Specialized Shiv Seat Post Screw Fail

Just wanted everyone to know that I PM’d Mark and within the hour he put me in touch with the head of Warranty for Specialized who is looking into this for me, can’t ask for much more than that.

We’ll see what happens, but they’re going above and beyond to try and help me, so a little public Thank you from me is the least I can do.

I thought I would post this for anyone who is stuck at an event.

Seat post fail only noticed the day before we flew to Mexico for the ITU worlds so no chance for a proper fix.

Picked up the twine from Home Depot and did what I call a French Whip from the top of the seat post

towards the bottom I then whiped back over the original to give a good “knuckle”

Was then able to go to the local market in Cozumel and bought some superglue.

The fix should be reversible for my inevitable conversation with Specialized NZ.

I will tape the who,e thing in electrical tape just for appearances.

Hope this helps someone.


Neat solution.

Just to let you know my experience with the warranty process. I took mine to the local Spech dealer (where I bought the bike…and who values my continued business…got the sense with Spech that it really helps to have a good advocate).

They contacted Spech, who said they no longer do the epoxy fix (was unreliable), and were just going to send a new frame. The frame took about 3 weeks to arrive. Note, Spech typically doesn’t want to pay for the labor to build up the new frame, so work things out with your shop beforehand.

The shop also had a failed frame that Spech wouldn’t warranty (not original owner) that they were sending to Calfee to “repair” for $300-$350USD.

Any update on the repair? Bought a new 2014 frame off E-bay for my post deployment build and I’m a little concerned.


I just went through this process with my 2012 Shiv frame. My LBS tried epoxy the first time and that slipped immediately. They then started a warranty claim with SPE and a new 2014 frame arrived at the shop before the old one was even out the door. New frame, zero dollars on my part. Only down side was having my tri bike out of commission during the meat of my race season.

I say kudos to SPE for honoring their frame warranty and doing so quickly.

Specialized took care of me with a new frame.

I had to do a lot of leg work to track down an original receipt and prove that I was the only and original owner/rider.

If you bought a used frame from someone else, I don’t believe you’ll have a warranty

I’m stuck with a 2nd hand 2013 Shiv that Spec won’t warranty for repair. My LBS went to bat to try and get them to honor their defective product but to no avail. The LBS did epoxy it but it has since failed so I’m about to buy a new frame. Even though Specialized didn’t honor the warranty with my original frame I’m most likely going to get a new Shiv frame because it has been the only bike that I’ve been able to get my fit really dialed in on and am most comfortable. I’m hoping they’ve fixed the issue with the clamp at this point for the 2017 frames.

I’m stuck with a 2nd hand 2013 Shiv that Spec won’t warranty for repair. My LBS went to bat to try and get them to honor their defective product but to no avail. The LBS did epoxy it but it has since failed so I’m about to buy a new frame. Even though Specialized didn’t honor the warranty with my original frame I’m most likely going to get a new Shiv frame because it has been the only bike that I’ve been able to get my fit really dialed in on and am most comfortable. I’m hoping they’ve fixed the issue with the clamp at this point for the 2017 frames.

It’s still fixable. I ran into a similar issue with Specialized as I was a second owner of my 2012 shiv. It failed in the week of St. George 70.3 this year and the mechanics at the race did enough to get me through the race. When I go back home I brought it to a carbon repair specialist who was actually a maritime specialist that primarily worked with fixing carbon fiber boats, but he did a stellar job on my bike. He removed the the failed lug from the frame, cleaned it completely and sanded the inside of the frame, then re-set the lug using a very high grade maritime resin. The fix is perfect. The seat height is properly adjustable and no issues when I have to dismantle the bike for travel and reassemble. He gets several bikes throughout the year for carbon repairs, be it broken frames, forks, or chipped pieces, and does amazing work. He mentioned that bike stores don’t have the high quality resin required for the fix as it’s a weird design by Specialized and regular epoxy aren’t a long term solution. If you have access to a maritime repair shop see if they can help you.

I’m stuck with a 2nd hand 2013 Shiv that Spec won’t warranty for repair. My LBS went to bat to try and get them to honor their defective product but to no avail. The LBS did epoxy it but it has since failed so I’m about to buy a new frame. Even though Specialized didn’t honor the warranty with my original frame I’m most likely going to get a new Shiv frame because it has been the only bike that I’ve been able to get my fit really dialed in on and am most comfortable. I’m hoping they’ve fixed the issue with the clamp at this point for the 2017 frames.

