Favorite Recovery Drink

Yeah, that’s the brand we normally have. I actually like the taste better than normal chocolate milk.

8th continent lite choclate soy milk. Awesome!

Am I the only person in the world who loves the lemon-Lime Endurox?

If you guys dislike it so much, you can send your left over L-L to me…

Just followed a wonderful recipe from somewhere: 8-10 oz. soy milk, 1 tsp soy or whey protein powder, 1 tsp cocoa, ice.


Actually, to expand on the soy milk theme, it’s a great base for smoothies along with a banana. I’ll start with those two and maybe throw in some protein powder and frozen berries and it is one delicious smoothie.



Gastrolyte! Tastes like s@#t , but works great.

Endurox keeps me from getting sore the day(s) after long runs.


I drink gatorade post workout. then just stuff my face with real food.

real food is cheaper! I don’t rely on a lot of energy products, except gels and sports drinks for long runs only.

Guinness!!! Lots of antioxidants and it’s a good muscle relaxer…plus of course carbs and protein. I also like EAS protein mix before bed, the one with tons of vitamins in it and a lot of potassium. I use Ultima Replenisher sometimes too.

Am I the only person in the world who loves the lemon-Lime Endurox?


Big workout–Cytosport Muscle Milk (Vanilla) with milk and soy milk. I flavor it with raspberries, cinnamon and chocolate, or with vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. ( I always add a tiny bit of cayenne to accent the flavor)

If it is an easy work out I just drink chocolate milk. (with cinnamon and cayenne)

skim milk. sometimes by itself; sometimes in a bowl, with cereal.
if it was a hot day and i sweated a lot, i also drink some weak gatorade.

Chocolate soy milk.

Or, if it was a really hard session, then maybe a Met-RX shake made with half a packet, non-fat milk, ice, a banana, and maybe peanut butter.

Maybe orange juice w/ ice, a banana, and some vanilla whey protein. Kind of like an orange julius.

i used the orange endurox this past season and loved it. i really noticed a difference in not having sore legs following workouts. just discovered by chance the fruit punch endurox. OMG…so yummy.

i also bought a case of chocolate milk boxes from costco bc of so many recommendations. i dunno though. i don’t crave chocolate right after a workout…the remainer of the 24 hrs, yes…

16 oz OJ, scoop of Sustained Energy and scoop of whey protein. In the summer, handful of ice added and run through the blender and it’s like a orange sherbert.

What SAC said, plus the chocolate milk. Just not together.