Which Inexpensive (Not Cheap 🙂) Disc?

I’m not sure what to think, if I should be disappointed or not - I had assumed they were a bit more than a spoked wheel with covers…

I really don’t understand folks with this ideation in their heads. These are nowhere close to the same thing as taping a disc cover to an existing wheel.

Buy only based on your budget, and whatever real data you can find about your options. Otherwise, it’s irrelevant and something that I feel like people treat as more of an elitist thing than a factual science and data driven thing. Which is dumb. “Ohhh, that’s just a disc cover.” It just reeks of ignorance. Almost as much as telling folks they’re too slow to worry about buying a certain thing they want.

Buy only based on your budget, and whatever real data you can find about your options.

That’s what I did ( I researched a lot…) when I was looking previously before buying the disc, when it says ‘full carbon’ in the description I had (incorrectly it seems) assumed the disk was a completely carbon disk wheel - why won’t I ?

I had never thought previously a carbon disc wheel would have steel spokes inside. Not that it matters much I suppose, as it was the Aeron or the Vision disc above when I was looking at. So they both are of the same type - I never knew we had different types of ‘full carbon’ disc wheels

I train on the Aeron X and have a Roval 321 that I will throw on for a race effort, though whether the Roval is actually faster in any meaningful way… who knows. With that, go ahead and press the side of your Aeron X and you will feel a good amount of “give” - that’s the carbon cover. Do the same with a Roval or other solid disc and you won’t be able to push in/flex the carbon.

With that, go ahead and press the side of your Aeron X and you will feel a good amount of “give” - that’s the carbon cover. Do the same with a Roval or other solid disc and you won’t be able to push in/flex the carbon.

Just so folks understand your post…as some will mis-interpret that as “give = cheap” or “give = bad”…

that’s because for a spoked wheel based disc, the skin doesn’t have to be structural. The spokes are. For a full carbon disc, the skin is what keeps your ass from skidding onto the pavement. So yeah, since it is structural, it has to be stiff.

Just so folks understand, that’s all.

Found this, back when I was looking at buying:

Aeron X is not spokes covered wheel. It is structural carbon wheel. And they do have data and comparison to couple other brands including Zipp https://ronwheels.com/content/11-aerodynamic

Seems like I wasn’t the only one misinformed!

Returning to the original question from treyxt - it would be interesting to know which of these ‘inexpensive’ discs are actually ‘full structural carbon’ or ‘full fairing carbon’ - as this does make the choice more interesting I would think.

To give Vision credit on their descriptions, on their Metron and TFW wheels, they are more honest they Ron. With “Full UD carbon fairings construction” for the Metron and “Full carbon construction” for the TFW.

Now the next question is - is there any tangible difference in the two types?

Premier is structural disc

I am looking forward to the Womp womp sound


Can anyone weigh in on the Hunt Disc wheel construction. I found on the website “ The disc wheel is made of 2 external side plates and internal I-beam reinforcements”, I would guess no whoop whoop sound?

Premier is structural disc

I am looking forward to the Womp womp sound


As am I!

I don’t see how it looks worse, just smart.

I mean, given…

  • It’s pretty easy to figure out who you are
  • And apparently you sell over $1.2 million in bike parts a year on eBay
  • and under the False Claims Act a whistleblower may be eligible for rewards when reporting customs fraud

If it doesn’t make you look worse; at the very least it makes you like kinda dumb to admit this stuff on a public forum where anyone with an internet connection can read it

What I’d miss about what jimatbeyond has been doing? I only remember all his intentionally obtuse responses to posts.

Just ordered the Elite wheels disc. Sounds like a couple months to get here. Will report back how it works out.

Does it whoomp whoomp noise ? I was going to buy an aeron x, also thinking it was structural carbon.

Does it whoomp whoomp noise ? I was going to buy an aeron x, also thinking it was structural carbon.

No raced / run it yet. So no idea! I too would love to know! I might even setup up the bike at the weekend just to check LOL.

Been learning lots about discs last couple of days, about types etc.

I don’t see how it looks worse, just smart.

I mean, given…

  • It’s pretty easy to figure out who you are
  • And apparently you sell over $1.2 million in bike parts a year on eBay
  • and under the False Claims Act a whistleblower may be eligible for rewards when reporting customs fraud

If it doesn’t make you look worse; at the very least it makes you like kinda dumb to admit this stuff on a public forum where anyone with an internet connection can read it

What I’d miss about what jimatbeyond has been doing? I only remember all his intentionally obtuse responses to posts.

He proudly commits tax fraud, claims it’s a bigly smart move, and encourages others to do it.

Tell the non-US sellers to declare the value under $800 so that no duty is owed.

I had a ron rear disc from years back. It was good. clincher tire, sold it.

I just purchased the aeron x rim so I can run tubeless in it. I choose it over the other brands because I knew what I was getting vs other brands (not sure of them).

Overall, we could test all of these disc wheels with the same front wheel and the different would be unmeasurable.

So I went with lowest risk gamble (confidence of what I get).

Does it whoomp whoomp noise ? I was going to buy an aeron x, also thinking it was structural carbon.

Took mine out for a very quick spin tonight. No whoomp

I just purchased the aeron x rim so I can run tubeless in it. I choose it over the other brands because I knew what I was getting vs other brands (not sure of them).

So I went with lowest risk gamble (confidence of what I get).

Just out of interest, you wouldn’t have been confident of wheels from HED??

that brand was not in the op’s post to discuss, it was about the lower priced brands (not lower quality). I would ride hed, zipp, etc. I have had them all and after using high end wheels over $3000 a set of realised the set for $800- 1200 is fine ever for top performance.

On the premierbike website it says 26.22mm wide at the rim brake track, and the owner confirmed this for me, but mine measured 25mm exactly. I’ve only realized this after mounting my 25mm corsa speeds and noticing they were bulging out a little wider than the rim. A small thing, but kind of annoying.

I’ll measure our newest production when I get back into town.

Hi Dan,

Possibly a dumb question but are there differences in geometry between the discs for rim brake use and disc brake use? Or is it simply a matter of assembling with a different hub?

The reason I ask is I’ve been away from tri while disc brakes have taken over, and I’m looking to upgrade my rim brake tri bike and would love to know if there’s a disc out there where I could “convert” over to disc brakes if I took that plunge in future…
