World Triathlon Approves Competition and Transgender Athlete Policy Changes

i would not be so pessimistic as at the end of the day once the first post puberty transgender female case would happen, in my opinon it would not take long that tri would go the same way as atheltics did

i am extremly open to transgerder stuff , unless it impacts other people negatively and if an past puberty male trangender athlete races in the female competent than that is such a case.
and to be clear me as a male racing in open has no negative impact on me , iam totally fine with that i dont really think that makes sense but it does not bother me at all . i think it would make more sense to let them race in their chosen gender and treat them like atheltes that race in a wetsuit in water temps that are over the wetsuit cut off . they can race but cant be on the podium and qualify for kona etc . i would think that would give them more dignity. and again most transgender atheltes do not change sex to make it to the olympics etc . they just want to be themselves.

given that most sex changes happen after the age of 18 that is an issue for transgender athletes as they dont really have a choice than to wait past 18en most of the time , but at the same time i can not race elite breaking the wada code and unfortunately an male transgender athlete that has gone though puberty has an advantage akin to me taking illegal drugs and i cant say but i should be allowed to be on drugs because i identify as a person that needs to take drugs that are on the wada code. there is a limit to my personal freedom .

i very much welcome them to participate in the sport but not at female elite sport and female age group podiums.

at the end one could say triathlon came up with a solid solution for the time being and has bought some time .
at the end of the day its normal governing bodies take the way of the least resistance and wait until issues arise and they have to deal with them.

and in this case ,the very least the flood gates would open when an post puberty male trans gender elite athelte reaches the 4th year of transition,

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Changing direction slightly, are there thoughts on the new “fairing” rules, particularly this line about what is prohibited “Any inserts in an athlete’s calf sleeves and arm sleeves?” Would for example rule 28 baselayer be disallowed as an insert in an arm sleeve?

if they disallowed baselayers they would be stricter than UCI

WT teams end up having baselayers because textured suits are not allowed.

Triathlon allows textured suits so why would someone even use a baselayer ?

Why make a triathlon rule for a situation that wouldn’t really happen ?

Speaking of which…that new rule28 skinsuit is pretty fast :slight_smile:

Age group national suits are mandated competing at certain events and these are often not textured and iften made by conpanies that are seldom the paragon of aerodynamic engineering…

Do short course athletes wear watches anyway? Looking at some shots of the Olympics and other short course races and most of the wrists are bare.

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I’m honestly impressed at the mature and honest conversation about transgender policy in this thread. Usually it devolves into nonsense and name calling. Good job all.


Hayden Wilde had a bit of a flap in the Olympics though I’m not implying his pacing was majorly influenced by carrying his watch in his hand.

It’s gotta be a faff though, I would not enjoy it. Maybe shift more people over to Form goggles? I’m unsure if Elite includes national Age Group teams, actually it doesn’t now I type it.

And from the OP I think it affects far more athletes than anything else there.

I noted that there is now a combined 2L max capacity for hydration attached to the bars. @realbdeal this may not be great news for you.

Note that IM generally tries to adopt World Tri rules as that is what all the regional marshalls are trained in.

Interesting. Figured a max capacity would be the route they’d go if anything was going to be done. We haven’t received anything from Ironman yet about that. That’s still basically 2 huge bottles or 3 normal ones though, so still plenty of room to get creative if they do decide to enforce that. Or maybe I just start storing my flat kit in a somewhat bottle shaped container up front :wink:

Yes. I paste the rule below, but these are not IRONMAN rules so really only apply (pro/competitive) to Pontevedra/Almere and T100?:
5.2 m.) Hydration Volume Limitation: Hydration volume (e.g. bottles or hydration systems) mounted to components that rotate around the steering axis (e.g. cockpit extensions, base bar) must have a combined maximum capacity of 2 litres;
n.) Rear Mounted hydration systems, (excluding those mounted to the inside the frame triangle bike are limited in size, capacity, dimension and location as set forth below:
(i) cannot contain more than two water bottles;
(ii) must not exceed 1L [1000ml] capacity per bottle.

As rules go, the bottle one is reasonably elegant, clear in its language and easy enough to enforce.

It still gives room for creativity in how you want to position your bottles and allows reasonable use for hydration purposes but it stops the more egregious use cases.

i will be using a big bag of crisps in triathlon 2025 lol

not allowed
Bottles/hydration or any other objects (excluding nutrition) attached to or inserted in
an athlete’s race suit;

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IM was intending to adopt whatever World Tri put in the rules update. So it is likely that this will flow through.

Also note that the front centre rule hasn’t changed, so XL Plasma 6, Xl Speedmax SLX and the new XL Ceepo Viper are all illegal for T100/ITU long course.

saw andy potts post about the watch thing and its more confusing then ever as AG are asking. What is a good reasoning for banning them anyways? If its not on strava, it didnt happen!

4.11 (Swim)
f.) Illegal Equipment:
(i) Athletes must not use or wear:
● Any jewellery. deemed to be a hazard to themselves or other athletes.
(Athletes may be requested to remove any such items.)

● Watches. This non allowance applies to Elite, U23 and Junior races in Standard and shorter distances.