Conceal Carry Recommendations

This has been mentioned in the past before, but the single best deterrent now for potential and actual thuggery aimed at you while on your bike:


Seriously, if someone drives by, and dangerously tosses an hard object at you that hits you in the head, even leaving you bleeding and stunned while on your bike, what do you do, draw your gun and fire on him? Whereas with the camera (esp video), you can not only capture the assailant’s face and vehicle #, but even prevent situations from escalating regardless of how small or large the event is.

I’ll take an on-the-bike or on-the-helmet running vidcam any day over a concealed pistol, unless I’m in Syria or some other war-torn country.

Is the camera permanently chained to your head? What stops the perp from taking your video equipment after he takes your bike and your wallet?

Ummm, you take the phone out BEFORE any of this badness happens. Pull that phone out the moment you get any inkling of badness coming your way, even if it’s as trivial as someone driving a bit too close.

If the assailant is so fast and sneaky that he knocks you out before you can even turn your helmet-mounted camera to him or whip out your cell phone from your pocket, odds are pretty good you wouldn’t have much chance pulling your pistol fast enough either.

If you’re riding in areas that someone’s so determined to kill you and steal your wallet while you’re in lycra bike gear (because we carry thousands of dollars in our wallets on bike rides), you’ve got other issues.

Suppose he’s wearing a wool mask? Suppose he just doesn’t give a sh*T and doesn’t mind or even doesn’t even put it together that you’re playing Stephen Spielberg and robs your @ss anyway?

Dude, now you’re’ doing crazy talk.

Wool mask robbers on a mid-day bike ride? Seriously? Ok, if that’s the case, or you happen to be trailed by cold-blooded masked terrorists fully intent on killing you on your bike mid-ride, you’re better off with a pistol (or assault rifle.)

Being armed doesn’t always prevent a crime

Cyclist robbed at gunpoint at Columbus bike trail
A 42-year-old man told Columbus Police that another man robbed him at gunpoint Monday at the bike trail between Hilton Avenue and Willis Road.
The Columbus man said the gunman aimed a pistol at him and demanded his property. Within minutes, the thief had fled the scene with the victim’s bookbag,
SIG Sauer P226 firearm and a Motobecane mountain bike collectively worth $1,250, according to the report.

This has been mentioned in the past before, but the single best deterrent now for potential and actual thuggery aimed at you while on your bike:


Seriously, if someone drives by, and dangerously tosses an hard object at you that hits you in the head, even leaving you bleeding and stunned while on your bike, what do you do, draw your gun and fire on him? Whereas with the camera (esp video), you can not only capture the assailant’s face and vehicle #, but even prevent situations from escalating regardless of how small or large the event is.

I’ll take an on-the-bike or on-the-helmet running vidcam any day over a concealed pistol, unless I’m in Syria or some other war-torn country.

Is the camera permanently chained to your head? What stops the perp from taking your video equipment after he takes your bike and your wallet?

Ummm, you take the phone out BEFORE any of this badness happens. Pull that phone out the moment you get any inkling of badness coming your way, even if it’s as trivial as someone driving a bit too close.

If the assailant is so fast and sneaky that he knocks you out before you can even turn your helmet-mounted camera to him or whip out your cell phone from your pocket, odds are pretty good you wouldn’t have much chance pulling your pistol fast enough either.

If you’re riding in areas that someone’s so determined to kill you and steal your wallet while you’re in lycra bike gear (because we carry thousands of dollars in our wallets on bike rides), you’ve got other issues.

Suppose he’s wearing a wool mask? Suppose he just doesn’t give a sh*T and doesn’t mind or even doesn’t even put it together that you’re playing Stephen Spielberg and robs your @ss anyway?

Dude, now you’re’ doing crazy talk.

Wool mask robbers on a mid-day bike ride? Seriously? Ok, if that’s the case, or you happen to be trailed by cold-blooded masked terrorists fully intent on killing you on your bike mid-ride, you’re better off with a pistol (or assault rifle.)

Ok, just to be sure, you ought to affix one of these to your bike then. Front and rear, to be really safe!

You just clean it regularly, wiping down with LCP. No issues with sweat.

