Palomar "Slowtwitch" training ride, Monday, 1/17

I might cruise. Does anybody know what traffic is like on the 5 at that time. I’m not used to being on those freeways on a weekday at those times.

Its a holiday for many, so the 15 will likely be smooth all day

Its a holiday for many, so the 15 will likely be smooth all day
Outside of government employees and banks, how many of you have the day off? Nobody, but me, at my work does.

I’ll be there, Pooks will be there, did anyone check with Mike Byrd? He hasn’t chimed in so I assume he has to work. Jaylew, make sure you look at the map at the top of this thread, we aren’t starting at the base of Palomar, make sure you go to the right starting point in Escondido. Sojo, if you are coming from Arrowhead, you’d be better off coming down the 215 to the 15 to Escondido. Email me if you need specific directions. Of course anyone else is welcome to show up if they want. We’ll have a couple of regrouping stops along the way.

Plumb-fast Mike wrote: Of course anyone else is welcome to show up if they want.

I checked with the airlines, and can’t get a flight over there and back for less than half a grand, or I’d be there…but, that’s my entire race entry fee pool for the year. I’d want to show you guys just how much wheezing and groaning an old man can put out while actually surviving the climb. Seriously, though, it makes me want to go up to the NC mountains and spend some time on those 7-14 mile climbs. Nothing seems to work wonders for all-around riding like long climbs with other riders. Have a blast!

We are lucky with some uncommonly warm weather on the mountain tomorrow:

In the 50’s to 60’s:

Mike, I just figured out why you said to take the “15 instead”. I didn’t intend to type 5 in my previous post, the 5 is way out of my way. I’m struggling to figure out how long it’ll take me to get down there. I’ve driven there on Thanksgiving, and traffic was heavy. I drove out there on Christmas Eve, I think, and it was really light. Now HWY 18 is closed due to undermining of the road and slides, and I have to take an alternate route that I’m not familiar with, the 330, to the 30, to the 10, to the 215, over to the 15. I see you’ve been elected for something, though I’m not sure what, so it’s in my best interest to go down there and make friends tommorrow. Don’t wait up for me if I’m late, I’ll just go to the base of the hill and wait for you guys if things get crazy on the freeways. Will you be riding the entire hill, like past both Albertos, or Humbertos or whateverbertos taco shops, or are you coming in the backside and just doing that last ~ 7 mile section of Palomar?

Mike indicated that the ride is a 50 miler, 3.5 hours of actual ride time with the mountain, so probably 4 hours total with stops at the top and the base.

215 merges into the 15 when heading south.

we’ll be doing the entire climb, 11.4 miles+/-. We’ll start with the Lake Wohlford climb right off the bat, then down past Harrah’s Casino to the bottom of Palomar (the taco shop). We’ll probably regroup there before we start up Palomar. If we start the ride at 9:30, we’ll probably get to the bottom of Palomar at 10:30 or so.

Don’t know if any of you guys are still at home, but if so, don’t wait up for me, I got up toooo late.


I was in Mammoth this weekend getting in on the great snow up there. I’ll be there on the 30th for sure.



I was in Mammoth this weekend getting in on the great snow up there. I’ll be there on the 30th for sure.

Mike, you and Joe missed a great ride. The weather was awesome if not a little too hot. It was cool gettting a chance to meet Gary, Ashburn, and Pooks(though I didn’t know it was him until afterwards) from the board. That really is an awesome climb! So much for it being an easy training ride. Right out of the gate we did another climb(I don’t remember what it was called) and Plumb and Tingley start hammering. What ever happened to a warmup, guys? I’m definitely glad I went down as it showed how much I’ve improved. I went up Palomar about 10 minutes faster than last year on less effort than last year


I’m pretty sure the climb you are referring to is Lake Wohlford. Probably pretty tough to start from the dog park. We usually start about 7-10 miles further down the road and get a good warm up.

I totally expect Plumb and Gary to kill Palomar on the 30th. I’m hoping another friend comes down from LA to ride with Pooks and me. Hopefully he doesn’t bring his girl because she’ll probably beat us too…

let’s see, two weeks to get in shape…I think it can be done!

600 seconds…

No, no, no…whatever you do, put the PowerCranks on as soon as you get them. Two weeks will be plenty of time for you to get used to them!! :wink:


Jason, what does 10 minutes faster actually equate to?

Felt much better than that day on GMR. No breaks on the side of the mountain this time :wink:

I went 1:15:50. I’m guessing I could go 1:08-1:11 in a TT if I were fresh.

I don’t know that I will make it on the 30th, though and if I do, I certainly won’t be very rested.

All this talk of a bunch of guys hammering uphill when the temperature is just a little too warm…it’s going to send me into a rit of fealous jage! (ala Peter Sellers)

I really wish I could get out there so all of you could drop me like a bad habit. ;-(

Just FWIW for other riders that fool with power meters:

My bike and I weighed about 187 pounds with full kit, spare, tools, bottles, etc.

From the 76 sign to the stop sign at the top (“store to store”) I had 1:27:54 total time. Average power was 227 watts (normalized power was 229). That’s a pretty decent tempo for me – a little harder than I could ride in a half IM.

My lowest gear was 34x23. When I go back there, I’ll have 34x25. I think I would have had an easier time of it with the lower gearing. I had to stand a lot over the last 3-4 miles to hold my power average up.

Anyway – thanks to the other folks for a great outing!

certainly was a great day to be out on the mountain, probably upper 70’s for a high. Jason had a great ride, thanks for bringing a crew down with you, you guys made the ride.

Pooks and I both had a rough day, don’t underestimate how much racing a half marathon the day before will take out of you.

January 30th is next up, be there or be square.


I heard a rumor you didn’t ride back to the dog park, but instead hitched a ride with a certain someone. Actually, you and Pooks hitched a ride?

Saving your legs for the 30th, huh? :wink:


January 30th is next up, be there or be square.

I’m thinking of doing the 30th as a big day by starting in Rancho Santa Fe and doing a round trip, with 30 min run to follow. Anybody interested?