Proof of Covid Vaccine for Tri Participation?

Vax passport.

you mean the governmental imperative that is now forcing them to use a vax passport?

I am not familiar with the “government imperative” of which you speak. Do you have specifics on this?

It came across as a talk down when you said precious choices rather than simply choices and when you used the extreme example of walking into a restaurant naked. Neither is helpful towards a reasonable discourses

I am your side and would like to see more vaccinated but when people are on the fence and then we talk about precious choices or choosing to show up at restaurants naked it’s not going to convince others to take the leap. More likely to create wider divide.

Your precious choices are still in tact, you just cannot infringe on other peoples choices. in many different ways…

Staying home is a choice, too. You do not have a right to be surrounded by those that make personal health decisions that you agree with.

Out of curiosity, which of the following informs your position?

a) It is RD’s responsibility to contribute to overall public health
b) It is RD’s responsibility to help ensure the health of paying customers

Vax passport.

you mean the governmental imperative that is now forcing them to use a vax passport?

I am not familiar with the “government imperative” of which you speak. Do you have specifics on this?

sure. here are the specifics. there is no government imperative. there is no suggestion of it. or even brought it up as a conversation point.

the poll asked about a hypothetical, which was, if an RD or RDs found that proof of vaccination would allow them to open a race to take place for which permits are currently unavailable, would users be in favor of this? the RD (or RDs) would not have to “fight” anything, because there is nothing to fight. they either would decide to take this affirmative act, or they would not. no one is forcing them to do this. or suggesting it. there is nothing to “fight”.

Vax passport.

you mean the governmental imperative that is now forcing them to use a vax passport?

I am not familiar with the “government imperative” of which you speak. Do you have specifics on this?

sure. here are the specifics. there is no government imperative. there is no suggestion of it. or even brought it up as a conversation point.

the poll asked about a hypothetical, which was, if an RD or RDs found that proof of vaccination would allow them to open a race to take place for which permits are currently unavailable, would users be in favor of this? the RD (or RDs) would not have to “fight” anything, because there is nothing to fight. they either would decide to take this affirmative act, or they would not. no one is forcing them to do this. or suggesting it. there is nothing to “fight”.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

I am having trouble following the plot. You mentioned a “government imperative” which you now state was not suggested. Your original post which is different than what you are representing in your reply. But whatevs. Any question that you ask that involves vax passport will receive a hard no response from me.

Vax passport.

you mean the governmental imperative that is now forcing them to use a vax passport?

I am not familiar with the “government imperative” of which you speak. Do you have specifics on this?

sure. here are the specifics. there is no government imperative. there is no suggestion of it. or even brought it up as a conversation point.

the poll asked about a hypothetical, which was, if an RD or RDs found that proof of vaccination would allow them to open a race to take place for which permits are currently unavailable, would users be in favor of this? the RD (or RDs) would not have to “fight” anything, because there is nothing to fight. they either would decide to take this affirmative act, or they would not. no one is forcing them to do this. or suggesting it. there is nothing to “fight”.

I am having trouble following the plot. You mentioned a “government imperative” which you now state was not suggested. Below is your original post which is different than what you are representing in your reply. But whatevs. Any question that you ask that involves vax passport will receive a hard no response from me.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

i see your point. i guess you just have to have followed all the discussions on this, including the thread on the poll. to be clear, there is no suggestion - anywhere - that there be any sort of mandate that RDs do this. the question (to me, and in the poll) is whether you’d enter a race if the RD (on his own volition) required the vaccine as a condition of entry, for now, so that he could put on a race that he would not otherwise be able to produce.

in europe, in california, in the northeast, NY, and so on, and in a lot of other countries, there are no triathlons, and there are no signs (that i can see) that triathlons will occur in the foreseeable future. however, i’m optimistic that this will change. so, perhaps the RD taking this step is moot. but a year ago i didn’t think we’d still be asking ourselves, approaching may of 2021, when wide swathes of the U.S. and the world will again be able to host triathlons.

Vax passport.

you mean the governmental imperative that is now forcing them to use a vax passport?

I am not familiar with the “government imperative” of which you speak. Do you have specifics on this?

sure. here are the specifics. there is no government imperative. there is no suggestion of it. or even brought it up as a conversation point.

the poll asked about a hypothetical, which was, if an RD or RDs found that proof of vaccination would allow them to open a race to take place for which permits are currently unavailable, would users be in favor of this? the RD (or RDs) would not have to “fight” anything, because there is nothing to fight. they either would decide to take this affirmative act, or they would not. no one is forcing them to do this. or suggesting it. there is nothing to “fight”.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

I am having trouble following the plot. You mentioned a “government imperative” which you now state was not suggested. Your original post which is different than what you are representing in your reply. But whatevs. Any question that you ask that involves vax passport will receive a hard no response from me.

Klaus has definitely lost the plot. Lemme help. You said RDs should resist this requirement.

The question was should RDs make the decision to do this.

