WaPo Lawmaker Rankings

Ah, it was a sport climb, and sport areas are often overgraded, sometimes pretty substantially.
Plus - she was NOT in office yet when she did that.
So, while it is VERY impressive, should it even count?

If some former Pro athlete or Olympian then ran for Congress or Senate, would you count their pre-office achievements for this list?
I don’t think so.

That dude benching 272 at age 72 is impressive as hell.

While the runner guy’s 3m time was very speedy, he was also in his 40’s when he did that.
I used to be able to run that fast in my 40’s also, and I’m “just a guy” in the grand scheme of things, running-wise.

But, to your point -
I think a lot of the panel of judges (not unlike most of the population) was swayed by the longer events being “unbelievable achievements”, even though the actual results were fairly pedestrian.

And almost nobody knows jack about rock climbing, so they would also undervalue that achievement.

Great mansplaining on the climbing grades. Is there any instance where you’ll refrain from downgrading a woman’s performance?

Jesus Christ, seriously? Good lord, it seems like everyone’s new hobby is to find something to be outraged at, no matter the context.

Get over yourself.