Sure, but that’s a pain. I have a hard enough time cleaning my bike after a rainy ride. It’s one thing to clean your rifle after a camping/hunting trip, and a completely different deal having to breakdown and clean a pistol each night when you get home from riding.

Beretta Nano with a pocket holster in your jersey pocket might work if your jersey is tight enough.

This has been mentioned in the past before, but the single best deterrent now for potential and actual thuggery aimed at you while on your bike:


Seriously, if someone drives by, and dangerously tosses an hard object at you that hits you in the head, even leaving you bleeding and stunned while on your bike, what do you do, draw your gun and fire on him? Whereas with the camera (esp video), you can not only capture the assailant’s face and vehicle #, but even prevent situations from escalating regardless of how small or large the event is.

I’ll take an on-the-bike or on-the-helmet running vidcam any day over a concealed pistol, unless I’m in Syria or some other war-torn country.

Is the camera permanently chained to your head? What stops the perp from taking your video equipment after he takes your bike and your wallet?

Ummm, you take the phone out BEFORE any of this badness happens. Pull that phone out the moment you get any inkling of badness coming your way, even if it’s as trivial as someone driving a bit too close.

If the assailant is so fast and sneaky that he knocks you out before you can even turn your helmet-mounted camera to him or whip out your cell phone from your pocket, odds are pretty good you wouldn’t have much chance pulling your pistol fast enough either.

If you’re riding in areas that someone’s so determined to kill you and steal your wallet while you’re in lycra bike gear (because we carry thousands of dollars in our wallets on bike rides), you’ve got other issues.

Suppose he’s wearing a wool mask? Suppose he just doesn’t give a sh*T and doesn’t mind or even doesn’t even put it together that you’re playing Stephen Spielberg and robs your @ss anyway?

Dude, now you’re’ doing crazy talk.

Wool mask robbers on a mid-day bike ride? Seriously? Ok, if that’s the case, or you happen to be trailed by cold-blooded masked terrorists fully intent on killing you on your bike mid-ride, you’re better off with a pistol (or assault rifle.)

Ok, just to be sure, you ought to affix one of these to your bike then. Front and rear, to be really safe!…-Use-Sign-K-5948.gif

Nah, that’s just more stupid.

Everyone gets the message when you whip out the cell phone camera. Sends the right message, and doesn’t escalate the violence. In fact, it’s probably the ONLY means of de-escalating without running away or profusely apologizing for something you didn’t do wrong.

You just clean it regularly, wiping down with LCP. No issues with sweat.

Sure, but that’s a pain. I have a hard enough time cleaning my bike after a rainy ride. It’s one thing to clean your rifle after a camping/hunting trip, and a completely different deal having to breakdown and clean a pistol each night when you get home from riding.

I hear you, but it takes only takes two minutes to disassemble and wipe it down. BTW, those little 380 pop guns have a reputation for jamming. Just google it.

This has been mentioned in the past before, but the single best deterrent now for potential and actual thuggery aimed at you while on your bike:


Seriously, if someone drives by, and dangerously tosses an hard object at you that hits you in the head, even leaving you bleeding and stunned while on your bike, what do you do, draw your gun and fire on him? Whereas with the camera (esp video), you can not only capture the assailant’s face and vehicle #, but even prevent situations from escalating regardless of how small or large the event is.

I’ll take an on-the-bike or on-the-helmet running vidcam any day over a concealed pistol, unless I’m in Syria or some other war-torn country.

Is the camera permanently chained to your head? What stops the perp from taking your video equipment after he takes your bike and your wallet?

Ummm, you take the phone out BEFORE any of this badness happens. Pull that phone out the moment you get any inkling of badness coming your way, even if it’s as trivial as someone driving a bit too close.

If the assailant is so fast and sneaky that he knocks you out before you can even turn your helmet-mounted camera to him or whip out your cell phone from your pocket, odds are pretty good you wouldn’t have much chance pulling your pistol fast enough either.

If you’re riding in areas that someone’s so determined to kill you and steal your wallet while you’re in lycra bike gear (because we carry thousands of dollars in our wallets on bike rides), you’ve got other issues.

Suppose he’s wearing a wool mask? Suppose he just doesn’t give a sh*T and doesn’t mind or even doesn’t even put it together that you’re playing Stephen Spielberg and robs your @ss anyway?

