January fish thread

3.5 mi run (31:11) w/ 2 x 1.5 km @ 8:41/mi
1275 yd swim

10 x 100 on 1:30
275 mixing kick and swim c/d

runs/total days/swims = 38/41/22

So I’ve been watching a few of Cody Millers videos.

Watching one from May ‘18

Part of the practice - 800y breast kick for time. (Flip turns, board and one pull into the wall). 9:27. For an 800y breaststroke KICK.

That’s ridiculous…

When my arm was all messed up from the bus running over it, I was doing 2x 400IM kick as one of my main sets. The goal was to break 10 minutes but never got under 10:15. 800 yard breast kick with a board that fast is insane. I can’t even swim 800m FREE in 12 minutes!

I’m seriously addicted to his youtube channel.
Love Cody Miller’s videos. I got lost on YT the other day watching his stuff for an hour. I’d like to see more swimming, not sure maybe that’s something the coaching staff keeps a lid on, because it’s always a good learning tool to see what the best are doing. I can’t even comprehend major-level D1 swimming. I’m not sure we’re supposed to know why or how they can go that fast.

I’m seriously addicted to his youtube channel.
Love Cody Miller’s videos. I got lost on YT the other day watching his stuff for an hour. I’d like to see more swimming, not sure maybe that’s something the coaching staff keeps a lid on, because it’s always a good learning tool to see what the best are doing. I can’t even comprehend major-level D1 swimming. I’m not sure we’re supposed to know why or how they can go that fast.

I don’t think its so much that the coaching staff is keeping a lid on it, as much as Cody is the primary filmer for all of the content and he has to do the workouts too. From what I’ve seen, he often shares what the entire workout is for the day. For his target audience too (mostly AG kids coming up, aspiring to swim in D1 or similar) there isn’t a whole lot of value in showing the whole program (that’s what those kids have coaches for). It’s more about attitude, work ethic, overcoming challenges, and his awesome Harry Potter room. Seriously, I am SO jealous of that room.

Jumped in at lunch

750 warmup (150 swim, 150 kick, 150 pull w paddles, 150 1-arm fly/back/br by 50, 150 free)

4 x (5x50 d1-5 @60 w/ 50 ez kick between rounds.

1900m total. All I had time for, since I had to get back to work.

Part of the practice - 800y breast kick for time. (Flip turns, board and one pull into the wall). 9:27. For an 800y breaststroke KICK.

That’s ridiculous… //

Ok, I’m calling bullshit on this one, someone has to be the swim cop here. SO that would be an “average” of 1;10+ per 100, for 800 straight. That would be a hell of a swim for most really good breastrokers, guys that do low 2 minutes for a 200 swim…And he is supposed to have kicked this only?? Do we have video of this kick? Was he a sub 2 minute 200 breastroker in the day? Something smells fishy here…(-;

Sounds to me to be in the category of Andy Potts doing 15x100’s on the 1;05 LCM… He didnt…

It’s what Olympian Cody Miller did in practice. (Bronze in the 100 breast, Gold on the 4x1 Medley Relay in Rio.)

Pretty sure he still IS a sub 2:00 200 breast guy. Wiki lists his 200BR PB at 1:49 and change.

It’s what he reported on his youtube channel, right after he did it during the practice. I believe him.

I’ve decided I HATE swimming. It doesn’t work like the “other” sports, and I can’t figure out how it DOES work.

Swim more = get tired and do poorly
Take a rest = forget how to swim and do poorly
Swim harder = get tired and do poorly
Swim easier = do poorly

I quit.

Where did the magic go?

I’ve decided I HATE swimming. It doesn’t work like the “other” sports, and I can’t figure out how it DOES work.

Swim more = get tired and do poorly
Take a rest = forget how to swim and do poorly
Swim harder = get tired and do poorly
Swim easier = do poorly

I quit.

Where did the magic go?

That’s swimming.

You’ll be back at it tomorrow, because it’s fuckin hard. And that makes it worth it.

It’s what Olympian Cody Miller did in practice.//

OK the, for some reason I though we were talking about Cody Beals. Cody Miller could definitely do that swim. Cody Beals could do the first 4 laps of it!!!

It’s what Olympian Cody Miller did in practice. (Bronze in the 100 breast, Gold on the 4x1 Medley Relay in Rio.)

Pretty sure he still IS a sub 2:00 200 breast guy. Wiki lists his 200BR PB at 1:49 and change.

It’s what he reported on his youtube channel, right after he did it during the practice. I believe him.
He’s sub-2:00 200y BR in practice off the wall in one of the workout videos, where they were working on negative split. He said he blew it because he went out in 59 and came back in 1:00.

You’ll be back at it tomorrow, because it’s fuckin hard. And that makes it worth it.

No I won’t.

Mostly because its closed to the public. Fucking swim meets. Who has school swim meets on a Friday?

Damn kids—get out of my pool.

It’s what Olympian Cody Miller did in practice.//

OK the, for some reason I though we were talking about Cody Beals. Cody Miller could definitely do that swim. Cody Beals could do the first 4 laps of it!!!

You think Beals could do 100br kick in 1:12? All respect to CB, but that’s pretty optimistic, I think. Unless he was a breaststroker as a kid.

And on good news front, mailman arrived! New speedo and new Swedes. I got the blue70 version cuz I’m sick of latex straps wearing out. The B70 comes with a silicone strap. It also came with some weird things (are they earplugs? They look too small though…)

You’ll be back at it tomorrow, because it’s fuckin hard. And that makes it worth it.

