Game of Thrones speculation thread

Very intense episode last night. You knew that Euron and Yara would cross paths at some point, but even still that was a pretty wild battle scene; Theon morphed back into Reek but I can’t imagine that’s the last we’ll see of him treading water among the wreckage (maybe Gendry rows by and picks him up?). **I have to think that Varys tipped them off after the opening confrontation with Dany - Euron could very well have been heading towards Dragonstone anyway but it seemed too coincidental to just have them show up and attack, and also take Ellaria as “the gift”. **

I thought Arya was going to encounter White Walkers when her horse was spooked and you could suddenly see her breath. She had the best line in the episode when she was at the inn talking to Hot Pie: “You’ve been baking pies?” “One or two”.

It was a little strange at first to see many of the characters from the different storylines throughout the series finally come together. I joked to my wife during Dany’s strategy meeting that is like a meeting of the Justice League.

I hope that is true. Otherwise we are left with one side having perfect scouting and the other side being fuckall stupid.

Yeah, this was the one plot point last night that was just waaay to convenient, to have the two armadas meet up. I hope Varys or the old Tyrell woman had a hand in it.

The storyline is moving so fast in these episodes, I can tell it is losing story quality.

As each season goes on, the more and more I dislike Dany. At the core she is an entitled, megalomaniac, petulant tyrant and conquer. I think she’s a bit of a sociopath also. My guess is that at the end of this series, Dany is dead. I don’t think we’ll see the story end with Jon and Dany living happily ever after, either together or separate.

I also think the White Walkers may not end up being all bad. There is more to their background and motivations. As we’ve seen time and time again, there are no true bad or good people in GoT. There always seems to be two sides of the coin and I don’t think we’ve seen the other side of the Night King’s coin.


Only up to this part of the thread, but yes, am pretty sure Dany will end up dead. I think it would be good to see Jorah do it, given their complicated relationship and that he is a true man of honour who will do what he thinks is best. I think we will see a bit of a descent into darkness for Dany. She has the trappings of a tyrant in the making.

What some mistake for leadership is really just demagogy. Which is usually not a good mode of leadership given what it led us to in the 20th century (and hopefully doesn’t lead us anywhere in the 21st century).

Very intense episode last night. You knew that Euron and Yara would cross paths at some point, but even still that was a pretty wild battle scene; Theon morphed back into Reek but I can’t imagine that’s the last we’ll see of him treading water among the wreckage (maybe Gendry rows by and picks him up?). **I have to think that Varys tipped them off after the opening confrontation with Dany - Euron could very well have been heading towards Dragonstone anyway but it seemed too coincidental to just have them show up and attack, and also take Ellaria as “the gift”. **

I thought Arya was going to encounter White Walkers when her horse was spooked and you could suddenly see her breath. She had the best line in the episode when she was at the inn talking to Hot Pie: “You’ve been baking pies?” “One or two”.

It was a little strange at first to see many of the characters from the different storylines throughout the series finally come together. I joked to my wife during Dany’s strategy meeting that is like a meeting of the Justice League.

I hope that is true. Otherwise we are left with one side having perfect scouting and the other side being fuckall stupid.

Yeah, this was the one plot point last night that was just waaay to convenient, to have the two armadas meet up. I hope Varys or the old Tyrell woman had a hand in it.

The storyline is moving so fast in these episodes, I can tell it is losing story quality.

As each season goes on, the more and more I dislike Dany. At the core she is an entitled, megalomaniac, petulant tyrant and conquer. I think she’s a bit of a sociopath also. My guess is that at the end of this series, Dany is dead. I don’t think we’ll see the story end with Jon and Dany living happily ever after, either together or separate.

I also think the White Walkers may not end up being all bad. There is more to their background and motivations. As we’ve seen time and time again, there are no true bad or good people in GoT. There always seems to be two sides of the coin and I don’t think we’ve seen the other side of the Night King’s coin.


Only up to this part of the thread, but yes, am pretty sure Dany will end up dead. I think it would be good to see Jorah do it, given their complicated relationship and that he is a true man of honour who will do what he thinks is best. I think we will see a bit of a descent into darkness for Dany. She has the trappings of a tyrant in the making.

What some mistake for leadership is really just demagogy. Which is usually not a good mode of leadership given what it led us to in the 20th century (and hopefully doesn’t lead us anywhere in the 21st century).

I think we are already seeing that with her pointing out last week that Jon Snow must “bend the knee”. Seems to me she hasn’t been that interested up until the last few episodes in that sort of showboating. She really seems to be changing now that she is so close to the throne.

I think we are already seeing that with her pointing out last week that Jon Snow must “bend the knee”. Seems to me she hasn’t been that interested up until the last few episodes in that sort of showboating. She really seems to be changing now that she is so close to the throne.

Also, Lady Olenna gave Dany some advice during that war council scene, both at the beginning of the scene and at its end. In the beginning, after Dany told them that she didn’t want to be a “Queen of the ashes,” Olenna observed the following:

“I can’t remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter . . . and what is left of her now? Ashes.”

Olenna closes that remark with this: “Commoners, nobles, they’re all just children, really. They won’t obey you unless they fear you.” (By the way, Cersei said something similar way back in the day, during the Battle of the Blackwater.)

At the end of the scene, when Olenna and Dany are discussing things privately, the elder lady tells the younger lady to be what she needs to be: “Be a dragon.”

That’s foreshadowing all the way, folks. :wink:

Great (and gross) transition last night from a closeup of Sam removing the greyscale with all the pus oozing out, to the juice flowing from the pie crust as Arya prepared to take a bite.

