ST Winter Virtual Swim Meet

Goals are to be faster than 2017.

100 Fly 1:00.40 ( 58.9 late 2016).
200 Fly 2:13.59
200 IM 2:14.78
400 Free 4:14.62
800 Free 8:55 / split in 1500
1500 Free 16:58.90

200 Back 2:19.9 in 2015
100 Free 56.83

51 years old, AOS but grew up in pools and lakes. Swam my first swim meet ever last Saturday.

50 Free (Relay) - 31.9 - Very late of the blocks.
100 Free - 1:08.14 (32/36) - Open turns, played it a bit safe and could have gone harder.
500 Free - 7:22 (1:25/1:30/1:30/1:30/1:30/1:28) - Played it very very safe. Happy.
200 Free - 2:35.85 (34/39/40/42) - Went out fast and died hard. New goal is to go under 2:30
100 Breast - 1:25 (40/45) - Want to try this again - can improve several aspects.
50 Free - 31.41 - Open Turn. No power. Fatigued
50 Breast - 37 (17/20) - Fun
50 Free (Relay) - 31.09 - Better start

Happy with the results. 3 hour drive to the meet. Was not really prepared for the sitting around between events.

I’ve watched video of my swims. I have a poor dive. It’s bad even when compared to other masters.

I was actually very happy with my relatively slow 500. I swam it exactly as I planned.

I really want to do a 200 Breast. And, yes, I’ve been warned how hard 200 Breast can be.


would love to do 400 IM but that would make Day 3 suck. //

In our big masters meets they have a special day 1 just for the 3 distance events(1000/1650/400IM), so you could actually do the 400IM and the mile. There were be a lot of time in-between to recover from those long heats in each. I once did the 400IM and 1000, really a great warm up getting either in first.
I know people who do both and they pad their recovery time between events with a really slow mile seed time and their normal 400IM time (or faster). Still, it’s a brutal Day One to do both. Tito Morales would do this!

500 Free - 7:22 (1:25/1:30/1:30/1:30/1:30/1:28) - Played it very very safe. Happy.

I was actually very happy with my relatively slow 500. I swam it exactly as I planned.


Yes, very good execution on the 500, especially given that it was your 3rd swim of the meet.

And then you went on to swim 5 more races? Man, you bit off quite a program for your first meet!

I swam through HS, came back to the sport 4 years ago. Since then, I regularly swim 4-6 times a week, usually with some pretty high intensity sets. 4 events a day, including relays, is my max. That 4th swim is always a throw-away. The third one is often a throw-away, too.

Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement. Our three sons all swam year round from through high school. I applaud any high school student who swims competitively no matter their ability. David K

After XC running race hopped in pool:
50 fly: 47s
50 free: 39s //

Here you go dev, and you can even do the XC ski race before too!! Better hurry though, sounds like this guy/girl? is going to crush these times and put them to bed soon…

and I did:

50 fly: 44s
50 free: 36.5

probably got faster cause they finally cleaned the pool… instead of swimming in green chlorine sludge

tried 50 breast but someone walked in front of the clock!

I really want to do a 200 Breast. And, yes, I’ve been warned how hard 200 Breast can be. //

Of all your swims I think the 50 Brest is your best. You certainly could go faster in the 100 than 1;25 based on that 50, and you should be able to do a good 200 too. Not sure what people have told you, but for me the 200 breast is the easiest of all the 200 races. You just find a nice rhythm and go. If you die a little bit, it doesn’t show up like in Fly or even free. It does take just a bit longer, but you get a nice long rest on each push off the walls. At least its a rest for your arms, gotta still hold your breath, and that can hurt sometimes.

The 500 was perfect pacing, next time you can put a little pressure earlier and see what happens. Maybe 1;29+'s in the middle…

Did we decide on the “official” events for the March edition of the Virtual Meet yet?

As an aside, all this running and cycling I’m doing is killing my swim, I had no legs at practice yesterday. Did some intervals at :30s per km above my current estimated half marathon pace, then got to swim practice and coach gave us a lot of kicking. But, on the good side of things, the scale was under 200# for the first time in ages. (198). 2.5 hour training day yesterday (30 min run, 1 hr in the pool, and an hour on the trainer).

Ok, lot of fast times on this thread. Someone needs to set the bar low, so here goes. Typical AOS non-swimmer triathlete.

SCY, open turns (of course) from a push

Fly - I made it 10 yards before the lifeguard made moves towards the life ring, so I went back to the crawl and tried to pretend this never happened
Back - 1:05
Breast - 1:15
Free - :37

(yes, those are 50 SCY times). My breaststroke and fly kicks are awful and I have no rhythm in either of those strokes. Any tips for the guppie on how to get started with these strokes?

