Was this guy really on the US national team in the late 80s?

I do get bummed sometimes that the results from back in the day (especially before the Internet) are not available somewhere.

Like was my bike pace, riding an MTB in the SB Sprint Tri in the 90’s, really just as fast as the much older triathlete I am now rides on a road bike in an Oly. Oh, and any results from the first few years of Tinley’s Dirty Adventures - my favorite race - though I never had a good race day there - would be like meringue on true love in my mind.

The actual results would be like smelling salts. I am always faster in my memories, or my plans.

I may have them . . . I think you, Tinley, and me shared a few Bud Lights at the finish line!!

I have the Tri-Athlete reports. Want a scan? Ross.

That would be awesome, what years do you have??

  1. The first one. To 1989. The Louis Murphy year.