Weirdest thing you have seen on the run/bike?

Giant purple butt plug on MTB trail. GIANT

I didn’t know they made butt plugs. Bicycles, sure. I guess diversification is the key to success for large companies.

Giant purple butt plug on MTB trail. GIANT

I didn’t know they made butt plugs. Bicycles, sure. I guess diversification is the key to success for large companies.

Bike company names I wouldn’t want associated with sex toys: Giant, Surly, Felt, Jamis, Softride

Yesterday was November 5th, and I saw Xmas lights up already

Today I saw a Pontiac Fiero, with NJ Historical plates

In case you don’t remember

A squirrel fell out of a tree right in front of me on a ride a few weeks ago…made a weird “pop” sound when he landed–but he scampered away. Squirrel Dive Bombs?

Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - I was running down the street one fall morning when I heard a rustling of leaves high up in an oak tree about a hundred yards ahead of me. The shaking was followed by a loud wooden *clunk! *… a pause … another clunk! and another; each sounding lower in the tree as I ran toward it. The clunks came steadily until finally silence as I ran beneath the tall tree

… And I got beaned right on top of the head!!!

A malicious and dangerously clever squirrel must’ve been in the tallest branches of the tree, shaking acorns out in such a way that they fell, bouncing off branches on their journey, in perfect time for one to plunk me right on the noggin

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore where I’ve seen that happen to enough riders (and experienced it myself a couple of times over the years) that I swear it’s deliberate on the part of the squirrels.

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore …

Or beginning of the *first *day, if you only do the ride down on Saturday

Do you mean that twisty, turny part between Rt 73 and the Halloween house? That’s near where I live; I drive it to & from work everyday

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore …

Or beginning of the *first *day, if you only do the ride down on Saturday

Do you mean that twisty, turny part between Rt 73 and the Halloween house? That’s near where I live; I drive it to & from work everyday

Kettle Run Road right before Braddock Mill Road, I think?

Coming out of t1 on a foggy morning a woman in front of me on the bike had just put on her Oakley’s in transition and couldn’t see out of the condensation on the lenses. She ripped them off her face and chucked them on the ground and kept riding. A spectator saw the whole thing and shouted “I didn’t want those anyway!”. It was a funny scene and I couldn’t stop laughing.

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore …

Or beginning of the *first *day, if you only do the ride down on Saturday

Do you mean that twisty, turny part between Rt 73 and the Halloween house? That’s near where I live; I drive it to & from work everyday

Kettle Run Road right before Braddock Mill Road, I think?

That’s it!!!

Y’know where that turn is, where there’s a railroad crossing? If you were to cross the RR, and go straight about a mile, that’s where I live

In fact, that crossing is exactly where the boulder fell of the truck, and around where I usually see the Danica the bus driver

I think that would violate the littering rules, and heck of a waste of expensive glasses :-p

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore …

Or beginning of the *first *day, if you only do the ride down on Saturday

Do you mean that twisty, turny part between Rt 73 and the Halloween house? That’s near where I live; I drive it to & from work everyday

Kettle Run Road right before Braddock Mill Road, I think?

Is Kettle Run Road less than 12 parsecs?

Giant purple butt plug on MTB trail. GIANT

I didn’t know they made butt plugs. Bicycles, sure. I guess diversification is the key to success for large companies.

Bike company names I wouldn’t want associated with sex toys: Giant, Surly, Felt, Jamis, Softride


Buddy of mine saw a $20 bill fly across the road, during IM LOU. I asked him if he stopped…and he said “no”.

Got me thinking…what would the denomination have to be for me to stop in an IM race.

Knowing how the conversations on ST go, you would then need to calculate how many watts you would expend by caring that extra piece of currency, then calculate how much each watt is costing you and the watts needed to get back to where you were. Once the at break even point is discovered the value of the currency can be determined.

B…what would the denomination have to be for me to stop in an IM race.

Enough to pay off that month’s EPO

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore …

Or beginning of the *first *day, if you only do the ride down on Saturday

Do you mean that twisty, turny part between Rt 73 and the Halloween house? That’s near where I live; I drive it to & from work everyday

Kettle Run Road right before Braddock Mill Road, I think?

Is Kettle Run Road less than 12 parsecs?

I was doing hill intervals on the road right by my house when i saw a sow bear and two cubs come out of the ditch about 20ft away. That made me a bit nervous. On the same hill a few months later spider man rode by in a van cheering me on. On the local mtb trail there was a couple that set up camp right in the single track, you had to ride right through the middle of the camping spot to continue on. one morning there was a 350+ lb lady sitting in a chair with a hole cut into the seat doing her morning business. Her boyfriend or whatever sat on the ground and watched her. They were in this spot for roughly 12 days. That was around June this past summer and there is still a lingering smell.

Sounds like you should get a HazMat team out there

A few years ago, I was riding my MTB up a steep trail when I heard an odd noise from just around the bend and over a rise. This was followed by 3 dudes and a woman, all on MTB unicycles, descending toward me.

A few years before that I was toward the end of a long, 32 mile, almost continuous 6000’ climb, when I rounded a corner into the shadow of a barren tree. At first my tired eyes saw “Branch…gonna bump…YIKES, SNAKE…crunch, rattle, rattle, crunch, rattle.” As my tired eyes picked out the snake, probably about 5’ long, I jumped out of the saddle, just before the first CRUNCH, but sprinting was not in the cards at that point. My heart rate took a while to settle down after that.
(On the return, I looked for it, but it either made it off the road or someone picked it up.)

Many years ago, I was running with my brother and his roommates gigantic 130# Malamute, (named BIG BABY) up in the Flatirons above Boulder. After a few miles, we saw a couple coming down the hill, arm in arm, gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, when Big Baby ran up to them and stopped at their feet. They didn’t know whether to $#!t of go blind. As they were trying to climb on top of one another to escape this ‘wolf,’ my brother ran by them and said, “It’s OK, she already ate.” They looked at each other and then the dog, not knowing what to think or do. I managed to run a bit further, but had to stop because I couldn’t hold the laughter, any longer.

A squirrel fell out of a tree right in front of me on a ride a few weeks ago…made a weird “pop” sound when he landed–but he scampered away. Squirrel Dive Bombs?

Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - I was running down the street one fall morning when I heard a rustling of leaves high up in an oak tree about a hundred yards ahead of me. The shaking was followed by a loud wooden *clunk! *… a pause … another clunk! and another; each sounding lower in the tree as I ran toward it. The clunks came steadily until finally silence as I ran beneath the tall tree

… And I got beaned right on top of the head!!!

A malicious and dangerously clever squirrel must’ve been in the tallest branches of the tree, shaking acorns out in such a way that they fell, bouncing off branches on their journey, in perfect time for one to plunk me right on the noggin

There’s a wooded stretch of road toward the end of the second day of the City to Shore where I’ve seen that happen to enough riders (and experienced it myself a couple of times over the years) that I swear it’s deliberate on the part of the squirrels.

Circling back to the acorns, because there are still a lot of them in the road, I always remind myself a particularly clever post I made about my morning run a couple years ago

In Thor voice: “Many hundreds of Acorns were vanquished beneath my heel before the Dawn; their cries of Mercy came to my ears as mere pops and cracks, for Mercy I had none”

In Tony Stark voice: “Plus, I was in kind of a hurry”