Motley Crue is once again...and all is right in the world

Vince lives in Vegas and you occassionally see him around town (at the Palms, especially). He looks like a bloated puffy version of his big hair glory. I think they are going to play a show at House of Blues. I’m there dude!

The Crue rocks … I can’t imagine 8th grade without ‘Girls Girls Girls’. Few things matched a middle schoolers libido like a Crue album.

““How does this pertain to triathlon? Well, playing my Too Fast For Love tape (yes, tape) increased my power output by approximately 20 watts in today’s computrainer sesh, so there. Metal will always beat carbon this and aero that.””

I think that “Mis-ter Annn-der-sonn” would agree with you. From what I understand, he’s a big fan of the heavy stuff - Nile, Opeth, Meshuggah, to name a few. And you can’t argue with the watts he turns over!

White Zombie rules.

Well said, J…well said. We’ll have to bring some Crue along with us after Christmas, eh?

Hey what’s up with mick?? I saw him on some awards show last week and he looked like a guy on “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”… something definitely looked strange with him…

Dokken - Wow, haven’t heard about them in a while! I about gave myself shoulder tendonitis playing the air guitar to them on occasion!

Loved your recount of the Crue concert. I have a similar story while camping out one night for tickets in Cleveland…

“They make Metallica look like girl scouts.”

The Crue rocked back in the day… but they washed up on the shore like bloated glam rock whales years ago…A couple of good albums and then…well…nothing.

Motley crue , played harder, partied harder, Screwed more, Than any band I can remember. Anyone that came close is dead. Just the staying power to survive those years, is just amazing. I like metalica ,but only one guy can really play guitar. . GOOD TIMES

I was at a Crue concert in Detroit quite a number of years ago. They absolutely rocked. Absolutely. They were totally sick. They make Metallica look like girl scouts.

Tommy Lee is absolutely rocking out during one song- full on. Some **dimwit **in the crowd launches a bottle rocket at him. It hits him in the head and explodes right in front of his face. He was so wired on whatever that he didn’t flinch. Nikki Sixx just stops playing, clubs the guy in the pit over the head with his bass: Instant riot. Huge fight. The show just keeps on going. Insane. Vince Neil was unaffected.

The guy in the pit or one of his A-hole buddies who launched the bottle rocket actually grabbed the body of Sixx’s guitar when he clubbed him. He pulled the guitar into the crowd, probably hoping to pull Sixx in there too. Bouncers appear from everywhere. The music goes on. Sixx calmly walks back stage for another guitar. Bouncers have now retrieved the original guitar and are beating the down south shit out of the guy who grabbed the guitar as they drag him up on the stage then back stage and out of the arena, probably after getting a few more licks in.

The song ends and Vince Neil makes no mention of it. It is as though it was just a typical night for these guys. Which it was. I lost a shoe and got a black eye at that concert. It was absolutely outstanding.

I saw them way back in 198? at Joe Louis, opening for Ozzy. They were good but the Ozzman still blew them away.

BTW, that dimwit must have been at Pine Knob as well because same thing happened there during a Maiden concert I saw. Dickinson wraped a microphone cord around the guys neck though. :slight_smile:

I’ll gladly tape a walkman and speakers to my handlebars. Scare the locals, as H.S. Thompson would say.

GNR & The Crue. Those were the first albums I ever bought. I sheleed out a months allowance to buy Appetitie & Girls, Girls, Girls, which I listend to non-stop for about a year+. I was 6 years old at the time. Maybe that explains a lot…

Godsmack full-on rules. Massive trainer I-Pod NOS.

Mick’s had some serious health issues relating to some weird congenital disease (not something he just picked up along the way) and he had surgery a few weeks before the awards show.

I saw White Zombie is '95, and my ears are still bleeding. By far far the loudest show I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a bunch of loud shows.

The best pure rock/metal show I’ve ever seen was the Kiss tour where they first put the make-up back on … more breasts were flashed than I could possibly count. Followed closely by Van Halen outside at the Camden New Jersey amphitheater.

I know that you guys are speaking more about the hard core metal rockers but let me just say this:

Tool = beautiful…

Love amnesiac

I really like Tool, I just wish they’d do something different. Seems they’ve released the same sounding music ever since Undertow.

I think Chevelle pretty much picked up where they left off (and did a really good job of it).

Their new song is,…well how should i say this… GAY.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

“Motley crue , played harder, partied harder, Screwed more, Than any band I can remember.”

You must be a bit younger than me, then. The Crue’s stuff on and off stage was trailer park trash compared to Led Zepplin’s legendary exploits.
We just got more of the Crue exploits because they came out of the hollywood rock scene…

As far as “ony one guy can really play guitar”…don’t dis a solid rhythm playing ability…after all…nobody really remembers Malcom Young as the guitar presence of AC/DC…but if he hadn’t been laying down the heavy stuff, Angus never would have been able to wail away the way he did…same thing with Metallica… Rhythm guitar never gets any respect…but can make or break the sound.

I always have at least one Motley Crue song on my mp3 player at all times. Usually “Kick Start My Heart”. They definitley have high energy in their music. Great for cycling intervals.


I saw the Crue’s new video the other night on VH-1 Classic. I knew they were getting back together again, which is pretty cool. They were probably my favorite band in high school. I saw them twice, both times in Albany, GA. The first time was on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour, and the second time was the Dr. Feelgood tour. Both shows were excellent, though I must say that Girls, Girls, Girls was a better stage show. Guns n’ Roses opened for them on that tour, and Guns absolutely sucked. They were all strung out and high, and were just awful. Nobody had ever heard of GnR then; Appetite was out, but Sweet Child O’ Mine hadn’t hit the charts yet. So they were still relatively unknown at that point. Just terrible – loud, irritating, couldn’t understand anything Axl was singing. All he did was that Davey Jones dance up and down the stage and screamed into the mike. It was pretty bad.

The fight I saw isn’t as good as Demerly’s but it shocked me nonetheless. Two guys started mixing it up on the floor in front of us, about halfway to the stage. Suddenly, two guys were wailing away on each other right in front of us. No serious injuries, but some nasty blows exchanged. Another guy got worked over pretty good in another fight and nearly lost his ear. We were standing on the floor during the show, and a couple of people come running past us carrying this barely conscious and bloody guy out of the arena. Kind of shocking for me then – I was only 15. Unlike Tom, I made it out of there unscathed.

Tommy Lee and his spinning drum kit was awesome. I have seen some good concerts since I saw the Crue in '87, but Tommy’s drum solo was amazing. Wild Side remains one of my favorite videos because of that.

On the Feelgood tour, Faster Pussycat opened up. I was a big Faster Pussycat fan, and actually enjoyed them more than GnR. Feelgood was a great show, but didn’t quite capture the Crue like Girls, Girls, Girls did.

Motley Crue – what memories. I hope their new album and tour are good. I would hate to see them become parodies of their former selves.


Shout at the Devil was definitely their high-water mark. Too Fast For Love was a close second. It started going downhill with Girls, Girls, Girls. Can’t say I’m even interested in hearing what they put out now. It could never measure up.

Do you know the story behind that song?