Wetsuits and swim speed

Saw this posted on another tri-related message site and it looked interesting … A study on swimmers using wetsuits which seems to indicate little difference between the speed of swimming between sleeveless and full suits (although this study appears to have been done with experienced swimmers so maybe that makes a difference).

SIRC ID: S-865588
Title: The effect of wetsuits on swim performance.
Author(s): Nicolaou, K.D., Kozusko, J.M., and Bishop, P.A.
Language: Eng
Total Pages: 7
Call Number: GV836.2 #300

The use of a wetsuit during the swim portion of a triathlon has increased in popularity over the past few years. The purpose of this study was to quantify the impact of both the full-body and sleeveless wetsuits on 800m swim performance. Nine collegiate female swimmers swam three counterbalanced and randomized trials of 800m. Velocity, distance per stroke, swimming efficiency index, heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion, and perceived comfort were recorded for all trials, full-body wetsuit, sleeveless wetsuit, and swimsuits. No significant difference between the trials was found in distance per stroke, ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate, or swimming efficiency index. No significance was found among three different comfort levels between the two wetsuits. Inhibition in kicking occurred in 50 % of subjects with the full-body wetsuit and 27.7 % with sleeveless wetsuit. However, significant differences were found in velocity between both swimsuits (1.28 +/- 0.059m/! sec) and full-body wetsuits (1.31 +/- 0.033m/sec), and the sleeveless wetsuit (1.36 +/- 0.065 m/sec) and the full-body wetsuit (p < 0.004). These results suggest that the use of a wetsuit compared to a swimsuit can increase velocity while maintaining a constant heart rate.

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I knew I had seen that wetsuit study somewhere, but couldn’t find it again… thanks for the reference.

Joe Moya

Wow, this is interesting. Now some bright spark just needs to design a wetsuit specifically for triathletes… Who knows, there may be some money in this.

So is that saying that a sleeveless wetsuit (1.36 m/s) is faster than a fullsuit (1.31 m/s)? I thought fullsuits were supposed to be faster.

Hmm, interesting, but my recent attempt at an empiracle “study” (our store’s attempted “crank test”) showed me how the results of well-intentioned and seemingly precise, scientific investigations (to a much greater degree than ours) often yield dubious results. IMHO, and not supported by ANY scientific hyperbola, full suits are a good measure faster than sleeveless suits. There are some variable though- first, you have get the thing on correctly. The first time I swam in a full suit I didn’t like it: I didn’t have the sleeves pulled up far enough so they did affect my stroke. Once I learned how to use it I was somewhat faster than with a sleeveless suit. I once attempted a “test” to see how much faster and the differences were significant enough to make me believe my test was screwed up. I’m still a full suit believer though.