Very off topic and questionable question about my dog

Okay - about two years ago I found a puppie in the side of the road (German Sheppard mix with something). She is a wonderful dog who with out question would jump off of a cliff with me. I could never ask for a better dog…

But…you know how most dogs lick them selves - on their privates - in front of guests?

My dog does not do that, at all , ever. As a matter of fact she never ever licks herself. So now (as usual) it seems as though she needs a douche. Her female private parts get gross and then I have to wash them when I give her baths more often than I would like to. Anyone know why she would or would not clean herself (even though it seems gross)?

I actually posted this on a dog site and the people said I was a sick pervert who was looking at my dog as a sexual something or other.

Oh…and those who were at IMLP last year…my dog was the one who would go chin deep in Mirror Lake…then squat and pee…(as opposed to me being waist deep standing and pee’ing). There were quite a few people at the Gatoraid tentplaying with the dog while I got my swim workouts in.

Anyone have any ideas?

Ok, I’ve never had a female dog, but I’ve read about some of their hygenic issues. Is this happening only once a month or so? If so, its a menstrual cylce and I’ve seen “doggie diapers” that help. If it’s constant, there’s probably another health issue that needs to be addressed.

Either way, take her to a vet. The vet’s advice will (obviously) be a lot better than mine.

And you’ve got a dog, too.

Just funnin’ ya.

GJB’s advice is spot-on – check with a vet.

Rub baloney on her privates, she’ll lick them.

Seriously though, just take a wet towel with a little soap on it and wash her privates for her. You don’t have to make it a full bath. Not a big deal. Just don’t hang the towel up near the sink after you do it.

I have a Shepard/Boardie Collie mix (found on side of road also) and a little, short, long, fury doggie. The little one I have to bath more often than the bigger one, and because of her long fur, I sometimes have to clean her butt real good with a wet towel. It is just part of the game.

I’m a dog person too and I know what it’s like to have a dog with a funk. One of my dogs had a slight female problem when she was a puppy and had to have some doggie plastic surgery to correct it. There was a chance of permanant nerve damage during surgery but we opted for it anyway. She did not experience any problems but perhaps your dog has had something happen, either physically or developmentally that has deadened the nerves down there so she doesn’t know it needs cleaning or itches. I agree that you probably need to keep her clean yourself, it’s part of the rule book you have to follow when you take responsibility for a pet. A pack of baby butt wipes in the car should do the trick.

Good Luck

I would get your dog to a vet. It is possible she has a yeast infection of some kind and just needs some simple antibiotics to clear it up. We can all make silly adolescent jokes about it but really your dog is uncomfortable. Get your dog in, get her checked out and she’ll feel much better.

Unfortunately that means we’ll have to look for new things to make adolescent jokes about though :slight_smile: