr ~0:51)
200 ez

4000 scy in 1:10

Everything that could go wrong is going wrong and has been for a week. That can stop at any point.

have you taken a longer break? Sounds like you need too & come back refreshed.

5x@4:00 (or so) 2:34/:31/:28/:22/:18
300 s/k/cool

2300 sc yardages