Women's Nice is not a World Championship

Depends who you are.

Some value a kona world title higher then a nice world title .

The good news is that the KQ calendar doesn’t follow the Gregorian calendar - you’d have 6 months at the top, but then 6 months at the bottom.

Though I guess the 44/54/64 year old guys would find it harder than the 41/51/61 guys.

I think almost everyone values the Kona win higher. If anyone was told that they could win the IMWC only once and had to choose if it was in Kona or Nice, almost no one would pick Nice (and only a small % would be location agnostic).

Where did you see my bank balance? I live in the same house as I was in back in 1998, owned four cars in 25 years, have not spent a penny on alcohol since 1992, have not gone to a movie since 2002, not spent money at a barbershop since 2006, brown bagged my lunch every day other than maybe 10 days in 35 years, ride a 10 year old bike on 12 year old wheels…I joined the mlitary and put up with that BS so I could get degrees with no debt. I end up prioritizing traveling for sport and to races with what’s left over. But most of what I have is tied up in obligations that having nothing to do with triathlon and nothing to do with material stuff. I just don’t live like the average person on my street, in my work environment or probably on ST, but you have no idea how I spend my money and I don’t have any idea how you spend yours so better not to take broad brush swipes on limited information. Just stick to the facts that you know.

Having said that, there is a large swath of triathletes who don’t care about Kona. Once people get out of that Kona bubble and see what else is on offer, minds change. Having Kona as a general entry race the years it is not a championship would allow others to get to it too. If not it is the same super fast people going over and over and over. (I raced there three times, and its one of the more mundane boring courses out there).

So shouldn’t we open a new thread for the race itself? This place will get swamped in “Kona or Nice or wherever WC should be held” discussions (already has).

As you seem to suffer from an inability to comprehend that someone can have a valid opinion in difference to yourself, you have become wearisome in trying to goad me. Just because I argue one point doesn’t mean I have ignored another or disagree with any other point not yet being discussed. Bring new points to the debate as you wish but don’t assume my opinion for me. Have I explained that at a sufficiently base level? Don’t ever put words into my mouth or assume you know what I agree or disagree with.

[quote=“SheridanTris, post:146, topic:828729, full:true”]
As you seem to suffer from an inability to comprehend that someone can have a valid opinion in difference to yourself, you have become wearisome in trying to goad me. Just because I argue one point doesn’t mean I have ignored another or disagree with any other point not yet being discussed. Bring new points to the debate as you wish but don’t assume my opinion for me. Have I explained that at a sufficiently base level? Don’t ever put words into my mouth or assume you know what I agree or disagree with.
*[/quote]*Sheridan - greetings: you were very clear (not even I could fail to comprehend your lack of acceptance). You said:
“I struggle to accept that Knibb is ranked 1 when she has never beaten LCB or Haug in a full IM race.”
I sought to contrast your selection of Knibb v Haug and/or Knibb v LCB with Gentle v LCB in the context of the PTO Ranking system, which is widely accepted.
This is not a “difference of opinion”: the level of acceptance is up to you, aided by being informed.
I also shared the ranking criteria, in the hope that that might aid your acceptance. Others have helped too,
I said: “To help you along @SheridanTris , have a look at the criteria for races that are included in the PTO Ranking protocol.” If you consider this “goading”, please don’t. Last year the PTO gave a 10% bonus to an athlete’s best full distance Gold or below tier event score. This year, partly to avoid the ‘closed league’ effect of the Diamond tier T100 races, the PTO give a 5% bonus to an athlete’s best Gold or below race (doesn’t have to be full distance). In any ranking system there will be nuances and biases: the trick is to steer the best line.

I have the same car that I bought used in 2012. The vast majority of triathletes that have a chance to qualify for Kona generally have one shot. Because this sport is hard. People keep talking about watered down qualification nonsense. But I can tell you have haven’t raced competitively since 2021, so three years of training that didn’t happen pushes Kona further away. It’s likely a never to happen I legit haven’t been in the pool for a serious swim in that long. So you could do this whole rotation thing and destroy your company in the process or you can maintain the brand you’ve built through decades of hard work. Nice kinda works because of Nice’s place in the European triathlon lore…except that run course is incredibly boring. If there was going to be a permanent European location, I wonder what it would have taken to get Roth? But I doubt Roth would want to do two Iron distance races a year.

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I think your assumption is the things won’t survive without Kona as the 140.6 championship, but the proof is that with a 70.3 worlds than rolls around the world. The 70.3 worlds keeps pulling people to qualifier races and it keeps having a full field with good competition.

If a 140.6 worlds being held around the world dies it is likely because the distance and associated time committements is becoming uninteresting to a younger generations of athletes coming up. I hope it is interesting to the 25-39 year olds who will be the future of the sport for a few decades. Maybe that rotation around the world appeals to many “not as affluent” athletes who are not from North America and for whom Hawaii is just a really really expensive expedition

I think nice is a better location having races at both , but kona has the nostalgic history of names , palani hill, climb to Hawi etc.

We love the familiar, same as Tour de France.

I would always choose kona everyday if it was 2009 but the last 2 years i have come to the conclusion for something to grow it sometimes needs a bigger pot to grow in.

Kona is too small now for a world title event . We need a bigger pot for the sport to develop and bringing it to different locations especially the world championships will grow it so fast .

Think of how many eyes would be on the world championships in California, Asia , etc.

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