Dan was leading you on there but you didn’t get it

Hope this helps but popcorn is ready if the outcome is otherwise

Vax passport.

you mean the governmental imperative that is now forcing them to use a vax passport?

I am not familiar with the “government imperative” of which you speak. Do you have specifics on this?

sure. here are the specifics. there is no government imperative. there is no suggestion of it. or even brought it up as a conversation point.

the poll asked about a hypothetical, which was, if an RD or RDs found that proof of vaccination would allow them to open a race to take place for which permits are currently unavailable, would users be in favor of this? the RD (or RDs) would not have to “fight” anything, because there is nothing to fight. they either would decide to take this affirmative act, or they would not. no one is forcing them to do this. or suggesting it. there is nothing to “fight”.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

I am having trouble following the plot. You mentioned a “government imperative” which you now state was not suggested. Your original post which is different than what you are representing in your reply. But whatevs. Any question that you ask that involves vax passport will receive a hard no response from me.

Klaus has definitely lost the plot. Lemme help. You said RDs should resist this requirement.

The question was should RDs make the decision to do this.

Dan was leading you on there but you didn’t get it

Hope this helps but popcorn is ready if the outcome is otherwise

Well, you may be one of those Illuminati who can actually call out Dan on ‘stirring the pot’.

Others would risk getting banned.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

The vaccine is out and available. People that want it can get it. People that don’t want it shouldn’t have to just to race. That makes it forced compliance. Is that what we are aiming to do?

http://i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

The vaccine is out and available. People that want it can get it.

For certain states, and despite all the triumphant success posts, this is far from the actual truth.

people need to what is best for the community at large.

Glad you brought this up. CDC reports greater than 80% of those that were hospitalized or died were obese or overweight. For >95% of those people it is because of a lifetime of bad lifestyle choices they made. 95% of those that died had co morbidities. For healthy people, Covid 19 is >95% of the time at worst a bad flu. Chronic disease, due to lifestyle choices is responsible for 80% of health care costs.

When are those people going to start doing what’s “best for the community”? Why should my business be shut down, why should I be locked down, why should I lose my freedom’s because those people are using their freedom to make bad lifestyle choices which makes them more vulnerable to a virus? Why should the cost of my health insurance go up because of their bad choices? (I won’t even get into how the government is complicit in providing criminally bad health information.)

Tell you what, I’ll agree to a vaccine passport when we also implement a fit and healthy passport.

If you want to make the “best for the community” argument, that is opening a huge rabbit hole. Who decides what’s best for the community? Sounds like China to me.

By the way, applying critical thinking and the scientific method specifically to the Covid-19 vaccines does not make one an anti vax person.
Put your figures into context!
42%+ of americans are considered obese. So, sure if 80% of those hospitalised are obese it’s disproportionate to the population but it’s not like that group are a small minority. Also for these figures to be useful, one would have to consider rate of obesity by age. If a larger proportion of older folks are prone to obesity, and age is also correlated with severe impact Covid-19, you may have to explain how you know obesity rather than age is at fault. Surely you’d accept it’s unfair to blame people for their recklessness in getting too old?
You’re part of a society. Don’t be too quick to assign blame and pretend things are as simple as you’d like to imagine.

This is an interesting POV.
It is in the end about perspective. It just matters what we are going to establish as a status quo and the rest of us have the “freedom” to just turn our back and do something else. Seems like a great country.
There really is no precedent for adults having to prove vax and release personal health information for basic activities within our own country. Sure, for foreign travel…or if you are still in the public education system in some places.

i’m waffling on this. it seems to me that one way to get us back to having permits granted for races is just to require proof of vaccination for entry, until we don’t need to anymore. i recognize this is a political football right now. but it’s just public health. i believe this is a requirement for kids to attend school, no? once we get past the pandemic, we’re back to normal. but for 2021, it seems to me a reasonable discussion point.

israel has a “green passport” which is basically this. if i owned a restaurant, for example, or a gym, i’d eagerly embrace this idea. there would be no reason for me to be denied the ability to provide a service to those who can prove they’re vaccinated, and i think i’d get a lot of business if folks knew everyone in my establishment had been vaccinated.

what say you?

The vaccine is out and available. People that want it can get it. People that don’t want it shouldn’t have to just to race. That makes it forced compliance. Is that what we are aiming to do?

Some people believe it should be required. Some people don’t. If you want to play the people’s rights game, then a RD (as a person) should be allowed to say my race requires it, if that is what they believe, just as you should be able to say I’m not racing your race because I disagree with you. If there was only one race, you would be discriminated against, but since there are plenty, it doesn’t hold water. Similar to the CO cake baker. There are other option. (Now going to sit back and get some popcorn)

I’m for it. Aside from common sense, one bad event can damage the entire sport nationally for the rest of the year.

You pro vaccine people are sheep. Baaaaaaaaa. Plain and simple. Are there long term health studies done on these vaccines?

You pro vaccine people are sheep. Baaaaaaaaa. Plain and simple. Are there long term health studies done on these vaccines?

Are there long term studies done on COVID?

