For all the closet weight weenies on the forum, where do I find a scale suitable for weighing various bike parts? I’ve seen the ones that are part of workstands, adn those seem pretty trick since you cna weigh the whole bike or larg components like the wheels and frame, but did not really want to go out and drop close to $200 on a bike stand and scale.
I’m sure that there are inexpensive digital scales out there, I just don’t have a clue where to look.
Lots of “headshops” have them, if you know what I mean…
yeah, that was the only place that I coudl think of too. too many memories might come back just walking into a place like that though
YOU: Look honey, I bought this nifty scale to weigh my bike parts with.
Wife: And you bought the 4 foot glass double chamber bong for what?
YOU: Oh that. It’s actually a vase dear.
YOU - In the dog house.
Two options I’ve tried:
Fish scale found at any fish/hunting shop. Great for frames and larger parts. Under $30.
Used postal scale on ebay. Cheap. Good for weighing small parts.
For weighing parts I bought this scale at Staples.
It has a limit of about 2kg so you can’t use it to weigh your bike.
Take the parts to the local grocer and use their produce scales. Should make you really popular.
If I had any interest in weighing the small parts I’d use my kitchen scales. For the whole bike, I just use my bathroom scales - weigh myself without the bike, and then with the bike. They’re accurate to 0.1 lbs (or at least claim they are) which is plenty close enough for me.
try colorado cyclist or performance bike, I was just looking at some there a week or so ago.
Well I am not a closet weenie that is for sure but these are the best scales that I have run across. I am using the **Alpine Digital Scale **for the bigger items (hang it off my Park workstand) and bought a scale at Walmart for small parts. I bought the small one way before buying the Alpine Digital and I wish that I had bought these two. When you are building 6 bikes over the last 2 years and you are a weight weenie, you need some good scales.
+1 for the alpine digital, you can use it for both small and big items. For small items just hang a ziploc bag from it before you zero it.