What's wrong with my shoulder? (1)

Imagine you tried to do the chicken dance, but had difficulty flapping your wings. That’s what’s up with my right shoulder. Any suggestions? It hurts to lift my elbow vertically, higher than my shoulder. I swam a lot last week (though not much more than I typically do), last day was on Friday, but it didn’t start hurting until Sunday. I skipped swim practice Monday and Tuesday due to it being really sore. Thanks!



Yes! I knew you’d be first. Bravo. And, I got a chicken. (or is that a rooster?)

Pec minor? Take a lacrosse ball to it if it is.

Wait, is that a picture of you? Please tell me it is - pretty please. :wink:

What the other thing do I have to do while I am on “Kevorkian Hold” listening to an damn auto-attendant?

If I had to guess. Shoulder impingement syndrome. You doin some cuff strengthening?

If I had to guess. Shoulder impingement syndrome. You doin some cuff strengthening?

Nope, just swimming. No other strength work with my shoulders.

hey, have had 2 shoulder surgeries from a lifetime of swimming – think the previous guy hit the nail on the head – you have impingement within the bicep tendon… prob need a week or 2 off, lots of ice, 3-4 advil every 4-6 hrs. when you are feeling better, you need to strengthen the back of your shoulder (because your shoulder(s) are rolling forward, hence the impingement). Focus on external rotations with a theraband, rows and lat pull downs. Treat this seriously with the rest, because I did not-- continued to swim through it and ended up under the knife… good luck

hey, have had 2 shoulder surgeries from a lifetime of swimming – think the previous guy hit the nail on the head – you have impingement within the bicep tendon… prob need a week or 2 off, lots of ice, 3-4 advil every 4-6 hrs. when you are feeling better, you need to strengthen the back of your shoulder (because your shoulder(s) are rolling forward, hence the impingement). Focus on external rotations with a theraband, rows and lat pull downs. Treat this seriously with the rest, because I did not-- continued to swim through it and ended up under the knife… good luck

Thanks, just took my first round of IBU. Will definitely take the rest of this week off. Thanks for the help!

Massage Therapist FWIW. Without feeling your shoulder, based on your explanation, I would say it is your Supraspinatus Rotator Cuff muscle. The muscle that runs along the top of your shoulder blade. Find a good Sports/Treatment oriented/Deep Tissue therapist and have them work on it. However, it could be a combination of other things as well, so good luck.

What jamo and the poster above me said.

Theraband exercises for rotator cuffs.

What jamo and the poster above me said.

Theraband exercises for rotator cuffs.

sounds like SITS muscles are nagging you. I was concerned that was my issue but it is neck stiffness from the new TT position and increasing my swimming yardage. Massage therapist next week.