No I won’t.

Mostly because its closed to the public. Fucking swim meets. Who has school swim meets on a Friday?

Damn kids—get out of my pool.

Lol! I think all of mine were on Friday’s!

I say crash their warmup. They won’t mind.

I’ve decided I HATE swimming. It doesn’t work like the “other” sports, and I can’t figure out how it DOES work.

Swim more = get tired and do poorly
Take a rest = forget how to swim and do poorly
Swim harder = get tired and do poorly
Swim easier = do poorly

I quit.

Where did the magic go?

Now on top of this you can do all of the above poorly in all 4 strokes, and you can do all of those poorly on turns, you can do all of those poorly legs only…and keep circling back to doing it over and over again less and less poorly until at some point, your less poorly has evolved to something that vaguely resembles what real swimmer do…at least this is how i am hoping it works out.

On a plus note with all of this swimming each time I get on the bike, my wattages are pretty awesome…more so than when I was doing triathlon, or it could just be because I hardly do any running while I am doing swimming less and less poorly!

It’s what Olympian Cody Miller did in practice. (Bronze in the 100 breast, Gold on the 4x1 Medley Relay in Rio.)

Pretty sure he still IS a sub 2:00 200 breast guy. Wiki lists his 200BR PB at 1:49 and change.

It’s what he reported on his youtube channel, right after he did it during the practice. I believe him.
He’s sub-2:00 200y BR in practice off the wall in one of the workout videos, where they were working on negative split. He said he blew it because he went out in 59 and came back in 1:00.

I think that was from the same practice as the 800 kick .

From the end of September through mid-December I only swam sporadically. Logged only ~20k yards for the whole 4th quarter. Then I got a flu with symptoms that lingered into mid January. Finally got back at it regularly last week. Took only a couple workouts to get the feel back*, and while my endurance is still poor, my speed is starting to come back already. Yesterday I felt confident enough to start dabbling in other strokes. Here was my workout:

-“Standard Warmup” (200 pull, 200 kick, 4x50 build swim on 1:00)

-“1000y IM Pyramid of 25’s”
-16 x 25 on :45 (4 fly, 4 back, 4 breast, 4 free), RPE 6
-1 min extra rest
-12 x 25 on :45 (3 fly, 3 back, 3 breast, 3 free), RPE 7
-1 min extra rest
-8 x 25 on :45 (2 fly, 2 back, 2 breast, 2 free), RPE 8
-90 seconds extra rest
-100 IM for time (1:15)

-300 choice recovery

-2 x (4 x 25 free on :45 @ 100 free race effort) with 1 min extra rest between

-100 EZ cool down

2200 yards

I averaged :14.3 on those 25’s sprints at the end. In peak shape, I’d be ~:13.9 on that set after that main set.

*I got a set of FINIS Agility Paddles for Christmas which really seemed to help me get my stroke back in tune quickly. Often, after a layoff, it’s a bit of a struggle for me to find the right stroke path to retain the catch with my right arm. These paddles force you to get a decent spear and catch, and will let you know in a hurry if you’re dropping your elbow on the pull. In general, I haven’t been a big fan of paddles, but I like the way these work.

You got that too? I was sick from November to January with the cough from hell. I tried doing some training on the bike and run through it, but honestly I think that just prolonged it.

The agility paddles are great, I just pulled mine out of the bag yesterday to help me get my groove back. I think one of the things to make them work is to ensure you aren’t gripping them with your thumb at any point in the stroke, just nice and relaxed hands the whole way round. They’re the best “all purpose” paddles I’ve tried for freestyle. I haven’t tried backstroke with them, maybe that’s on the cards today?

You got that too? I was sick from November to January with the cough from hell. I tried doing some training on the bike and run through it, but honestly I think that just prolonged it.

The agility paddles are great, I just pulled mine out of the bag yesterday to help me get my groove back. I think one of the things to make them work is to ensure you aren’t gripping them with your thumb at any point in the stroke, just nice and relaxed hands the whole way round. They’re the best “all purpose” paddles I’ve tried for freestyle. I haven’t tried backstroke with them, maybe that’s on the cards today?

Started with an acute sore throat that became laryngitis, then turned to heavy nasal congestion/minor chest congestion with cough. Congestion has finally cleared, but I still have minor throat irritation and intermittent dry cough. The humidity at the pool has kept the cough at bay while swimming. I’ve had to temper my intensity and duration on the bike trainer, though. Running outside in the cold, dry air? Not yet.

I haven’t tried the agility paddles for backstroke, yet. For no apparent reason, I had a dream the other night that a broke a minute in the 100y backstroke. That was weird, since back is my worst stroke (no faster than my breaststroke; I was mid-19’s - low 20’s for the 25’s in the set above) and I never swim it in a meet.

My backstroke *felt *good yesterday. I was concentrating on getting good rotation, and it felt like I was holding the water through the stroke fairly well. I think my lack of speed is largely related to my very weak kick, and resulting modest turnover. I’ll have to try the Agility Paddles next time I work on backstroke. They won’t lie about how well I’m actually doing with the hands/arms.

7.2 mi easy run
1825 yd swim

2 x
5 x 100 on 1:30
50 kick
150 swim
25 kick

runs/total days/swims = 39/42/23

Tom - I used to have HS meets on Tuesdays and Fridays.
how does swimming works… it works like… you keep hitting your head against the wall and some random hits it feels good, so good, in fact, that you keep hitting your head against the wall in hopes of it feeling good again