Which program calculates angles?

I have seen people using some type of software that allows you to designate certain points on a fit photo and it calculates the angle. Does anyone know what program has this function?

Could always hold the old plastic protractor up to the screen…

  • Mike

That is sooooo 1990’s. Just kidding, that is what I have been doing. Just thought I would investigate this method

I’m all for more tech for the sake of - but if you’re doing this infrequently and it’s just for your own knowledge sometimes the old school way is faster. :slight_smile:

In honour of my current favorite thread, use the hours you save searching for the software testing your MT (Metamucil Threshold) and contending with the consequences…

  • Mike


I just downloaded this application. You’ll have to play around with it, but it shows lots of promise.

this might be of use…

i use an application from SMART Technologies. Their software SMART Notebook is for use for their interactive whiteboards as used in schools/meeting rooms/boardrooms and such. The software has a gallery of a bunch of tools for maths and one is a protracter.

url is: http://www2.smarttech.com/st/en-US/Support/Downloads/default.htm

You can place an image to be measure on the ‘notebook’ then drag the protractor on, rotate as necessary and presto. You can make the protractor pretty much transparent which works great for multiple measurements.

happy protracting…on Windows, Mac and Linux :slight_smile:

cheers, jason