WTC Giving Discount?

Looks like they are doing a promo price of $199 for 70.3 Kansas and Mooseman for early registration. Is this going to be a new WTC tactic?

pretty sure they have done this for the past two years

Really? Is that due to the 70.3 being subcontracted?

I signed up for the Texas 70.3 and NOLA 70.3 for $199 each last month for some early bird special.

Wont happen for IMs as they would sell out at twice the price.

Not sure, but I think these typically never sell out. I have seen the Kansas/Branson combo discount as those are both run by the same RD.

Both Calgary 70.3 and Muskoka 70.3 offered early bird discounts this year but both races will not come even close to selling out

Can’t remember how much but i don’t think it was that cheap

What are you talking about?