Sanders done with Ironman?

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

Agreed. Only here does second place (first loser) have a different meaning.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

No one also says Pete Jacobs was a shitty full distance athlete. LS is polarizing. His haters give him no credit and shit on him at any opportunity and his fans overly praise. There simply seems to be no middle ground.

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

I find it interesting how obsessed you are with the guy and jump at any opportunity to bag him…

2nd place at world’s only matter if you are a blonde chick I guess…

I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

No one also says Pete Jacobs was a shitty full distance athlete. LS is polarizing. His haters give him no credit and shit on him at any opportunity and his fans overly praise. There simply seems to be no middle ground.
Who has said that Lionel is a shitty Ironman athlete (apart from Lionel himself)? I have said for years that Lionel is more realistic about what he has achieved that his rabid fans are.You just have to watch his YouTube vid’s to see that.

Lionel is a good Ironman athlete but so many people put him in the same category as Macca,Crowie,Frodo,Lange,the Norwegians,etc,etc and he just isn’t.He always had the potential to be great but it just didn’t happen.
You can spin it any way you want but the stat’s don’t lie.

I find it interesting how obsessed you are with the guy and jump at any opportunity to bag him…

2nd place at world’s at matter if you are a blonde chick I guess…
You are obviously ignorant of all the posts I have made about Lionel because I have always said I actually like the guy and respect “his story”. It is the one eyed,rabid fans who i like to give a hard time to.The ones who,unlike Lionel himself, seem to disconnect the YouTube celebrity from actual results.

Lol, kinda like ‘I’m not racist but…’

Lol, kinda like ‘I’m not racist but…’
and here we have the new woke world throwing out the classic Kafka Trap instead of actually discussing the issue at hand.

You keep fighting the good fight, saving one Lionel fan at a time :wink:

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

Why don’t you also save the world from Lucy? The amount of airtime , publicity and ‘kudos’ she gets you would think she was a 4 time Kona champ. She has a 30 foot picture of herself in her pain cave FFS, yet never a peep…why?

Hell, Lionel gets bagged for being a professional amateur, and yet LCB misses the biggest race of the year at Roth due to having NFI about how visas work and she gets a free pass…

Why don’t you also save the world from Lucy? The amount of airtime , publicity and ‘kudos’ she gets you would think she was a 4 time Kona champ. She has a 30 foot picture of herself in her pain cave FFS, yet never a peep…why?

Hell, Lionel gets bagged for being a professional amateur, and yet LCB misses the biggest race of the year at Roth due to having NFI about how visas work and she gets a free pass…
I agree although Lucy has won one more Worls Champs than Lionel… :slight_smile:

The world of sports marketing is well known to slant towards good looking women. Just look at the marketing phenomenon that was Anna Kournikova. She never won a single title but was the highest paid tennis player in her era. Maria Sharipova wasn’t much better.

Don’t you mean Anna Pornikova….

No success in the full distance races except placing 2nd at the world championships twice.

EXACTLY, including last year!
I find it interesting that people always fall back to these two second place finishes as some sort of amazing career defining moment when there have been plenty of other triathletes who have done the same but get no similar accolades. Hell,Pete Jacobs came second and then won the damned thing and he gets almost zero kudos here on ST.

I like Lionel and find him entertaining but the over inflation of his achievements is truly fascinating.

I do think if those other athletes posted as much about their life and struggles as LS, we’d be talking about them similarly too. I have no idea what those other guys are doing 99.99 percent of the year so it’s harder to care about their results.

I hope Lionel fills Messick’s CEO slot later this year.

Lionel has been very successful at both distances. I think overall if you have followed along closely from the very beginning and all of triathlon you have seen this.

His major flaw and why he talks so negatively of his own performances and results is since day one he has never had a plan and goal focus month to month and year to year. He compares each month to each month like all should be great .

In Ironman you only get one or two great months a year the rest are waiting to peak.

In 70.3 there are so many races to win at 90 % of your potential but at worlds that isn’t top ten so you have to be there at 100 % on exactly one day of the year.

Let’s compare to Lange , no focus on 70.3 races them but knows his chances are low of being in the front so never complains. Peaks for two races a year usually kona and Roth or another Ironman race. Does very well on both of those days every time out. Jan doesn’t race when we isn’t ready, each race is a big focus and purpose not just another one on the belt.

Lionel’s thing right now I don’t get is. I am done with Ironman I need to get faster ??? So you go do 70.3 ???

Training protocols make you faster not race distance selection ? As seen with Sam laid low and Magnus. Etc.

I think he just mentally had enough of Ironman as many have because “ Ironman is slow and about being focused the whole race and patience” and when you are down out of the swim that is so much harder to do and be successful compared to a 70.3 .

More mental boredom with the race execution.

I think Lionel is a better 70.3 athlete than most give him credit.

The number of athletes, pro triathlete even that race IM is much, much > the number that should be racing IM.

I’d be willing to bet a 5 figure sum that 40% of athletes that put all their eggs in the IM and must get to Kona basket would be better triathletes, more successful triathletes in terms of placings and earnings if they didn’t chase Kona or where ever the WC’s rotate to.

Unfortunately the sport, sponsors and athletes have put so much focus on doing well at Kona, which means doing IM’s that it’s ruined as many athletes, if not more, than it’s benefitted.

Good on you Lionel for realizing that IM isn’t the cup of tea everyone should be looking to drink.

Out of the last 5 world championships Lionel has come second TWICE! If that doesn’t deserve some sort of recognition/kudos god knows what does.

Its clear the people who don’t rate him are delusional. Take out Frodo, Lange and the Norwegians and who else compares, who am I missing that Lionel is steeling the ‘kudos’ from…?

I think Lionel is a better 70.3 athlete than most give him credit.

The number of athletes, pro triathlete even that race IM is much, much > the number that should be racing IM.

I’d be willing to bet a 5 figure sum that 40% of athletes that put all their eggs in the IM and must get to Kona basket would be better triathletes, more successful triathletes in terms of placings and earnings if they didn’t chase Kona or where ever the WC’s rotate to.

Unfortunately the sport, sponsors and athletes have put so much focus on doing well at Kona, which means doing IM’s that it’s ruined as many athletes, if not more, than it’s benefitted.

Good on you Lionel for realizing that IM isn’t the cup of tea everyone should be looking to drink.

I can only imagine how much Ironman racing at that level must suck physically and mentally if you’re racing for the Win and know how far back you are and how much you have to keep suffering with the only hope that the faster guys so far ahead just blow up before you do. I mean, that’s kind of always Lionel’s strategy, but full distance that’s a long day of suffering hoping to eventually make an impact.

St George World Championship was really impressive in that light for him to race so patiently most of the day.

. Maria Sharipova wasn’t much better.

Maria Sharapova holds 5 grand slam titles–including the career grand slam. Making her one of only 10 women to ever complete a career grand slam.

In short, tell me you don’t know anything about women’s tennis without saying you don’t know anything about women’s tennis.