It sounds like there are many people here who wouldn’t hesitate to vote for mandatory COVID vaccination. They are clueless to how scary that really is. Their argument is the typical collectivist argument of the “greater good.”

The “greater good” argument is the most arbitrary law. It can be invoked for any reason, as long as the majority, or the government control the power/force, and just impose their will on society.

A lot of people here need to educate themselves on the battle between collectivism and individualism. I will always be a staunch individualist, and judging by the results of the poll, thankfully there are still some individualists who oppose forced vaccination, particularly of a vaccine that was created in less than a year, when the previous record for the creation of a vaccine was the mumps at 4 years.

By the way, there has never been any documentation that an outdoor activity has been a mass spreader of this virus, so triathlon being an out outdoor activity shouldn’t produce any feelings of tremendous panic.

I never wear a mask when outdoors, but if someone has a tremendous fear of contracting COVID when outdoors, then by all means, wear your mask. To be honest, I am not really sure how effective wearing a mask really even is. I have been scouring the internet to see any studies that conclusively show how effective masks are against COVID, and have yet to see anything purporting that they are 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, or 50% effective, you get the picture.

It sounds like there are many people here who wouldn’t hesitate to vote for mandatory COVID vaccination. They are clueless to how scary that really is. Their argument is the typical collectivist argument of the “greater good.”

The “greater good” argument is the most arbitrary law. It can be invoked for any reason, as long as the majority, or the government control the power/force, and just impose their will on society.

A lot of people here need to educate themselves on the battle between collectivism and individualism. I will always be a staunch individualist, and judging by the results of the poll, thankfully there are still some individualists who oppose forced vaccination, particularly of a vaccine that was created in less than a year, when the previous record for the creation of a vaccine was the mumps at 4 years.

By the way, their has never been any documentation that an outdoor activity has been a mass spreader of this virus, so triathlon being an out outdoor activity shouldn’t produce any feelings of tremendous panic.

I never wear a mask when outdoors, but if someone has a tremendous fear of contracting COVID when outdoors, then by all means, wear your mask. To be honest, not really sure how effective wearing a mask really even is. I have been scouring the internet to see any studies that conclusively show how effective masks are against COVID, and have yet to see anything purporting that they are 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, or 50% effective, you get the picture.

i haven’t read a single post that advocates for mandatory COVID vaccination.

It sounds like there are many people here who wouldn’t hesitate to vote for mandatory COVID vaccination. They are clueless to how scary that really is. Their argument is the typical collectivist argument of the “greater good.”

The “greater good” argument is the most arbitrary law. It can be invoked for any reason, as long as the majority, or the government control the power/force, and just impose their will on society.

A lot of people here need to educate themselves on the battle between collectivism and individualism. I will always be a staunch individualist, and judging by the results of the poll, thankfully there are still some individualists who oppose forced vaccination, particularly of a vaccine that was created in less than a year, when the previous record for the creation of a vaccine was the mumps at 4 years.

By the way, their has never been any documentation that an outdoor activity has been a mass spreader of this virus, so triathlon being an out outdoor activity shouldn’t produce any feelings of tremendous panic.

I never wear a mask when outdoors, but if someone has a tremendous fear of contracting COVID when outdoors, then by all means, wear your mask. To be honest, not really sure how effective wearing a mask really even is. I have been scouring the internet to see any studies that conclusively show how effective masks are against COVID, and have yet to see anything purporting that they are 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, or 50% effective, you get the picture.

i haven’t read a single post that advocates for mandatory COVID vaccination.

He must be another conspiracy theorist. On that note, no one has mentioned mandatory microchips either. Lol.

It sounds like there are many people here who wouldn’t hesitate to vote for mandatory COVID vaccination. They are clueless to how scary that really is. Their argument is the typical collectivist argument of the “greater good.”

The “greater good” argument is the most arbitrary law. It can be invoked for any reason, as long as the majority, or the government control the power/force, and just impose their will on society.

A lot of people here need to educate themselves on the battle between collectivism and individualism. I will always be a staunch individualist, and judging by the results of the poll, thankfully there are still some individualists who oppose forced vaccination, particularly of a vaccine that was created in less than a year, when the previous record for the creation of a vaccine was the mumps at 4 years.

By the way, their has never been any documentation that an outdoor activity has been a mass spreader of this virus, so triathlon being an out outdoor activity shouldn’t produce any feelings of tremendous panic.

I never wear a mask when outdoors, but if someone has a tremendous fear of contracting COVID when outdoors, then by all means, wear your mask. To be honest, not really sure how effective wearing a mask really even is. I have been scouring the internet to see any studies that conclusively show how effective masks are against COVID, and have yet to see anything purporting that they are 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, or 50% effective, you get the picture.

i haven’t read a single post that advocates for mandatory COVID vaccination.

He must be another conspiracy theorist. On that note, no one has mentioned mandatory microchips either. Lol.

i did…way back a few post. a method to deter falsifying vaccine card. orange county here, is already testing a QR code system