Where's the HED Kona Coast?

I was interested in this as a front wheel for TT, but now it seems to have dissapeared from the radar screen on the Net.

Put this in the back of a milk carton:


Cobb’s shop had one at WF, though I think it was a rear. it was the first one I’d ever seen.

Was this ever intended as a front wheel? I thought they were just trying to skirt the no disk rules at Kona. I saw it in Cobb’s shop, I would not want this on the front of my bike even in a moderate cross wind.

The HED web site had said that they have stopped making the Hed 3-D. They were having quality control issues, something about only one in five was sale quality. So I would imagine the Kona Coast is probably also discontinued.

Get some plastic laminate (spelling?) and make your own… :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, that’s not too good for HED

Hows that? I have a front HED 3, how would you make it?

take some mylar, glue the rim with contact cement, put the mylar on, then heat shrink it to the wheel. you can make a disc this way, im sure you can make a modified h3.