Zoot Prophet Vs. Blueseventy Axis

I’m looking at a wetsuit purchase and after trying some on at LBS have narrowed it down to Blueseventy Axis or the Zoot Prophet. My concerns are the Blueseventy being cut for narrower bodies it’s tight (constricting in the chest but fine everywhere else)when I try it on and I’m worried about fatigue on long swims) Zoot is comfortable i.e. not constricting in the chest like the blueseventy, but because of that I’m worried it could be too big once in the water. Based on my measurements (5’11" 170-175lbs), I fall right in the medium range for both suits. I do not have a competitive swimming background but I am a pretty strong swimmer. Anyone have any experience with both? Advice on fit or any other feedback?

I also like what I read about the TYR Hurricane Cat 5 and Desoto T1 but my store isn’t a dealer for those so can’t try them on.

The proper fit should be borderline uncomfortable. Keeping in mind it will loosen up a little bit in the water. (you already know this).

As far as the fit goes, no matter what suit, you should try to not make any concessions in the fit. Saying it fits in one area but doesn’t in another is an example of this, and I highly recommend avoiding this. That would mean the suit does not fit you properly.

You should be able to look at the size chart and see where you fit in the size ranges. The closer to the top of the range you can be, the better. This generally means that the suit will fit you tight and you will receive the best benefit from the suit.

Keep in mind that a size chart is a guideline. It does not apply to every body, literally.

If a suit is restricting your breathing, this is where I draw the line typically. Dealing with a suit that is not going to allow you to take the deepest breath possible, could cause an issue in the water. A wetsuit is supposed to help you, not hinder your performance. Sometimes, I see this as a product of not having the suit adjusted properly though, so try to ensure that it is pulled all the way up, no pockets in the crotch or under arms, make sure that the suit is centered on your shoulders (not sliding back and choking you)… Once you have it fit properly, you should be able to take the deepest breath you possibly can. You should also be able to lift your arms above your head without feeling like there is a rubber band attached from your elbow to your hip, or you don’t feel like you have to work to hold your arms above your head. This is the area where restriction starts to cause fatigue. On the reach phase of your stroke.

You say that you don’t have a competitive background but are a pretty strong swimmer. Is this your first wetsuit? Have you spent a good amount of time swimming in a wetsuit?

No matter what you read about a wetsuit, you should always try it on before making a conclusion.


Thanks for the reply.

I have spent too much time in wetsuits although not in a “swimming” wetsuit. I know there are vast differences. I have too many surfing wetsuits so I know the feeling of pulling on the shoulders that I want to avoid. neither suit felt restrictive for my shoulders across or in any of the stroke phase although what can I really tell on dry land? I guess I am more worried about the blueseventy restricting my breathing when I am actually exerting myself. Maybe that says it all and i should rule it out.
I had both suits pulled way up into all the joints. I was able to get the zoot “up in there” a bit more as there seemed to be more room in all areas. there weren’t any areas of extra room really.
I’ll have to go back and try them on again I think. I wish I could try on the Desoto.

I have heard the Desotos are not as popular as they once were. True?

Thanks for the thoughts.

Try them on again with a kit on and see how they feel. The feeling should be tight. There are vast differences between surf suits and the new wetsuits on the market. Lot’s of good technology that allows you to swim with minimal (if any) restriction.

Wetsuit popularity is a relative term in this market, as fit is such an individual thing. At least in my opinion. There is a lot of marketing hype and strong discounting available everywhere, but honestly it comes down to what works for you. This may or may not be the same as what works for the next athlete.

I think you’ll hear a lot of praise for De Soto on this forum.

But again, trust what fits you.