Dude, now you’re’ doing crazy talk.

Wool mask robbers on a mid-day bike ride? Seriously? Ok, if that’s the case, or you happen to be trailed by cold-blooded masked terrorists fully intent on killing you on your bike mid-ride, you’re better off with a pistol (or assault rifle.)

Ok, just to be sure, you ought to affix one of these to your bike then. Front and rear, to be really safe!…-Use-Sign-K-5948.gif

Nah, that’s just more stupid.

Everyone gets the message when you whip out the cell phone camera. Sends the right message, and doesn’t escalate the violence. In fact, it’s probably the ONLY means of de-escalating without running away or profusely apologizing for something you didn’t do wrong.

There you go. That crack addict will just wait for the next bike drive by!

Let me ask you this, as an “expert,” do you recommend that the guy carry a .380?

Never said I’m an expert.

My recommendations were above, if he feels the need to carry, evaluate the best way to do it and see if it works for him. I hate fanny packs but they are basically the only way to feasibly carry on a bike. As for choice of caliber/firearm my suggestion would be to carry the largest gun/caliber the person can shoot accurately. Modern bullet design has made most caliber considerations irrelevant, though .380 would not be my first choice of defensive caliber. A glock 43 is basically identical in size to the .380 version, and .38 revolvers are often smaller but with better performance. The only important thing in that conversation is whether or not the OP can shoot that gun/caliber accurately. Only hits matter, and only hits in important areas are effective. A .22LR can be dangerous as hell in the right hands.

Wow. This thread has been interesting.

My recommendation is to carry the biggest caliber firearm you are comfortable shooting, and is comfortable to be carried. For “people” scenarios I carry a .380 (Glock most often, and a GREAT gun, Ruger LCP, and a Sig…but it’s heavier). I practice often, and am familiar with it. When I carry it, I can barely feel it and it’s easy to carry. For “critter” scenarios I carry a S&W Scandium .357. Very light, but I notice it when on me. Pulling the trigger when loaded with Buffalo Bore ammo…hurts. Hurts very much. But when faced with a Grizzly, I’ll take some hand/arm pain over being chewed on.

Carry what you are comfortable operating and comfortable carrying. If it’s uncomfortable in any of those categories you won’t carry it…and then it doesn’t matter. A .22lr is better than nothing if you know how to use it, just like a .454 is worthless if you are afraid to pull the trigger or you have left it at home.

Only in murica!

Only in murica!

Love it or leave it!

For “critter” scenarios I carry a S&W Scandium .357. Very light, but I notice it when on me. Pulling the trigger when loaded with Buffalo Bore ammo…hurts. Hurts very much. But when faced with a Grizzly, I’ll take some hand/arm pain over being chewed on.

It’s like getting hit with a baseball bat in your open hand, full swing! I used to practice at the range with 38 in my SW scandium J frame, but occasionally I would shoot 357, as that’s what I would carry with. I’d shoot two rounds and just stop, thinking “why?” Why get hit with a baseball bat three MORE times?

For “critter” scenarios I carry a S&W Scandium .357. Very light, but I notice it when on me. Pulling the trigger when loaded with Buffalo Bore ammo…hurts. Hurts very much. But when faced with a Grizzly, I’ll take some hand/arm pain over being chewed on.

It’s like getting hit with a baseball bat in your open hand, full swing! I used to practice at the range with 38 in my SW scandium J frame, but occasionally I would shoot 357, as that’s what I would carry with. I’d shoot two rounds and just stop, thinking “why?” Why get hit with a baseball bat three MORE times?
That is EXACTLY how I describe it too. I rarely shoot the 357s through it, and every time I do I regret it. I’ve only gone through 3 Buffalo Bore rounds before I couldn’t shoot it again (arm to elbow was numb and my hand…was just brutalized).

but I disagree with your stance on the .380. It wouldn’t be my first choice, but it’s better than reaching into yoru pocket and just grabbing your dick. Lol

I think that arguing about the size/type of gun is a bit moot.

