Who here is Zwifting?

I just got approved last night! I can’t wait to start Zwifting. It looks awesome

Admittedly not a gamer, and can’t compare graphics to other new games. Just an avid cyclist and racer. I successfully raised my FTP from 234 to 265 over the course of the winter … which brings my FTP/KG to 4… not to say that couldn’t have been done with other software or all alone… but, for me the piece of the equation was the consistency and volume of training. This is my 4th year riding. I am no expert by any means. But, I have worked hard every year since beginning my obsession with this sport. All I can do is present my anecdotal evidence (which mind you has quantifiable data) … the past 2 seasons were Trainer road exclusively from November to the beginning of April. I was able to hold some fitness but generally lost quite a bit when the February AND March blues hit and I got tired of training to Netflix and a blue graph. Perhaps that’s spoiled but it was the case for me. This season I completed 1,600 miles on Zwift January 21st… to about mid April. I am currently sitting in 6th place in our overall Crit series. And I owe that to Zwift. My fitness is better at this time of year due to my winter effort. With a 2nd place and a 3rd place finish I am satisfied that my hard work paid off. Now if I can just take 1st this upcoming week, the last week of the series, I will podium for the series! Thanks Zwift.

So…Is TeamSpeak incorporation in the works?

Good question! Teamspeak provides simultaneous voice communication over the Internet. An online bike racing simulation would probably profit from offering voice comm so to facilitate communication of simple instructions related to starting, maintaining and finishing any group event. Besides text and voice comm, one would also expect the ability to create, schedule, and publish races, for other users to be able to join a race you created/published, for the system to properly rank all participants once the race is over (as per the definition of racing), for it to offer different courses (I mean simultaneously through room servers, not one course, and then another, and then another,…), and strict control of users who cheat the system for an unfair advantage during races (why login to a racing simulator if you end up having to ignore what others are doing?).

All of these features have been suggested several months ago by beta testers on their support forum. There was some progress on text comm (which can be a bit limited since typing on a keyboard/laptop while exerting yourself/sweating is not always convenient/safe), and on cheating control (which is difficult because of the wide range of the different indoor biking equipment supported).

So…Is TeamSpeak incorporation in the works?

The Zwift Riders FB page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/zwiftriders/) made some TS channels for Zwift: Server address: ts21.gameservers.com:9149

Facebook allows devs to embed social games into users’ news feeds but I haven’t heard that’s in the plans for Zwift. However the thought is interesting. Zwift doesn’t have a top menu bar but I never thought much of that fact. Until now…

Zwift does have a page for annoucement of significant changes made to it, and I suspect voice comm integration would be a major annoucement:


I just got in this week, but because I’m tapering for HIM Chattanooga, I won’t be able to play with it until next week.

They just went into open beta. No need to wait for an invite now.

I’m not sure what the Zwift user profile will turn out to be, as the app itself is still taking shape, but the incentive to use it as an online racing simulation is definitely present.

My guess is people will go for the virtual courses over structured training.

I’m an owner of a Kickr , I’ve had a sub to trainer road and have tried out zwift today, did 60k on the island, virtual riding on the kickr is infinitely more exiting than just following a line.

Our question was what happens on a dumb trainer like the KK Road Machine? Is there any resistance difference going uphill/downhill? Does the zPower somehow change to reflect the profile of the course?

As someone else stated it just changes your perceived speed in the game. So if you don’t change gears or cadence you’ll see your “speed” on the climbs drop down to 2 or 3 mph…

So how are people averaging 40kph on the KOMs ?

I see people averaging 350-400watts on Zwift and then you look at their outdoor rides and they are nowhere near that level.
There was one guy riding around today doing half the lap at 20w/kg, something isn’t right.

Our question was what happens on a dumb trainer like the KK Road Machine? Is there any resistance difference going uphill/downhill? Does the zPower somehow change to reflect the profile of the course?

As someone else stated it just changes your perceived speed in the game. So if you don’t change gears or cadence you’ll see your “speed” on the climbs drop down to 2 or 3 mph…

So how are people averaging 40kph on the KOMs ?

I see people averaging 350-400watts on Zwift and then you look at their outdoor rides and they are nowhere near that level.
There was one guy riding around today doing half the lap at 20w/kg, something isn’t right.

