April Fish

I didn’t swim yesterday. Instead had an awesome 24 mile bike followed with a 5 mile run on the OC Triathlon course with my sister. Yeah, she’s pretty fast. She’ll be racing duathlon at Zofingen this year.
But back in the swim today with, first, a 1.8 mile ocean swim in 61 deg water. (I can’t wait for it to be a bit warmer to tolerate double or even triple that distance).) Drove over to the pool, shivering, and jumped in the 83 deg water for another 3000 yards.

1000s 13:02
5x100 various kicks
ladder @1:30 base
5x100 alt bk/br as 25k/50s/25k

Alberta Provincials Meet Report…

The meet was compressed to a single day in 2 sessions due to lower than usual entries. Meet held in Grand Prairie, great newish 10 lane 50 m pool set up as 10x25 SCM. The warm water teach pool has 3 x 25 m lanes for LCM meets as well.

Session 1
1500 Free - 17.13.17
100 Fly - 1.01.51
200 IM - 2.19.46

Session 2
200 Bk - 2.19.91
200 Fly - 2.15.74

I swam 17.18 in the 1500 last year at the same meet. My 800 split was 9.04 last year and this year it was 9.06. Looking at my splits much less drop off… strong splitting in the 200 Bk and 200 Fly…

200 Fly

200 Bk

200 IM

Yeah, I’m really not complaining. :slight_smile:

I don’t do long sets like that very often, my coach tends to start adding them in as I get closer to race time. 200 and under is the typical norm for me. I found that 800 incredibly mind numbing!

Oh and we still have ice out on the open water!!

Dude ice? Born in Chicago…I despise cold weather. Seeing that 800 make me want to cry, it’s one thing in open water…to stare at the line that long though ouch I just don’t have it mentally any longer. I need all four strokes mixed in with kicking and lots of variety. when I think back to my long course tri days and how I managed all those long sets…just don’t want to make my brain do that any longer. Good on you for the discipline to do it!

Yeah, for those of us who don’t wear wetsuits, I probably won’t swim any open water until at least mid-July.

I bet the lakes are deliciously nice mid summer though? I’d always opt for cold water and heat up with a wetsuit if necessary than have to loathe the syrup bog of our temps 7 months a year. Pool chillers are glorious right now if your facility has one down here in FL. I love hot weather and air temps, but geez I simply cannot seem to acclimate to hot water temps if I’m going to swim hard. I overheat so fast and just feel nauseous.

In the 1500, you’d only lap me… mmm… maybe 3 times! LOL

Another great ocean swim from Shaw’s Cove to the Main Beach buoy and back, in Laguna Beach.
Water was 60-61 degrees with some big swells and heavy patches of kelp out there, plus a lot of chop on the return leg. My toes were numb for a good hour after that, even with jumping in a hot tub.

3000 crooked yardages.

Hey, nice swims there, especially in a compressed format. Too bad you’re not coming to nats.

Is this your last year in 35-39’s, or do you have another?

1 more… Gilbert slashed my 1500 record to 16.46 at QC champs…

Well then, you’ll have to get that back won’t you :wink:

Think it would be cool to do 2 time trials and break 35-39 & 40-44 back to back

Some tough records in my AG. Deke has the fly records, Alex baumann has the IMs.

I think 2 of those are world records as well.

Great times in the meet, congrats!

My swim this morning was
300 choice
6x50 descend 1-3, 4-6 on 60s
300 long and strong with 30s rest
10x200 as {
50 kick into 150 at T pace, 15s rest}
400 choice

3300 SCM

For the 200s I did 2 flutter kick, 2 breast kick. I was consistently 6-8 seconds faster doing breast. My flutter kick truly is the shits.

just sent in my registration for provincials. 50 fly, 50 back, 50 breast, 50 free, 100 IM.

none of that pesky distance stuff. 5 races, 7 turns :wink:

One of the ladies at masters is at about 195,000m for April so far. 17,000m yesterday.

Well done!

Saturday: 9.5 mi run + 30 min stairmaster
Sunday: 40 mi bike
today: 3 mi bike to work, 8.5 mi run, 2100 yd swim

nice swims dude, nice pacing on the 200IM was fast compared to the 200 fly/bk times. Ever swim the 200 br?

Sun swim,
1000 wu (was NOT feeling it, almost bagged the workout)
5 x 200 @ 3:00, desc all
10 x 100 alt fr/im @ 130/145, desc fr
200IM cd

3300 scy.

Its my weak link for sure. I would like to be under 2.40 as a masters swimmer. Did 2.50 ish a few years ago with almost no rest after 200 Fly and 200 Back…

200 Fly rest during 1 heat of womens 2back
200 Back and then rest during 1 heat of womens 2 breast
200 Breast …

Rest 5 heats of 200 Free and swim 200 Free rest during womens 200 IM and then race the IM…

Lifetime PB in 100 Br is 1.10 SCM (during a speed practice)

Not much rest in there, and 200 IM at the end is tough. When I was an IM’er ~35 yrs ago (gulp), I thought that race was pretty tough to get pacing just right since its so easy to take the fly out too fast and some mental toughness needed on the breast.

This AM time challenged workout - for a change had some scenery in the next lane
500 wu
6 x 200 @ 3:00, desc x3 (43 - 38)
8 x 100 alt IM/Fr @ 1:40/1:30 (28/18)
200IM cd

2800 scy

need a good '50’s workout, anyone got suggestions? Maybe 20x50 @ 1:00 with some bk,br,fly in there?

good IM’ish one I did a few weeks ago was like this: 24x50 as:

3x (

Last week I did 40 x 50 on :45 (something that gives me 5-7s rest on ez ones) as
1 - 16 every 4th fast
17 - 28 every 3rd fast
29 - 36 every 2nd fast
37 - 40 all fast

Wipes me out every time I do it and makes the time go quickly.

How much slower is your back than free over say a 50 and 100?