Way to pitch up and go for it. And I’m not going out on any limb here, you are a freestyler!!! 37 is very respectable and something you can build on, as for the other strokes, lets just say you have an orchard of low hanging fruit!!

I almost did a 1650TT today, but water was just too hot, so did a broken one instead

1650pSCY 21;02(1000@14;00/500@7;00/150) 12;54/6;21/1;48

As soon as the water cools down I will try it straight through. I could feel my brain cells slow boiling and that was my wall, so encouraged about the pace I was able to keep…

Male, age 48/9, all swims SCY

I’ll pick up the 50 breastroke and 50 backstroke in the next week. My back is awful; probably won’t be any faster than the breast

Finally got around to this today. As predicted, my backstroke was slower than my breastroke.

50 Breastroke, :38.01 (In water start, no R/T)
50 Backstroke, :40.17 (tried to do a “regulation” start using the blocks, did more of a back flop; no R/T)

OK, I will have an official 50 fly time and 100 IM this weekend as I am entered in my first actual swim meet of my life. Doing the 50 fly, 100 fly, 200 fly, 100 IM, 200 IM, 400IM (Ontario Masters Swim Championships)…it’s barely 10K from home, and I managed to get one of the local club coached to let me join his team and enter those events. I think he has me signed up for some relays too, I just don’t know what legs yet.

I am reporting back from Ontario Masters Championships. This is the first swim meet i have ever done and really enjoyed it. I am a beginner putting together all the complexities of warmups, heat times, starts, turns between strokes and starting cold and having to hammer at full throttle. I’m doing all the fly events (50, 100, 200) and all the IM’s (100, 200, 400) and the coach of one of the local clubs has me in 4 relays (generally in the 200+ or 240+ combined age groups) doing the free on two and fly on two (all 50m).

So far I am sweeping last place in my age group in all my events, but it appears there are no recreational athletes in these, just serious swimmers, so I feel good about being at the start line and doing them to my best. I’ll have a more detailed report. Next month, I will do a local meet with 50 free, 50 back, 50 fly, 50 breast, 100 free and 100 IM. Mainly at this meet, I have been trying to not get DQ’d, as I have a physical limitation that affects perfect control of my left leg keeping it 100% symmetrical on fly kick and also in breast stroke so my times are a bit slower than what I think I can get to. I have the 200IM and 50 fly in a relay remaining today. It’s been a fun experience and I am used to being in last place all the time from early in my sport career in track and team sports, being the 5 foot tall athlete for the longest time until I had a growth spurt and got to 5’7" in my last 1.5 of high school.

My times were generally 2-20 seconds slower than training times depending on distance…I just find hammering from standing around (even after a warmup) difficult. Will gradually figure that out.

On a plus note, I can say I am 6th in Ontario in the 400 IM and 5th in the 200 fly in 50-54. I think in 2 years, I have a chance to not be last place if I can keep improving when I move up to 55, so I am motivated. I will figure out this breast and back stroke thing over time.

My times were generally 2-20 seconds slower than training times depending on distance…I just find hammering from standing around (even after a warmup) difficult. Will gradually figure that out. //

Ha! You just discovered what it is like to have to swim under pressure. Swimming is only done well when done relaxed. In workouts during sets you are completely relaxed(but going hard of course) and you will often have great breakout swims. In meets you are cocked and ready to be fired, and as a newbie you most likely trashed your stroke, forgot all the lessons you learned, and just flailed through the events. Until your stroke become 2nd nature to you, it will be a fight in meets. It is hard enough to hold the several thoughts in your head about what you should be doing, but add adreneline and that firing of the gun that so often turns off your thinking brain, well it just takes time, practice, and experience.

Good for you to start the journey, dont let this initial lesson deter you from continuing. It is completely natural and expected what happened to you, now get some more experience…

day 1
100 Fly 60.01
200 IM 2:17.22
100 Free 57.12

Day 2
800 Free 8:51.14
200 Back 2:15.86
200 Fly 2:13.72

Nice job there Bo, looks like you bettered almost all of your goal times, except for maybe the 100 free?

When you can get older and faster past your prime, that is a huge win win. Did you get any videos of the races??

100 Fly was the first race and I went out super hard in 27.48 (faster than the 1st 50m of the 100 Free actually). Was pleased to be 29 on the way home for the 100 Free. My back in the 200 IM was a little weak and my free was awful in that swim, Fly and Breast were good. But 200 Back was the most shocking result for me.

Was pleased to be 29 on the way home for the 100 Free.

Yeah, great close! You were a body length and a half down at the 75, and damn near swam him down.