I have a very healthy diet, but I find I struggle with what to eat mid-day.
5am Awake & glass of Orange Juice (usually fresh from my tree)
7am Home-milled porridge (from whatever grains I can get that month) topped with fresh fruit (banana, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, mango-if in season) and homemade soy milk (from Laura Soy Beans). Coffee. Hands down my favorite meal of the day.
Mid-Morning Apple. If in season it is substituted with a soft fruit (mango, peach, pear, etc.). Scoop of peanut butter (straight off the spoon).
Lunch… my least healthy meal of the day usually…
Afternoon. Handful of nuts. I mix it up - nuts are either from local farmers or from Trader Joes. Sometimes there are treats in the office… I indulge about once every other week. Most of the treats aren’t that great and I don’t have any self-control issues.
Dinner. 15+ vegetable salad with homemade salad dressing. Chicken or Fish on either pasta, rice, or a tortilla accompanied by more veggies (usually the hard veggies). Always cooked pretty healthy format (no deep frying or breading etc). Maybe once a month I have a burger. Maybe 4x per year a steak (at a restaurant).
Salad makings: spinach or leafy greens, peanuts, radish, beet, bell pepper slices, avocado, hard boiled egg, bean sprouts, broccoli sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, asparagus, broccoli, red cabbage, cabbage, shredded brussel sprouts, tomato. Sometimes I throw in peas or corn. Most of the ingredients are from Trader Joes.
I’m very happy with breakfast and dinner and have been for years. I definitely eat my fruit and veggies.
My lunches are all over the board. The firm I work for feeds us, on average, once a week. More when we are busy. Whatever. It is the usual sandwiches, tacos, burritos, thai, etc. Lunch stuff.
When not fed lunch I pull from the following options:
Can of tuna + mayo + pickles + crackersJust crackers (TJs Multigrain Pita Bite Crackers)Trader Joes frozen macaroni and cheese (usually only in a pinch)Eat nuts early and end up with junk food mid-afternoonMore coffeeNothing
I really don’t like eating out and probably only go out for dinner 4x per year (outside vacations). I never have breakfast at a restaurant. Lunch is whatever.
What do you eat? I need ideas, but I don’t want to spend tons of time prepping lunch… and I don’t like crappy food (lunchables, TV dinner, subway, etc.). It just isn’t worth it. I can do better, but I don’t need more fruits and veggies. My tummy needs stuff that sticks a little better.