Weekly Accountability Thread: Sept. 16 Edition

How are you and how was your week?

  1. 7/7 healthy coping to get to 159 days in a row next week when I make this thread… and in the meantime, 5 months :slight_smile: GOAL MET HELLO FROM 159 DAYS
  2. journal daily nope but I did a few times
  3. pt as directed done
  4. practice and use 2 min pause skill nope
  5. continue to be grateful for no crutches, wheelchair, sling etc yes
  6. 1700-1800 calories daily yesterday was mid 1600s I think but pretty close here

goals for this week are the same as last

quick update from the hip specialist is waiting for insurance to approve an MRI with contrast. They think they can get insurance to approve that. They think it’s a labral tear that didn’t show up on the MRI without contrast. Timeline to surgery looks… stupid long… months… so I’m looking at other options as places to have surgery.
If you could all hope for me that the insurance approves this quickly, I’d appreciate it.

much love and check in tomorrow so you can join my 160 day party, then Wed for the 23 week party, etc etc. And next week for the 166 day party :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone on the thread who posts, it’s good to talk to people over the week, I like hearing about your stuff and goodness knows I appreciate your support.

my love to you all

Solid week of training :white_check_mark: 8k swim; still pulling my punches with swimming - just ticking over until the end of the season I guess; shoulder feeling quite a bit better, not 100% but improving. 7:30 bike, 3:45 run. Key sessions done well. Missed a bit of prehab but decent amount of S&C done overall.

Good nutrition 5/7, one of which was takeaway food instead of proper dinner (if I falter, this is the reason 95% of the time(!), and the other is perhaps a bit harsh on myself - big training days need a lot of calories and sometimes I could make better choices for more ‘nutritionally dense’ food. I’m not sure I really want to do better than 6/7 in a given week, but maybe that’s self-sabotaging, I don’t know?

No reading phone at bedtime 7/7 :white_check_mark:

Decent time spent on new project. Define decent, Paul! Some time spent, could have been more, probably should have been more.

Goals for this week:

  1. Repeat solid week of training, with a little progression. It’s 5 weeks until final race of the year.
  2. Good nutrition.
  3. No reading phone at bedtime.
  4. Decent time spent on new project. That means at least 1hr each day Mon-Fri, and more some days.

Have a good week everyone!

:wave: 159 days

Good luck sorting out a better surgery option :crossed_fingers:

I’m glad your shoulder is feeling better! Do the technique changes feel more natural?

I wish! No, all a work in progress still but I’ll get there no doubt. The stick really helps - it’s a great tool to learn with.

Sometimes I do a few strokes and it feels like everything has clicked (not in the bad shoulder way!) but mostly there’s a lot of conscious thought and micro-experimenting going on.

Shoulder was actually a little more sore today, which suggests I was back to too much flailing arm!

technique changes do take a lot of conscious thought
made day 160 yesterday! today’s 161, check in tomorrow
organizing stuff to get back to ME to have surgery there, super busy day doing all that (it isnt’ totally sorted yet. Busy trying to sort it )
ate 1900 or so calories yesterday!
used 2 min pause skill today

pain was near go to ER levels yesterday, better today

much love

made 23 weeks in a row yesterday!
my brother flew in to help out with my life as I am in so much pain… mom coming Fri night… grateful

When is surgery? Glad to hear you have family help.

no date yet - need to see surgeon in maine
ate >1700 calories yesterday
made day 161 in a row of healthy coping!