Well...off to the pool...shit

Trying again - shooting for 4000+ yards. Since I got into my little car - vs- bike scuffle T5-T6 have been killing me and the pool seems to agrivate it. MRI tells of compression between the two and there is noteable swelling in the area…this does not make things very dandy for GFT…poor Tracy has to deal with my shitty attitude over the mess too…

If this does not get better fast I may be in Orlando for a vacation in a couple weeks…

Well…just back from the pool…shit. Finally made it to 3,000 yards, which just about doubles 2005 mileage. Ever since I realized that swimming is extremely inconvenient, I just don’t do it. I don’t like spending time early in the morning away from my family, and 6am swims seem to agrivate me. Training log tells of 6 swims so far this year in 2005, but I am planning on swimming twice next week! This makes me hope that the GFT swim is down hill and down wind.

If I DNF due to the swim, I may stay in Orlando and get a job as an un-armored jouster at one of those theme restaurants.

Bah…I will joust thee…take your sword and thy sheeth…ON GUARD!!!

Avast ye scurvy dog!

“tell me who to smite and they shall be smoten”

Homer J

Trying again - shooting for 4000+ yards. Since I got into my little car - vs- bike scuffle T5-T6 have been killing me and the pool seems to agrivate it. MRI tells of compression between the two and there is noteable swelling in the area…this does not make things very dandy for GFT…poor Tracy has to deal with my shitty attitude over the mess too…

If this does not get better fast I may be in Orlando for a vacation in a couple weeks…

No excuses will be accepted regarding GFT. Look, the race is two weeks away and your accident was several weeks ago. If you would rest, your back would heal. You can’t add fitness at this point. But no, between your “my poor back posts” we read posts about you pulling for twelve miles with roadie group (actually that sounds kinda bad the way I wrote it) and then putting it in the 54/12 and sprinting for the win. If you would just give your back some rest, you’d be fine for GFT.

Look dude, months and months ago, I decided to train for GFT after you posted that you’d be doing the race. I’m never going to get to Kona, so I saw this as an opportunity to race with a ST legend. I’m gonna be pissed if I miss the opportunity because you’re screwing around when you should be resting your back. Swimming 4000 yards is not going to do much for you at this point. Take three days off. I’m sure there are many folks just like me that will be let down if they are unable to race with R10C.

When you become an internet celebrity, there are obligations that come with it. If Monk finds out about this, he’ll be all over your case.


I didnt say I wasnt racing…swim went well actually. I am a bit worried about 90 degree water so I am wishing for a Florida cold front. The one and only goal I will put on GFT is a 65-70 minute swim. Other than that…I am happy.

I was thinking it would be funny as hell if I was to show up on a P3 with Shimano Sora and Campy Nuovo Record friction shifters on my bike…

I was thinking it would be funny as hell if I was to show up on a P3 with Shimano Sora and Campy Nuovo Record friction shifters on my bike…



I cant think of levers that will work better than Nuovo Record 7 speed friction on the Sora gear though…

wait, your attitude isn’t always shitty? :slight_smile:

Not with Tracy…she is like a light from god…if I have an HRM on she can drop my heart rate 5bpm just by smiling (then make it jump 40 by winking)