Official Slowtwitch 100/100 Run Challenge (2021/22, the 15th annual) Discussion thread

Ah Gusta Tacos

We all have our distance/time goals but when it really matters can you functionally run? My wife’s bike stolen last night, so this morning we jogged around looking for it at the typical hot spot bike chop shops. I helped recover some other people’s bikes. Seem this is some kind of negative karma


Bummer. Sorry to hear

I am off the pace of 100/100. I had a week of training 3-4 hrs every day, and have a 10,000 swim event tonight.

So yestereday I did an easy 2500 recovery swim to loosen out, and no run. No run today too. My goal is to do 25x400IM on 8:20-8:30 range. Not sure how feasible that will be as the set up is LCM.

I will get back to jogging starting tomorrow and likely gradually increase running mileage in the second half as I was focused on swimming during this first part to get ready for this event.

There is a special Circle of Hell for Bike Thieves

We got the bike back! the lawyers i work for responded to the ad and gave me the address, I gathered my bike messenger friends and we ambushed him. Made him walk around the city looking for the parts he discard (we couldnt find). Let him go. but know his address… its a pretty big bike thief operation we just exposed

here is the ad by the way, what a selling point eh?

Awesome news synthetic - hope buddy learns some respect for personal property!

I’ve been absolutely awful about updating my training log, let alone checking in, but I’ll be out there somewhere…

…probably doing something stupid 😝

Happy new year hundreders! 😸🥂✨

Hello Anna,

Thank you—and a „good slide“ to you as well!

Let’s hope that 2022 is a better year!


Hey Dev,

How did the 100x100 swim go? Looking forward to reading your report.

Have a great New Year’s Eve and productive 2022!

Hello Synthetic,

Really glad to hear that you were able to recover the bicycle. As someone who has had a number of bicycles stolen over the years, I love to hear about when people are able to recover their property, and you ‘caught’ the person responsible for / involved in the theft!

Enjoy New Year’s Eve and see you in 2022!


For those of you who are ALL about the data

Happy New Year, ya loveable Weirdos!!!

Hey Dev,

How did the 100x100 swim go? Looking forward to reading your report.

Have a great New Year’s Eve and productive 2022!

OK 25x400IM Long course done in an elapsed time of 3:35 (was holding 7:30 to 8:22 range for swim times).

I took two days off running but now I better get back on track on 100/100. Enough swimming. I booked my trip to Hawaii 70.3 so have to actually do a bit more bike and run now (but also have a 50km ski race in 7 weeks…YIKES).

This true for anyone else (NYE)? I was dead asleep 830 yesterday…My running team up at 630 am today,. 2mi warm up, 1 mile @ 6:16, 4mi cool down. start the year right!


Question for the knowledgeable about how to log today; subtitled “what in the world did I do?”

So it’s New Year’s Day and it was snowing and stoopid cold and I didn’t want to sit inside all day so I wound up doing my own impromptu 6 hour backyard. Start at the top of the hour, ~40 min run then go inside, sit down, warm up, eat, go back out at the top of the next hour and repeat.

So for the purposes of 100/100 did I:
1: Do three qualifying runs (9am, 11am, 1pm)
2: Do one 40 min run since the others didn’t have a full hour of inactivity between them
3: Do one long run using the elapsed times added together
4: Do one long run starting at the beginning of the first and ending at the finish of the last

Whatever fits in to the spirit of 100/100 works for me, I had a fun day in the snow and got to try out some cold weather gear.

First option. 3 runs - what you do in the hour between runs is your choice, it doesn’t have to be inactive. In fact I think the hour between runs was originally done to fit in a brick workout of run bike run.

Congrats on your great workout, sounds like you had fun 😀
Thanks! If the gym had been open I’d have done a treadmill day; in retrospect I’m glad I was forced to deal with the elements. For some reason I’m really tired today😁


Today is the 50. day - the half way mark!

This is great - I feel better than ever in the last year and - albeit we got a break from Winter in Germany and Switzerland - I also feel quite proud about having maintained this streak through the difficult months so far!

50/100. yay.

Unless I get out there today in the snow (or do some sort of indoor jogging in place around the TV room, etc.) I’ll be 3 runs in the hole at the halfway turn here. Maybe I can double up later in the week and get one back…we’ll see.

Happy New Year, runners!