If you’re a bad man and pull over to hassle a lycra clad cyclist (or djust drive beside him), and the cyclist points any gun at your face, you’re gunna think twice about proceeding with the discussion. Even if you (the bad guy) have a Dirty Harry hand held howitzer, you’re still gunna think twice about leaving the altercation with any sort of slug in your face. I mean, if a .22 slug goes in your eye from close range, you’re still gonna be dead. And if it doesn’t go in your eye, you’re still gunna have a nasty scar. Are wimpy ass cyclists worth it even to a toothless redneck? I think mostly No.

Great points. But, in order to really answer the question we need to consider…

If Jesus rode a bike, where would He conceal his Glock?

For “critter” scenarios I carry a S&W Scandium .357. Very light, but I notice it when on me. Pulling the trigger when loaded with Buffalo Bore ammo…hurts. Hurts very much. But when faced with a Grizzly, I’ll take some hand/arm pain over being chewed on.

It’s like getting hit with a baseball bat in your open hand, full swing! I used to practice at the range with 38 in my SW scandium J frame, but occasionally I would shoot 357, as that’s what I would carry with. I’d shoot two rounds and just stop, thinking “why?” Why get hit with a baseball bat three MORE times?
That is EXACTLY how I describe it too. I rarely shoot the 357s through it, and every time I do I regret it. I’ve only gone through 3 Buffalo Bore rounds before I couldn’t shoot it again (arm to elbow was numb and my hand…was just brutalized).

but I disagree with your stance on the .380. It wouldn’t be my first choice, but it’s better than reaching into yoru pocket and just grabbing your dick. Lol

I’ve never shot Buffalo Bore through it. I think that might crack a wrist. Just some regular 357. As far as the 380, I don’t recall saying that reaching in to grab my dick was better than grabbing the 380? : ) I said I’d sooner carry a can of pepper spray.

Being armed doesn’t always prevent a crime

Cyclist robbed at gunpoint at Columbus bike trail
A 42-year-old man told Columbus Police that another man robbed him at gunpoint Monday at the bike trail between Hilton Avenue and Willis Road.
The Columbus man said the gunman aimed a pistol at him and demanded his property. Within minutes, the thief had fled the scene with the victim’s bookbag,
SIG Sauer P226 firearm and a Motobecane mountain bike collectively worth $1,250, according to the report.

So that bike was worth $300? Last time I checked the classic aluminum Sigs were $950. Also, carrying a full size pistol? They like being uncomfortable?

Anyone who thinks they could effectively use a gun while on a bike, when the bad guys are the ones to initiate the confrontation and they are either in an ambush or they have a car, they are apparently unable to engage their brain properly and reason through the situation.

Let’s face it. We know it. You should know it. You like the feeling you have when you carry a gun. That’s it. Call it false sense of security or whatever it is. It isn’t rationally reasoned out. Feelings are fine, but not when safety is concerned. You need to be cold and calculating.

I think that arguing about the size/type of gun is a bit moot.

If you’re a bad man and pull over to hassle a lycra clad cyclist (or djust drive beside him), and the cyclist points any gun at your face, you’re gunna think twice about proceeding with the discussion. Even if you (the bad guy) have a Dirty Harry hand held howitzer, you’re still gunna think twice about leaving the altercation with any sort of slug in your face. I mean, if a .22 slug goes in your eye from close range, you’re still gonna be dead.

With that logic we’d all be carrying BB guns! I would never use a gun to intimidate someone. I’d only use it to stop a threat as quickly as possible. If it’s pointing at a bad guy, it’ll shortly be discharging on the bad guy.

XDS .45. in my concealed carry Galco holster in a small backpack on my back. I only carry on certain rides and certain distances.

With that logic we’d all be carrying BB guns! I would never use a gun to intimidate someone. I’d only use it to stop a threat as quickly as possible. If it’s pointing at a bad guy, it’ll shortly be discharging on the bad guy.

Agreed!! If you pull it, you use it. It is only pulled as a last case, all I have left scenario.

Here is a situation: You have a CC on you, and you’re in a gas station/store. Robber comes in and has a firearm and is robbing the store. Do you pull your firearm and confront the robber?

My answer: nope. Unless I’m fearful that I’m gonna die, or that person is going to kill the clerk, the robber walks. I’m not there to be a hero. My CC is to protect my life, and (if I feel) another person’s immediate safety. It isn’t a “hero prop”. It’s just a tool.