That was one of the Lannister soldiers, not Arya. But still awesome.

I like how they reconnect storylines from the past (like with the baker boy).

“The secret is browning the butter before adding it to the dough. Most people don’t do that because it takes up too much time”
“Hm, I don’t do that”
“You’ve been making pies?”
“One or two”,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/hvtggugto1hd3wpykavf.jpg,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/ilsa9dvucbw3kkfhy0fd.jpg

Well, Cersei and the Lannisters are certainly holding the whip hand right now.

We knew she was going to torture Eliaria Sand but that is straight up Wicked.

I am looking forward to the look on Cersi’s face when she finds out who really killed Joffrey.

We knew she was going to torture Eliaria Sand but that is straight up Wicked.

I am looking forward to the look on Cersi’s face when she finds out who really killed Joffrey.

Yeah, that was a good twist, but it was right out there for everyone to see, if you look back to Season 4. And that old lady was one tough bird right to the end.

I was hoping she had poisoned that wine pitcher herself and then convinced Jamie to,drink,w her.

And am I the only one who felt a small bit of sympathy for Cersei last night

I admire you for having sympathy for her. I find her the worst.

I have a weird question for everyone. Does anyone else have a hard time rooting for anyone because they see kings and queens as total bullshit? I love the side characters like shorty smart guy, fatty smarty awesome, little assassin bad ass, Ice king and all the like. I just can’t stand nor care for the big boys and girls talking about the throne. Dragon Queeny McAnnoying is getting on my last nerve. The 12 hour bend the knee witless fest between Bleach Blonde and Personality Destroyer killed me. I just find fighting for power, in fiction or real life, pathetic and deeply sad.

And am I the only one who felt a small bit of sympathy for Cersei last night

i suspect so.

Still rooting for Daenerys . Jon Snow is starting to get annoying.

Another rushed episode last night. It seemed like they tried to jam what could have been another 2 episodes into the last few mins.

She’s a monster yes, but the speech about Myrcella may have been the first time she seemed human, including her walk of atonement.

Still rooting for Daenerys . ** Jon Snow is starting to get annoying.** He is good at brooding.

Another rushed episode last night. It seemed like they tried to jam what could have been another 2 episodes into the last few mins.

Things will change once the Three Eyed Raven talks to Jon.

And am I the only one who felt a small bit of sympathy for Cersei last night

Probably. She made her own bed.

Am I the only one who noticed that the strong women in the show have taken a decided turn for the worse? Welcome to reality, ladies.

Still rooting for Daenerys . ** Jon Snow is starting to get annoying.** He is good at brooding.

Another rushed episode last night. It seemed like they tried to jam what could have been another 2 episodes into the last few mins.

Things will change once the Three Eyed Raven talks to Jon.

Does Brandon really know Jon’s lineage? I assume that, being a bastard still, he has no claim on Dany’s throne.

**And that old lady was one tough bird right to the end. **

Yup, she’ll be missed where she was always good for a great zinger or two in each episode.

One thing that I’m curious about is the prophecy that Melisandre eluded to with Varys, certainly seemed to get his attention and that is twice now that he has been visibly unnerved by something that a red priestess has told him. Whatever he whispered to Dany when she was having her pissing match with Jon also quickly changed her tone as well.

I laughed out loud at Davos’ introduction of Jon after the lengthy listing of titles.

**And that old lady was one tough bird right to the end. **

Yup, she’ll be missed where she was always good for a great zinger or two in each episode.

One thing that I’m curious about is the prophecy that Melisandre eluded to with Varys, certainly seemed to get his attention and that is twice now that he has been visibly unnerved by something that a red priestess has told him. Whatever he whispered to Dany when she was having her pissing match with Jon also quickly changed her tone as well.

I laughed out loud at Davos’ introduction of Jon after the lengthy listing of titles.

I assumed that was news of the loss of the rest of her fleet at Casterly Rock.

Yes he does. Bran had the flashback dream where Ned promises Lyanna to take care of Jon. Bran knows Jon’s father is Rhaegar. I think Bran will have to convince Dany of this, but once he does, Dany will not be able to “hold” Jon as a “prisoner” anymore. She also cannot expect him to bend the knee.

This means Sansa will be the “Queen in the North” as Bran doesn’t want it. Sansa won’t bend the knee but will rely on Jon’s new found relationship with Dany to smooth that over and defend the North.


Yes he does. Bran had the flashback dream where Ned promises Lyanna to take care of Jon. Bran knows Jon’s father is Rhaegar. I think Bran will have to convince Dany of this, but once he does, Dany will not be able to “hold” Jon as a “prisoner” anymore. She also cannot expect him to bend the knee.

So Lyanna was whispering just so the TV audience couldn’t hear it?

**And that old lady was one tough bird right to the end. **

Yup, she’ll be missed where she was always good for a great zinger or two in each episode.

One thing that I’m curious about is the prophecy that Melisandre eluded to with Varys, certainly seemed to get his attention and that is twice now that he has been visibly unnerved by something that a red priestess has told him. Whatever he whispered to Dany when she was having her pissing match with Jon also quickly changed her tone as well.

I laughed out loud at Davos’ introduction of Jon after the lengthy listing of titles.

I assumed that was news of the loss of the rest of her fleet at Casterly Rock.

I thought it was news of the first loss of the fleet ? I thought they mentioned 2 or 3 ships surviving. Didn’t they cut right to the scene of theon / reek being pulled from the water?