Fastest front wheel available?

Based on what do you draw this conclusion??

I have an H3 Plus, HED says 25mm on the wheel. I’ve not ran the wheel, curious why more don’t run them.

He’s just referencing the much discussed Hambini article.

Interesting read!
Dang, they burn FLO badly in that article
Read this entire thread, and then get back to us…

After 11 pages I can’t go on. Worst reading recommendation ever!

It’s only interesting in that he completely made up a bunch of data, forged a letter from some lawyers and slandered a company and it’s founders…

After 11 pages I can’t go on. Worst reading recommendation ever!
Haha. Sorry. (Not sorry.) :slight_smile:

tl;dr - did this guy even conduct a test?

I’m curious why, if deeper is more aero, did Zipp do away with the 1080?

My surmise is that it was more of a business decision. The 808 Firecrest was faster than the 1080 pre-firecrest. The handful of seconds a 1080 Firecrest would have saved would likely have been lost in a bobble or two due to wind. I suspect Zipp didn’t sell that many 1080s, so it wasn’t worth the cost of new molds.

As an aside, I think the super deep fronts are extinct. The deepest wheel I can think of is the 88 from Premier.

As an aside, I think the super deep fronts are extinct. The deepest wheel I can think of is the 88 from Premier.

Flo’s 90 measures 94.7mm deep both front and rear

Aerocoach is coming out with a 100mm front wheel.

To go modern width at a fraction of the Shimano Pro or the modern HED costs…anyone give the one Superteam trispoke a shot yet?

Most look like crap with a ridge on the spoke, but the one model looks really good to the naked eye in up close photos. They also even have the modern hole location for the tube and modern widths.

Anyone want to risk $250?

I have the Mavic CXR80 sitting here brand new in the box, unglued $250! Just never got around to using it, complete with tire, glue, and wheel bag

Based on what do you draw this conclusion??

I run a Conti Supersonic 20mm on my H3+. Measures out to over 24mm on the rim.

I’ve tried a Corsa Speed 23mm and a Turbo Cotton 24mm on the wheel. The Corsa Speed and Turbo Cotton bulge out too wide on the rim, and I found handling was affected by it. The wheel has been great with the Supersonic.

I run a Conti Supersonic 20mm on my H3+. Measures out to over 24mm on the rim.

I’ve tried a Corsa Speed 23mm and a Turbo Cotton 24mm on the wheel. The Corsa Speed and Turbo Cotton bulge out too wide on the rim, and I found handling was affected by it. The wheel has been great with the Supersonic.

Here’s a bit of data on that - 45kph, Cervelo P5.

I have an H3 Plus, HED says 25mm on the wheel. I’ve not ran the wheel, curious why more don’t run them.


I have a 22m on it and it mates perfectly. I would expect even a 23 not to fit as well. HED suggests a 25? Where do they say this?

Hi Buzz,

I emailed them and asked the recommended size on an H3 +.

I have the wheel, but think I’m going to sell it.

I had a set of superteam Tri spokes I used to train on. There is no aero research or thought gone into their design besides a basic wing shape. The hubs in them are absolute crap with a lot of flex and play. The first rear I got the tolerance of the bearing was so loose it flopped about the place and they sent me a video of how I could remove the bearing and score the outer face with a nice to make the bearing a tighter fit. I told them you must be joking! They sent me another wheel and I trained on them about a year and sold them but they aren’t aero and I wouldn’t race on a set.
I race with a Hed GT3 and train on Corima 4 spokes.

Aerocoach is coming out with a 100mm front wheel.

hi guys, ronnie here…welcome to the workshop!

New Aerocoach wheels now in their store, a 100mm (Titan) and a 78mm (Zephyr) option -

Their aero testing:******

I wonder why they kept the spoke nipples out after going through the trouble of hiding the valve

I wonder why they kept the spoke nipples out after going through the trouble of hiding the valve

easier to service which i think makes a lot of sense given the current main market -uk -has many rough roads.
and i think its a great idea with the valve ( at the same time on the pic the valve looks a bit short and you would have to use a screw on valve i guess to pump up proper , there will likley be many dazzled faces if they have to repalce a puncture in a race and use standard co2 canister)
the other point i wonder it was said the older aerochoach 100m mm wheel was already a hair faster than the hed jed 9 so it would app
ear the new wheel is like half a watt faster than the old one and lost its aluminum breaking surface.
i think its a pity that it looks like the aluminum rim wheel is not for sale anymore.
still it’s great to watch that company grow.