Tufo S3 lite 140-225psi?

Just started using Tufo S3 lite tires on a Zipp 404 front, Falcon disk rear. The Tufo website reccomends running a minimum of 145 psi!! I’ve normally run 120 psi in my continental competitions. Anyone out there actually run 145+ with the Tufos or any other tires? Softrides don’t count, I used to run higher pressure on my Softride but with the suspension ti still rode smooth.


I run mine at 150-160-psi. They are fine that way. I pump them up to the higher pressures (160 psi) when I know that I am racing the next week, or later the same week at one of the local events so that I dont have to pump the tires up again at the race. Its not that Im lazy, but rather I have three kids three years old or less that prevent me from getting to the races more than a couple minutes before they start. I usually toe the line as they are saying “set…go!” Anyway, the inflation is fine for me. I ride a carbon bike that is pretty soft, and I have had no problems, including with IM races (I go with 150 psi the night before with IM). Hope this helps.

Stephen J

i prefer to run them on the low side. i have a p2k with 404’s and for ironman length races i keep them around 120 psi. it’s all i can handle for that long ride. any higher and the ride is too harsh for my tastes. for shorter races i run them around 140-150 psi. haven’t had any problems at the low psi.

I raced those last season on a 404 front, Renn disc rear. I never went over 120 pounds. I went about a mile once at the 145 pressure and just about had my fillings knocked out. 120-125 is much more comfortable and is very fast on real-world roads. The rougher the road, the more you want to back off on tire pressure, because high pressures will both slow you down and beat you up.

I run the S3 lites at 140 psi fr/rr, work great and hard as a rock but not so hard that the ride suffers.

For the first time ever I rode my Tufo S3s today. I tried 120psi. I feel I could go a little higher and still have some comfort. I’m going to try 130 for my next ride. If it makes a difference they are mounted on H3s and I weigh 162lbs.