It’s still fixable. I ran into a similar issue with Specialized as I was a second owner of my 2012 shiv. It failed in the week of St. George 70.3 this year and the mechanics at the race did enough to get me through the race. When I go back home I brought it to a carbon repair specialist who was actually a maritime specialist that primarily worked with fixing carbon fiber boats, but he did a stellar job on my bike. He removed the the failed lug from the frame, cleaned it completely and sanded the inside of the frame, then re-set the lug using a very high grade maritime resin. The fix is perfect. The seat height is properly adjustable and no issues when I have to dismantle the bike for travel and reassemble. He gets several bikes throughout the year for carbon repairs, be it broken frames, forks, or chipped pieces, and does amazing work. He mentioned that bike stores don’t have the high quality resin required for the fix as it’s a weird design by Specialized and regular epoxy aren’t a long term solution. If you have access to a maritime repair shop see if they can help you.

I’m going to check this route. I’m sure there’s one somewhere around here where I am. Thanks.

Could you supply the name of the company - we really need the brand of resin used.
I would gladly do the legwork.
Removing and sanding the bits are no big deal, all you would need is a Dremel.

I’m stuck with a 2nd hand 2013 Shiv that Spec won’t warranty for repair. My LBS went to bat to try and get them to honor their defective product but to no avail. The LBS did epoxy it but it has since failed so I’m about to buy a new frame. Even though Specialized didn’t honor the warranty with my original frame I’m most likely going to get a new Shiv frame because it has been the only bike that I’ve been able to get my fit really dialed in on and am most comfortable. I’m hoping they’ve fixed the issue with the clamp at this point for the 2017 frames.

It’s still fixable. I ran into a similar issue with Specialized as I was a second owner of my 2012 shiv. It failed in the week of St. George 70.3 this year and the mechanics at the race did enough to get me through the race. When I go back home I brought it to a carbon repair specialist who was actually a maritime specialist that primarily worked with fixing carbon fiber boats, but he did a stellar job on my bike. He removed the the failed lug from the frame, cleaned it completely and sanded the inside of the frame, then re-set the lug using a very high grade maritime resin. The fix is perfect. The seat height is properly adjustable and no issues when I have to dismantle the bike for travel and reassemble. He gets several bikes throughout the year for carbon repairs, be it broken frames, forks, or chipped pieces, and does amazing work. He mentioned that bike stores don’t have the high quality resin required for the fix as it’s a weird design by Specialized and regular epoxy aren’t a long term solution. If you have access to a maritime repair shop see if they can help you.

I’m going to check this route. I’m sure there’s one somewhere around here where I am. Thanks.

My local Spech dealer sent the bike to Calfee for a non-warranty fix for this issue (~$300 I think).

If you really like your position (and your saddle), you could also just have the seatpost epoxy bonded in place.

I don’t know about the specifics behind how they install it, but I’m pretty sure the new frames use the same type seat post, at least the 2016 frames do.

The issue was supposedly fixed in 2015. Prior to that, they used an insert that was basically a straight threaded piece. In 2015 they extended the length of the insert and it wraps around the bend of the frame to help secure it. This is what my LBS was told by Spec when they sent me my 3rd frame…has anyone had a failure on a post 2015 frame?

well had this issue after i packed my bike for IM malaysia 3 months ago. now i had to DIY the epoxying. not sure if i can claim warranty here in SEA.

will be using steel epoxy for it. hope all is well and be back to riding again

Luescher_Teknik on Instagram
He just posted pics on how to fix this issue.

There is a video from specialized that I assume is for dealers to fix


Mine popped out and I showed this to a guy who fixed an old frame for me. He works at the race shop for a high end car dealer and knows his shit. He said the epoxy recommended is good stuff but the prep they recommend is awful. He also went on to say with bonding materials like this the prep work is key.

The suggested path forward was to pull it out, Grind in the groves as described in the video, sand with some emery cloth, and clean in acetone. On the frame do a light scuff with the dremel tool as suggested and use something like simple green to clean out. e suggested cleaning multiple times.

For the applicator gun there are tips that will exact mix this epoxy and only cost $2. Its a no brainer. Apply some expoxy in the hole direct from the mixing tip and then on the plug itself. Insert and tap back in. I did mine, tightened each side a little by little until up to spec and its holding fine.

Hope this helps anyone who has this issue.

I’ll have to repair mine, so I’m curious about if the repair is still holding fine.
Did anyone find any other solution?

its been fine though i haven’t moved it since then

I had to have my frame replaced last summer. The new one has had no problems yet (fingers crossed)

Good info kblahetka. Don’t suppose you happen to know what the applicator gun alternative is? According to Grainger it requires a gun ($100+) and a special nozzle ($35+).

Also, when I went to look for this stuff at the big box stores, seems they don’t sell it. After looking online, it appears this is a commercial grade product. According to Amazon, when you check out you’ll be asked to verify that you are a professional/commercial user. Just wondering if anyone has successfully purchased this stuff without being associated with a business.