
How do you pronounce it?




Is it cervelo, rhymes with jello, or is it cer-va-low, or something completely different?

i’ve always said “ser-vay’-lo” but have heard “ser-vel’-lo”

never heard “ser’-vel-lo”


The guy at my LBS says it “ker-vay’-low.” But he mispronounces everything. You should hear him say Colnago or Quintana Roo.

Incidentally, I bought a Yaqui back in November. Funny thing is, during the course of all of my correspondence with Ves, the brand name never came up, only the frame name and “Mandaric Cycles”—the parent company. I know I look like an idiot…I own the bike yet I’ve never learned how to say the name.

I can’t say enough good things about Yaqui. The fit and craftsmanship of the frame are impeccable, and customer service was excellent.

Just be careful if you buy a Ciocc. People will constantly be asking you how to pronounce it.

Some of the butchered pronounciations of Colnago crack me up. My favorite being “Col-og’-no.”

I’ve always had the worst time with Hed…

My friend used to work in a bike shop and he told me the story about a customer who came in once asking for an

OCK-LEV bike… huh… turns out he was looking for an OCLV bike… just he pronounced it as if it was a word

Now that you mention it, I don’t have any idea how to pronounce a lot of the bike names out there, including Colnago. I guess it’s because I don’t hang around bike shops, or go on any group rides at all to get it figured out. I wonder how much the people at the LBS’ or races get a chuckle everytime I butcher the names when trying to hold a conversation.

I guess I just won’t talk about it unless it’s a USA familiar type name. Trek I can handle.

If you’re anything like me, you’re too embarrassed to ask. I just wait to use the word until I hear someone get corrected or until I see a post like this!! Actually, I’ve butchered my fair share of names. Took me a while to wrap my mind around “Ultegra”. I just hope people correct me when I mispronounce something.

As for Colnago, it’s pronounced just like it’s spelled. (Col-nah-go)

It’s funny how we get used to seeing certain patterns in spellings and words and apply those to words we’re unfalimiar with. Some people look at “Colnago” and see “Cologno”. I have a “Marinoni” road bike, and people often ask me how I like my “Maroni”.

It turns out, this sort of familiar pattern matching is actually used in the real world. Some fraud protection software (mostly for online purchases) increases fraud scores (in an attempt to prevent using bogus names) if strange character combinations are entered as the customer name. The idea is that there are simply some character combinations that don’t occur in the English language. Unfortunately for that approach, these strange combinations can actually occur in people’s names. Consider people who move from another culture who try to preserve the pronounciation of their name, but using the English language. Anyway it’s off topic, but I find it kind of interesting.

Everybody, including myself, mispronounce names of companies and it usually winds up being quite funny. It happens so often we now have highly codeified language we speak in the bike shop that no one can understand, a bizarre vernacular of acronyms and mispronunciations that only exists within our inner circle. Sometimes people overhear us communicating and think “Where are these guys from?” Very funny.

Now you have me wondering. I have a P3 and always say “ser-vel’-lo”

Is that right?

I’m cracking myself up right now. I have a masters degree and am working towards a PhD, however, for the life of me I can’t remember what the appostrophe’s mean in the pronunciation of a word, does it mean you emphasize that syllable?

I think I say it the same way as you do, but I don’t know what the ‘, means in ser-vel’-lo, and I have no idea what the right way to say it is.

Yo yo yo, it’s be like 'dis G: Cherveelow say Chervello, you see what I say, a brotha’s gotta know- JCC. WTF? 'Les my man be JRA on his Mahveek Kay Syrups on a brotha’s Kes-trell Thaloon wit Kamp Pag No-Load Ree Chord X. My man be down wit some wiggle in the crankular region of operations. I know, I know, JCC… Doesn’t matter anyway, we’re on MRT.

Heard a girl at a race talking about her “sin-toch-ay” aerobars once…

I guess she thought Syntace was an Italian company…


That’s us. Sin Tah Che’, was that in Michigan?

Giants can Masquerade as French frames…with a little creative pronunciation zghee-ahhhhn-te’


I had a guy call to ask if we carried that line of French clothing MAR MO

it took me a second to figure out Marmot
then I explained to him it is named after a rodent that lives in the Sierras and he hung up…LOL

When in doubt, pronounce as if it was Italian (watch “Breaking Away” if you need help!)

Sin tah’ chay (Syntace)

rhymes with:

Doo rah ah’ chay (Dura Ace).

Isn’t it Nashbar that sells a house frame, named “Frame”, pronounced (seriously) “Frah-meh”?