February Swims - post 'em here

a slow start monday morning, missed most of the warmup. still a good eye-opener.

100 ez
500 k

6 x 100 @ 1:20 (made em all ~1:15 avg)
4 x 100 Indiana IM* @ 1:40
6 x 50 @ 50 odds build evens 25 uw/25 fast

6 x 100 p @ 1:25 (~1:12 avg)
4 x 100 Indiana IM @ 1:40
6 x 50 @ 50 odds build evens 25 uw/25 fast

100 ez

*Indiana IM = rotate first stroke in the IM but maintains IM order

3300 scy

back to the 40 min pre-work workout…

4x100 w/u fr/bk/br/fr
200 s/k/cool

2400 sc yardages
arms are quite fatigued after this weekend - but it’s a good feeling.

400 warmup
500 pull with no paddles
6x100 kick

5x100 @ 1:30
rest 1 min
4x100 @ 1:25
rest 1 min
3x100 @ 1:20
rest 1 min
2x100 @ 1:15
rest 1 min
1x100 @ 1:10

200 warmdown

See everyone! This is a prime example of how my workouts are a little weird IMO. I think 10x100 @1:20 would have been good. The set I did today was a bit of a waste. We had too much intermitent rest. We had some pretty tough intervals, but they were suddenly over. I like to go REAL fast or have a set with less rest that goes on a bit longer. 1x100 @ 1:10??? I hope my coach doesn’t read this or I’m going to feel bad, and to be fair there are plenty of other swimmers who like this type of workout. For me, I need to work on endurance/aerobic stuff or speed. This seems to be something stuck in the middle.

Edit: Meh… I suppose I could have worked it harder too…

Agree with you - that’s a bit bizarre and could be rewritten as:
1x100@ (infinity?)

Doesn’t look nearly as hard now.

run: 8 mi run
swim: 3500 yds

2 x
4 x on 6:00 - 4:01, 3:50, 3:44, 3:46
100 kick
600 c/d

Pleased with the 300s :slight_smile:

I would like to be a consultant for TYR or Speedo. I am looking for a new suit and keep getting frustrated. No sooner do I find one I like and then they don’t have it in my size… and they need some seriously better patterns in polyester… AAAA!

Sunday evening in the 33.3 pool

Wu- SKIDS 200s
Ms- 12x66 band buoy, 16x66 free, 5x200 buoy @3:00, 6x100 @1:30, 6x33 all out side by side @1:00
Cd- mix

Monday morning swim similar to my Saturday set
Wu- 200 finger tip, 50IM, 200fr, 50IM, 200 (100ra/100la), 50IM, 200 (10k/3stk), 50IM
Ms- 4 X (25, 50, 75, 100 @1:15) straight through. Send offs started easier and got harder.
1000 pull neg split
2 X (25, 50, 75, 100 @ 1:10 fins) " "
1000 buoy (200DPS/50k)
4900 scy

4th Feb.
Repeated my 10x400 pull session from 3 weeks ago.
Ave time went down from 6.36 to 6.29.
I thought the 8th was the 9th, and blew pretty badly on the last…

4300 LCM.

I would like to be a consultant for TYR or Speedo. I am looking for a new suit and keep getting frustrated. No sooner do I find one I like and then they don’t have it in my size… and they need some seriously better patterns in polyester… AAAA!

Have you tried the Speedo Endurance suits??? They last me around 1.2 million yds.


2 x 500 free, sw/pl on :15r
4 x
10 x 100 breast on :15r
200 back w/ paddles on :15r
4 x 50 back on :15r
3 x 200 IM on :15r
200 free pull easy

6000 SCY + 12-mi bike + 2-mi run.

Have you tried the Speedo Endurance suits??? They last me around 1.2 million yds.

No, but I have just worn through a TYR polyester suit that I got three years ago - at least a million yards. TYR sent me a bunch of free stuff once and I’m now pretty TYR loyal!

450 WU, - 150 swim, 150 kick, 150pull

10 X 50 swim on a minute. Finishing around 39-41

50 kick

4 X 600 with 50 kick recovery between sets. Was averaging about 1:38/100y pace for these.

3700yds total. Long day for me.

Today’s swim: 3862m in open water. No wet suit, No skin. Pier to Honl Beach and back. water was cold though. We’re down to 74F/23C right now.

(I have about 45 minutes to get the swim in)


500 w/u
5x100 on 1:30
50 on 1:00
2x250 on 3:45 (3:01/00)
50 on 1:00
8x50 on :45 (all :35)
50 on 1:00
2x100 IM (ran out of time for the other two)

2500scy in ~37 minutes

My first swim workout post. I started Master’s Swim about a month ago and the length and intensity of my workouts has skyrocketed. Yesterday:

300y swim
200y: 50 kick, 150 choice
100y: IM
300y: Pull, no paddles
2 x 100y: 25 back, 75 breast
100y: free

Main Sets:
16 x 25y: on :30 2x (4x descending free, 4 x stroke f/e/f/e)
4 x 250y: Pull, no paddles on 4:00
50 easy
12 x 100y free: 3 on 1:40, 1 easy :30 rest, 3 on 1:35, 1 easy :30 rest, 3 on 1:30, 1 easy.
12 x 50y free: 3 on :55, 1 easy :15 rest, 3 on :50, 1 easy :15 rest, 3 on :45, 1 easy

Cool down.

4450 yards +

4x150 100 kick/50 cruise
5x50@:50 :34-:41
5x100@1:40 avg 1:24
50 easy pull


600 wu

5 x 100 fr @ 1:25 (~1:13)
12 x 50 str @ 0:50
10 x 75 build @ 1:20
4 x 200 @ 2:40 (made em but couldn’t hold pace, 2:28, 2:30, 2:33, 2:35)

200 wd

3450 scy

Those big w/o’s are finally getting to me:

6x50 various k/s w/u
10x50@:50 :30~:32
20x25@:05RI IM order
5x100@2:00 desc:05 all ~1:10
200 s/k cool

2100 sc yardages

It was supposed to be 10x100 which would take me down to a 1:15 interval. Probably could have made it, but ran out of time.

400 free loosen
300 IM k/d/s
200 kick
100 ez
4x100 @ 1:30 sprint 1st 25, rest ez
6x100 @ 1:20 hold best ave.
10x50 @ :45 pull, just make
Rest 1:00
4x100 @ 1:20 sprint 1st 50, rest ez
6x100 @ 1:20 best ave
10x50 @ :45 pull, just make
500 ez alt 50 kick, 50 swim

held under 1:05s on the 100s

today. 4 X 500 easy. I was just thinking about my last hard swim session in September and I am soooo far off. Damn.

10 X 300 on the 4:00
10 X 200 on the 2:45
10 X 100 on the 1:30
10 X 50 on the :40

This morning’s practice was long & steady-state with decreasing rest. I LOVED this workout. Will have to try it again in a couple months to see if we can drop the pace and intervals a bit. I’ll say that 5500+ before 7:30am is an interesting way to wake up.

500 WU
500 Swim/Fins (15yd streamline ea. wall)

16x25 on :30 Fins (odd - sprint, hold :13, even - recover)

4x100 on 1:30 (hold 1:15)
100 recover
4x200 on 2:55 (hold at/under 1:18)
100 recover
3x300 on 4:15 (hold under 1:20)
100 recover
2x400 on 5:30 (hold under 1:20)
100 recover
1x500 on 6:30 (MAKE IT)

500 cool down

TOTAL: 5700 SCY, 1:44:10, 974 cal burned, avg HR 140 (reference: my high intensity swims avg around 160, I run a little high @ effort but rest fairly low)