Weekly Accountability Thread: Week of Sept. 2

How are you? How was your week? What are your goals for the coming week?

Goals were

  1. 7/7 days of healthy coping - yes! now 145 in a row!!! Love crossing another 5. Also made August full of stickers on my calendar, so now I have the pages of May, June, July, and August all covered in stickers whereas Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr have gaps.
  2. Journal daily - did most days
  3. Practice and use 2 min pause skill - I don’t recall using it. Definitely didn’t practice it
  4. PT as directed - done
  5. Be grateful for what my body can do (not in a cast or crutches etc) - yes
  6. Eat # of calories I was supposed to - 4/7 there

I freaked out at my drs appt on Friday because my weight… which has been within a 0.6 lb range since May 30… was up 2.2 lbs from the previous Friday. My doctor thought this was some natural variation plus the effects of 10 days of calorie increase. I know numbers wise I didn’t gain a kg of fat in a week, but it freaked me out to have that big a change after so much stability. She decreased the calorie goal from 2200-2300 to 2000-2100 (I had said 1800-1900 felt like it was going to be hard enough but she thought it was too soon to drop to that). My past three days have been 1700-1900 because I am more afraid right now of another big jump on the scale and losing the leanness that I like than I am afraid of the bone loss from skipping periods. That is a honest state of where my head is. I’m trying to think of “what is it that I need right now that would make me okay w eating more” and haven’t yet come up with a great answer, but I’m thinking about it. Basically I feel like “I’m usually open to trying something, I said I would try eating more, I did, I didn’t like what happened, I gave it a shot and would like to reevaluate.” I guess I want points for having tried it. I think my plan right now is see what the number is Friday and go from there.

goals for this week

  1. Another 7/7 days of healthy coping to get to 152 days… over the 150 mark :smiley:
  2. PT as directed
  3. Journal daily
  4. Be grateful for what I can do
  5. Practice the 2 min pause skill!
  6. See if I can figure out what I need and what I am willing to do health-wise right now

I’m just here to advocate for your period. You can do it.

This past week I was abroad with rest of family visiting son and attending his graduation ceremony. It was great! Proud Dad! Training took a back seat - did a little when I could. Also had a race on Sunday - Scottish Standard Distance Champs - enjoyable race on a very ‘honest’ course, solid performance, bagged an AG win :1st_place_medal: And teammates all got AG podiums too :blush:

Goals for this week:

  1. Recover from race, back to normal training by the weekend, hopefully.
  2. No reading phone at bedtime
  3. Good nutrition
  4. Invest decent amount of time on new project (do not spend time faffing on less important things). I need to find a better way to plan and manage how I do this project … part of the problem is that it’s a totally optional activity and I’m accountable only to myself … I’m extremely good at getting non-optional things done productively … but in this case time seems to drift. Maybe my goal should be to try a new way to manage my time for this project.

Have a good week everyone!

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congrats on the AG win - yours and your teammates! That’s awesome.

1920 calories yesterday, and journaled
146 days in a row of healthy coping!

I feel like we’re back up and running with new forum platform! But where are MadMike, Omlette, Michal_CH and others?

I don’t think we’ve heard from Omelette for awhile :frowning:
I’m adjusting to the new forum format!

2000 calories yesterday and journaled. The calorie goal for this week (from Fri on as those are the days my doctors appts are) is 2000-2100; that is the first day this week I met it.
yesterday made 174 days… 21 weeks in a row… of healthy coping.
had a terrible day yesterday in terms of pain, hip pain was a 7-8/10 :frowning: waiting on insurance to approve an MRI

2000 calories yesterday which was immensely difficult and caused much brain turmoil
journaled quickly
148 days in a row of healthy coping!

I admire your ability to deal with things, Tigerchik. I hope you get your MRI soon and the results are good. And better more calories than less. (It seems your natural inclination is to not eat enough food, so if your weight goes over you should be able to drop it quickly. On the other hand, you see how hard it has been for you to gain weight, so dropping some is contraindicated.)

Congrats to Chowders and Michal_CH on their successful races. I’m so happy for you, Chowders, for your son’s graduation. (And, in relation to your last goal, time drift is an all-too-familiar phenomenon to me as well.)

I’m on hold until things get a little better. Wife (and kids) have been inviting people over (where I have to be involved to some extent) without telling me until the day of, so it’s hard to plan at this point. This is compounded by our problem child (15-year-old boy) who has been a total handful lately, including cutting himself and displaying a bunch of cash on a bed (received rent money, but he took it to appear “gangster”), both to get views, and it seems he was doing a starvation diet with a friend. (This is the tip of the iceberg, but at least he’s not doing pot or recreational drugs.)
And now I’m sick and having to figure out the new forum. At least I’ve been averaging about 10 miles/day walk/jog, and a lot of the miles are about 12-13 mins, so that tempo is ahead of schedule. (I’ve got 609 miles since July 9th; that’s a little behind schedule if I want to complete 5x672 miles by April 30th.)
I’ll be more active when I have more control of my life, but I’ll try to get on if anyone needs cheering up.

I’m sorry your 15 year old is struggling so much.

thank you for the kind words
had an easier drs appt this AM as my weight… last week up 2.2 lbs… was back down to lets call “base plus 0.6 lbs.” So I gained 0.6 lbs or so in the ten days that I was actively trying. (yes I know this is a good thing). It felt reassuring that the +2.2 in a week was that natural variation thing.
We settled on just try to maintain weight right now, 1700-1800 calories a day, because I am in so much physical pain w my hip right now that what feels like hopelessness w pain, and frustration that I have been in pain basically since December with either hip shoulder or both, I just cannot deal with trying to gain weight. I wish I could care more about trying to get periods back but maintenance and consistently eating 1700-1800 calories is a start. The addition of 200-300 calories to gain just freaked my brain out way too much. My BMI isn’t actually super low, and my doctor thinks maintenance right now is very okay. So that’s what I’m up to.

On a happier note yesterday was day 149 of healthy coping so today will be 150, check back tomorrow :smiley:

MM - good to hear from you - and good to see to managed to keep moving a bit with all the family stuff going on. Kids are a worry. For a bit of levity, it made it laugh that having to work out the new forum ranked for a mention in amongst the other stuff you are dealing with!

Sorry to hear your hip has been sore. Let us know how you get on with the MRI.

drumroll please
150 days in a row healthy coping :smiley:
very pleased and proud of self.

yesterday 1800 calories so I met that goal.

1800 calories yesterday, possibly a little higher, depends on what I estimate lunch as (I measure almost everything but this was a meal out)
day 151 of healthy coping