Official BMC Time Machine Owners Thread

Thanks Ken. Its on sale in my size for $4600, originally priced at $6K. I would have to sell one of my bikes but it seems like a much better deal than before.

That’s a su-weet looking bike.
I’m loving the artfully understated “BMC” outlined logo, too.
You need to hedge your lawn, though.

I thought I should post my BMC. This bad boy got me to 1st in the AG field for an hour or so and 2nd into T2 at IMC last week.

Absolutely love this bike. Have not had any issues with the brakes or cabling that others have expressed.

Got the custom BTA holder made. 3T Brezza Ltd bars go perfect for colour - almost like they were made for the bike. Changed the pads for the Ventus, and the extenders for the Blackweel research. Slowman approved this set up in person.

O’symetric 54/42 rings, and 165 SRM DA 7800s. Garmin 500 which is the perfect colour and size for the cockpit too.

Glad I went for the white saddle, bar tape and bidons as I think it made the bike pop a bit more.

And yes I know my brother-in-law’s place needs some weeding blah blah blahzzzzzzzzzzz.

It’s beautiful, but I think you should work a little bit on the cockpit, the cables are supposed to be cleaner on this bike. Just my 2cents :wink:

Yes I agree. The problem is with the Brezza bars though. The cables exit the bars a bit earlier than they should.

On race day I tape them up to the bars, and pull the Di2 wires tighter behind the bottle cage.

Yes I agree. The problem is with the Brezza bars though. The cables exit the bars a bit earlier than they should.

On race day I tape them up to the bars, and pull the Di2 wires tighter behind the bottle cage.

I have a similar issue with the 3T Aura bars on mine. The cables exit the bottom of the wing, which leaves a noticeable amount of front brake cable exposed, marring an otherwise clean build. Newer 3T bars look like their cable exit out the back of the wing, near the stem, which would make for cleaner cabling. However, the cost and hassle of a new bar, re-cabling the bike, and then getting the brakes dialed in again just hasn’t been worth-it. It might be something to consider if I ever upgrade to di2 or SRAM 22.

Very nice.
The white bar tape and the saddle really works.
Is yours a large? And how did you come to use a 165 crank, Retul fitting session?
I’m just a little freaked right now, because last week I went for a fitting and found out I do best on a 167.5. I’ve been on a 175 all my life!

I’m a bike fitter so just worked it out for myself. Yes it’s a large and I’m 6’3"".

Jump on board the short crank band wagon! Toot toot!

Awesome looking bike! What was your bike split at whistler? And did you use those same Tri- spokes?

Thanks mate I think I was 5.05.

And used the tri spoke front, Jet disc rear.

I was waiting for the new TM01 Ultegra Di2 (6870) to be released, but look at that paint job:

I personnally think the previous one looked better (same thing for the dura ace version). Do you know if it’s still possible to order the previous frameset?
Btw, the Dura ace version now has the brezza 2 bar from 3T, I like this change.

Hey, everyone. I need some advice/second opinion from you guys.
I took delivery of my TM01 in size M-S almost two months ago.
I am completely in love with this bike! What a ride!!
(So much so that now riding my Cervelo roadie is, I hate to say this but, a total chore. My next regular road bike might have to be a TMR). But I digress.

Tuesday last week I went in for a Retul fitting and found out I would perform much better on a size large geometry (with 167.5 crank, not the 175 I have now. The small crank train is leaving the station, indeed). Wattage increased almost 20%, left leg/right leg power output went from 45/55 to almost 50/50, much easier on the neck…you get the idea.
My mind went completely white. ‘I just got this bike…I need a new frame? WHAT!’

So, my bike fitter thinks I should just switch to a large frame, rather than getting a M-L and messing around with base bar risers, etc. That makes me a little nervous, because I notice most guys on a large are in the 6’3" neighborhood. I’m a fraction under 6’ with 33.5 inseam and 165lbs. It might be difficult to control a much bigger bike. Especially, since, I like riding this bike in the hills. So, I’m wondering if M-L with risers stacked up 50-60mm might be a better way for me. (The stem position for the large frame would be around 11, 5, 6 and 18 area).

What do you think?
Insights from your experiences and knowledge would be greatly appreciated.


I’m 6ft, 175lbs, have a 33’ inseam and I’m on a large TM02 with 170mm cranks. FWIW, the large is a pretty big frameset in comparison the ML, and is certainly much larger than my previous ride, which was a 55cm Quintana Roo. I used the Competitive Cyclist fit calculator and was between sizes when looking at the ML and the L. I selected the L on the basis that I wanted more space when climbing and a little more space to stretch out during the IM ride. I was tired of having my knees hitting my arms on my previous ride and needed some space to sit back and climb in a more traditional road position on hilly courses.

In terms of stability and being able to handle the bike-I’ve had no issues. I run a 404/808 wheel set and the bike is very comfortable and stable, even in the crosswinds on the Big Island. It’s also a fast bike. I’m certainly not a weight weenie or an aero specialist, nor do I have a power meter, so this is no way “scientific evidence”, but my IM bike times have improved quite substantially. My most recent IM bike split was 25 mins faster than my previous best and I shaved 35 mins off my average IM marathon time, which I attribute to being much more comfortable on the larger frame. Hope this helps.

It does help! Thanks you.
Having similar measurements with you certainly is reassuring making this move.
I’m doing the knee kicking thing right now.
Btw, terrific improvements on your splits, congrats.
But I’m sure there was more to it than just getting a larger frame :wink:

FWIW, I thought the same thing and just ordered a 2013 TM01 with Ultegra Di2, so they are available and on sale as well.

Similar measurments, an inch taller and 10# heavier… Taking delivery of my large TM02 this weekend, as recommended by Jim Manton at Ero Sports who fit me.

fine looking machine!!

I think the Brezza bars actually were made for the bike - it’s so the BMC pro team can look, well, pro.

Thanks, I’ve bit the bullet and have a large on hold.
I guess large isn’t just for former basketball players!