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Re: I sprained an ankle because I fell while walking and eating a donut. Make me feel better with your "got injured because I did something dumb" stories. Overuse injury stories not welcome. [Dr. Tigerchik]
Last Friday my 13 year old son said the toilet wasn’t flushing.

The lever came unscrewed on the inside of the toilet. I fixed it. Then I replaced the toilet cover. Then I bent down to pick up the little basket with the extra TP…and pulled a muscle in the bottom of my back. Today it’s just starting to feel better. Literally pulled a muscle picking up toilet paper.

Oh yah. After the muscle pull. I had a vasovagal episode as I got lightheaded. I sat on the toilet. My son got me some water. I passed out and he said I hit my head on the bathtub. Luckily no mark or anything.
Last edited by: klorene: Nov 30, 22 15:24

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  • Post edited by klorene (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 30, 22 15:24