WANT-Cdale EVO conical spacer

I know a lot of people slam there stems and take off the conical spacer and have no use for them. I’m looking for the stock 30mm conical spacer from the evo. If anyone has one that they know they aren’t going to use can you please let me know.


I have the caad10 one…want that?

I might take you up on that. I have emailed a couple people with evo’s and hoping they have theirs available.

would you be asking anything for it besides the shipping of course?

Nah. Unless you have some trade you’re a master at. In which case, I’d request a sample of your work.

Happen to know if it a 25mm or 30mm? As of now I got nothing to trade

Heading out to dinner right now. Mssg me and I’ll check when I get home.