Wedding Arms - Olympic Triathlon vs. Bar Method?

My good friend is trying to get in shape for her wedding (next September). She’s wants to slim down and tone up. She’s considering training for an olympic triathlon OR taking bar method classes, but not both.

Selfishly, I’m rooting for the triathlon path, so she and her fiance can spend time with our training group.

In terms of desired results, any opinions on bar method vs. triathlon?

Tri. She’ll burn more calories. Muscle “tone” is what happens when there is less fat over them.

I think it depends on her goals, really. I had really, really awesome looking arms after about 6 months of Bar Method. I was just also hideously out of shape for any cardio activity, but I looked awesome. It was very effective for toning. You can get great results on about 3 hours/week, but I was already pretty lean.

Of course, I would vote for the tri myself, just for the sense of accomplishment and time with her fiance, but I would make sure to warn about swimsuit tan lines if she has a strapless dress. Those are forever present in a friend’s wedding photos…

I think it depends on how slim she is. if she’s skinny and just has weak looking arms, then probably bar method to focus on building muscle in the arms. If she wants to drop significant lbs and get shoulders, then tri (w/ lots and lots of swimming)

I think she should go with tri training over Bar Method. Bar Method is great and really tones the body if done on the regular but it doesn’t offer overall fitness. It is expensive and the studio smells of sweaty feet. Tri training will allow her to get out, improve on her overall health and arms and really focus on her body while spending time with the fiance.

Tri - with an emphasis on swimming and running.

Bar - where does that leave her AFTER the wedding?!? She’ll have a tough time building her cardio back up.

if i had a dollar for every time i’d heard a woman say she wanted to be ‘toned’ i’d be a rich man.

what exactly is ‘toning?’