8 Gold rules by DESERT DUDE to lose weight and get in racing shape!

OMG! I have the same birthday as jonnyo!!! :smiley:

are we twins??? what does it mean? how s this possible? will i meet you one day??? ok…enough question for tonight! oups…one more…how do you know about my birthday…it s a food thread???

hmmm…that’s a tough one, so I’ll let you figure it out! :wink:

your so mean… i asked you 5 questions… witch one do i have to figure out by myself??? i m going to bed…

  1. Dinner is all you can eat, as long as it fits on the coffee saucer the first time. There are no refills in
    this all you can eat establishment.

My first thought was (Chinese) sticky rice… I could easily pile enough of that on a coffee saucer to fill any appetite. Jen did me one better with a 3’ stack of pancakes, with a few fillet mignons on top.

You gotta think *outside *the box, bro!

We do eat things besides ice cream sometimes. But last Friday it was like 35 degrees out and jonnyo made me walk to the ice cream stand with him to get ice cream! Can you believe that? I am a good friend, though, and was willing to go along for support.

It seems like it has been getting close to 35 degrees celsius here (my car has been reading the outside temperature as being that at times, altho I’m not sure about its accuracy), and on my long bikes and runs I begin to look forward to ice cream about an hour away from home. MMM ice cream.

I gotta remember this since I’m trying to get from 189 down to 174 and fucking stay there!

5. Insure you are taking in adequate calories during your day 6. Eat a bigger breakfast or lunch if you feel you need more food

I take this to mean McD’s for breakfast and Chipo-burrito for lunch

  1. Dinner is all you can eat, as long as it fits on the coffee saucer the first time. There are no refills in
    this all you can eat establishment.

My first thought was (Chinese) sticky rice… I could easily pile enough of that on a coffee saucer to fill any appetite. Jen did me one better with a 3’ stack of pancakes, with a few fillet mignons on top.

You gotta think *outside *the box, bro!

A large Tickleberrys’ ice cream in a tub would fit on a coffee saucer! Now that’s thinking outside the box!


Does that mean your wetsuit size has changed? Please advise ASAP!

nop…i will like wetsuit big!!! so i will maintain and race at around 140lbs…maybe a tiny bit lighter!!! i m actually going for burger tonight!!!

the rumor in texas is that you will be doing a half marathon next weekend in austin with a wetsuit on???

My first thought was (Chinese) sticky rice… I could easily pile enough of that on a coffee saucer to fill any appetite. Jen did me one better with a 3’ stack of pancakes, with a few fillet mignons on top.

You gotta think *outside *the box, bro

Don’t make me food police you also. One of the bylaws not published is if you overfill your coffee saucer for dinner, I come by and take my percentage of the take.
Besides it’s also funny to hear jonnyo whine about 8:20pm in a high pitch voice “I’m soooo hungry” or “I was lean at hawaii but this is too skinny” (he wasn’t lean at hawaii and a former winner told him so!)

“Paulo, do you think I’m too lean…? You don’t think 137lbs is too low…? Are you sure???”

funny Jonnyo story:

He has recently discovered the addictive powers of coffee, and this morning he gets back from his morning run and says, “I don’t know what kind of coffee I got, but I only had one cup and I was running really fast.” He reaches in the cupboard and pulls out a bag of espresso beans.

The no-food after 7:30 thing presumes a certain bed time and a certain wake time, doesn’t it?

Don’t make me food police you also. One of the bylaws not published is if you overfill your coffee saucer for dinner, I come by and take my percentage of the take.
Besides it’s also funny to hear jonnyo whine about 8:20pm in a high pitch voice “I’m soooo hungry” or “I was lean at hawaii but this is too skinny” (he wasn’t lean at hawaii and a former winner told him so!)

I take it soup isn’t served often at Chez DD!

Is it bad to make chocolate chip cookies with your kids after 7 pm and finish off the batch before bedtime? I guess if you can lose 13 pounds compared to Soma then I need to follow DD’s rules as well. Ouch!


I take it soup isn’t served often at Chez DD!
Sure it is, I have a shot glass for you to have your soup in.

Does he make exceptions for Top Ramen?



Now, THAT’S funny! LOL!