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Pay it forward- post your free stuff in here!
Here's the deal- we probably all have some good stuff lying around that we don't need. Could be cycling gear, running gear, or random things (video games you don't play, movies, etc). I vote we start a Pay it Forward deal. You post something extra you have and somebody else can claim it, for free. The benefit for you? You get to claim somebody else's free item. So you help to clear out your garage and you get something useful in return. And on and on it goes. Free shipping all around, too. No, we don't want your shoes with 872 miles. Find something good that still has lots of life left.

***Gift card is gone
I'll start with a $50 gift card to The Athlete's Foot in Cameron Village. Expires mid-2011. Won it in a race, and being 1500 miles away, it won't do me much good.

First person that claims it gets it. Will be seeing if I have anything else worthwhile later, too.

You have two options to Pay it Forward:

1. Claim something and then immediately post your own item.

2. Post your own item and get a "voucher" good for something later.

It's all on the honor system though.

If you want to claim an item, please post in the main thread and then PM your address over. And if this thread just dies, so goes it!

Last edited by: fartleker: Dec 9, 10 11:03

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by fartleker (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 9, 10 4:50
  • Post edited by fartleker (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 9, 10 11:03