White Lake, NC 1/2 IM

WOW it was hot, hot, hot!! 94 deg. in the shade for the first time in White Lake history no wet suits (well actually wet suit optional, but no points for one’s effort)

Congrats to every one who tuffed it out, including some of my online buddies. As for me I am no longer a 1/2 IM virgin, and what a way and day to lose my virginity. If all goes well I will lose it all the way for IMF, but that’s a little ways away.

Back to the race, I saw a lot of athletes blow up in the run, and though by no means the run way easy, I made sure to stay on my nutritional plan and heart rate plan and managed to cross the finish in decent shape. My goal was 6:15 however my HR (kept it 140 -145 on the bike and low 150’s on the run as best I could, I’m 44) told me that that was not in the cards.

The long event is interesting, the last 3 miles I passed athletes who had passed me hours ago, this never happens at OD let alone sprint, and I like the fact that these tactics and discipline come into play.

Congrats Yaqui, he looked great on the run, must be the wheaties, or perhaps the power cranks? His never reach drink system looked cool on his bike (the sole athlete with one of those on his ride).

It definitely was one to be remembered,

Henk (will go be back next year)

You picked a doozie for a first 1/2 IM, but its great to hear you stuck it through and finished! It was a tuff day to say the least. Congrats, best of luck at the IM.

Great job just finishing. Rumors are flying that over 150 did not finish. I however did. I also did the sprint on Sunday. And today…I am shot. I am actually sitting here at my desk placing orders. If it was possible, meaning I did not have to work today, I think I would be floating in the ocean, recovering.
I met Yaqui Carbo and he is a very nice guy. I also probably met other folks, but can’t quite remember. Great job to all and I think the Endurolyte powder kept me going.

Congratulations. If you want to go back next year, you lost your virginity a lot more comfortably than a lot of the veterens took it. Like Shawn pointed out, it appears that there were over 100 DNFs. If that is the case (results up tonight) that is really remarkable given that this is a 600 person race. I raced the sprint on Sunday and talked to people that are very experienced and they universally said it was brutal. Many said they will not race this distance again (my experience is that these people all forget making such a statement). One very good racer told me that he never walks and can almost still say that- because he spent a lot of time on the run STANDING under the tents. Congrats to all finishers, but especially Shawn and the others that raced both days (even to that old guy in his shop, like a handful of others, that raced Saturday and then took hardware on Sunday).

I did not race the 1/2 iron, but was there as a spectator (foot injury). Compared to last year’s race (which I was a paticipant), I saw many people needing medical attention after dropping-out or post finish. The race announcer even asked for volunteers to assist finishers…as many of the finishers had very little left (i.e. collapse). My hat’s off to all who even participated (even if the result was a DNF).

I do have one question…what’s with the water tasting like it came from an old garden hose (concerning the water bottles on the bike course)? I heard some complaints as such…even tried (tasted) a bottle for myself (YECH!!!). I think the water bottles weren’t “cured” (more like the type of a soft ketchup bottle one finds at a restaurant). Hope this “problem” is addressed for next year.


JAHeisler are you possibly realted to me???

I felt the swim course (in water) was a “tad” long and I know we had a long run from the dock to transition area. What do you other people think???

The water from the water bottles from the first and last aid stations tasted exactly like rubber!!! I am pondering why there was not at least one aid station on the bike course that offered an electrolyte replacement type drink???

Just my $.02!!!

Was wondering about those aid stations on the bike too. Very strange there was no sport drink offered there. And the one that was offered on the run, Ultima is a very low calorie drink - about 30 cal VS 150 cal Gatorade. Really not all that suitable for something like this. Glad I read the pre race instructions and loaded up with my own stuff.

Still a great race and would do it again.

Not sure about the swim but if you say its too long then I will agree :slight_smile:

Very kind words from you and Henk. Thanks. I can’t believe you did both races!

Yep, I finished and learned several things: I was too low on my handlebars and too far forward at 77 degrees. (Yes, Ves, you told me to stay back at 76 for this distance, you were right, again!) I found myself uncomfortable after about half of the distance, unfortunately, the inevitable sit-uprights came just as the wind was from in front. I averaged almost 23 mph for the first half and slowed to average just over 20 for the entire race. I found I can ride this distance at a HR of 145-150 and not blow up (I’m 45), and can run at 155-160 and not blow up. I also probably went too easy on the swim. When they give you a half full water bottle, TWICE, and you run out of fluid the last 10 miles on the bike, don’t panic, it might not be the end of the day after all. Rubber hose tasting water is better than no water, but, I might try taking more with me next time…that’s my only complaint about the race…the water situation on the bike course. I can actually beat people that normally should have beat me by 45 minutes (based on our olympic and sprint distance histories, and their 1/2 IM histories). When conditions are really bad, just continually moving forward results in a good finishing order, because apparently many of racers try and race their goal times instead of the racing the conditions of the day. Seeing friends in trouble is heartbreaking. Seeing friends do well is great fun…the longer the race the more these two are true.

A 1/2 IM is an incredible accomplishment, and I now know I can do the whole thing some day. I might even be able to qualify for Kona in my AG!

“Many said they will not race this distance again (my experience is that these people all forget making such a statement)

I agree: after my 1st 1/2 IM I told myself I would not do another one, but I was already changing my mind one week later. I am now looking forward to doing my 2nd one. After all, it would be a pity not to use all the knowledge gathered during that 1st experience.