Probably has weight settings incorrect either intentionally or by accident, using a non “approved” dumb trainer, janky ant+ connection, etc…

Our question was what happens on a dumb trainer like the KK Road Machine? Is there any resistance difference going uphill/downhill? Does the zPower somehow change to reflect the profile of the course?

As someone else stated it just changes your perceived speed in the game. So if you don’t change gears or cadence you’ll see your “speed” on the climbs drop down to 2 or 3 mph…

So how are people averaging 40kph on the KOMs ?

I see people averaging 350-400watts on Zwift and then you look at their outdoor rides and they are nowhere near that level.
There was one guy riding around today doing half the lap at 20w/kg, something isn’t right.

There are most certainly cheaters. Many of whom have been outed in social media and in Zwift itself multiple times. For me, I just don’t pay attention. I don’t really chase KOMs as it doesn’t usually fit into my training plan anyway. Zwift has implemented some kind of cheating detection although I am not sure how it works. Usually when you see people doing 20W/Kg its either that they are using virtual power on rollers or some other trainer with hardly any resistance, and they entered a trainer like the Kurt Kinetic either by accident or intentionally to cheat. The other method is to enter a false weight that is incredibly low. Whenever I see a guy go be me like he’s on a CBR1000 I just laugh… to me the fun goes on and my training doesn’t suffer.

Tried it last week. Like it! Was pleasantly surprised it was able to control my Powerbeam Pro. I might ditch trainerroad for zwift. Hope they add structured workouts soon!

Not replying to you in particular…

But I like jostling for the sprints sometimes (I would hit about 750-800 watts PEAK for maybe a second or two, then average a bit over 500w for the sprint). Not magnificent numbers, and I definitely get dropped on almost any climb (power-to-too.much.weight ratio).

Using a computrainer, it has happened once or twice (random part of the track, and not for any sprint or KOM bonuses), I got disconnected somehow but the avatar shot up to 1500w, and held it for a few seconds (of course with me looking at the TV in disbelief with my legs standing still). While it may make me look like a sprint god, I know that I can’t do anywhere near that (my 800w is like a second only, 2 seconds AT THE MOST), so I hope they fix that bug.

I’ve been using TR and Zwift concurrently. I find that riding on Zwift allows me to stick out my TR intervals a bit better. While all psychological, I feel Zwift gives me 10 to 15 more watts than just TR alone.

It takes good discipline to maintain your targeted watts when hitting the KOM or spring segments.

G’day STers.

I was involved with the two Zwift launch/demo events here in Australia last week, and had a total blast. As a long term Zwift addict it was great to see people use it for the first time and get hooked.

My write up with pics, videos, and a few stories is up here: http://gplama.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/zwift-down-under-challenge-melbourne.html

Happy to answer any questions about the events if anyone wants more info/insight.

(*I’m not on the payroll, I just really love seeing people get hooked on it and enjoy ergos… )


Great read Shane and what an amazing time. I think my fastest lap is around 16 minutes but that was over a longer ride. You’ve inspired me to go out and see how fast I could do a loop. I hate that the mountain is right there in the first mile. Killer.

I’m on.

I have to restrict myself to using it for free/fun rides because I find it too difficult to stick to a workout.

I have been using 2 ANT+ sticks in my laptop and run trainer road on the bottom of my screen. If I want to do a specific workout I just make sure to follow T.R.s target power. It’s a little tricky to get both ANT sticks synced up but once you do its a breeze. In find it easy to do both at once. I personally don’t feel like I have to sprint for the green jersey or climb like an animal most of the time. So for me it’s a great way to get a 40 mile ride in without going insane with boredom or replaying ISLAGIATT for the 20th time.

LOL, I have watched ISLAGIATT sooo many times. I better get Zwift!

Just got to level 12 today, next level should unlock the Tri Bike. Has anyone gotten locked it yet? Screenshot?

Just got to level 12 today, next level should unlock the Tri Bike. Has anyone gotten locked it yet? Screenshot?

Lvl 13 unlocks the aero road bike. I don’t have a screenshot of it handy, but I’ll post one later if no one else here has it yet.

Here it is:
