Trump economics?

And they are pulling the lever for the R, despite despising Trump. Why say that publicly, and with money no less, when it’s counterproductive and possibly damaging to their brand? I don’t think we are quite there yet where these CEO’s believe a D monetary policy is better for them and their companies. Until then, it won’t matter who the R’s run.

And they are pulling the lever for the R, despite despising Trump. Why say that publicly, and with money no less, when it’s counterproductive and possibly damaging to their brand? I don’t think we are quite there yet where these CEO’s believe a D monetary policy is better for them and their companies. Until then, it won’t matter who the R’s run.

what’s not to like about D monetary policies.

Takes office. Gives away a crap ton of money for green stuff before he even evaluates the effects of Covid give a ways.

Inflation skyrockets.

Blep and Nutella claim its global and not his fault

Tries to fix by saying it’s transitory and giving away more money

Runs country into the ditch

Blep and Nutella speculate “yeah but these important people say Trump will be even worse”

solid arguments for D monetary policy.

I think I heard Jared Bernstein arguing the same monetary policy.

And they are pulling the lever for the R, despite despising Trump. Why say that publicly, and with money no less, when it’s counterproductive and possibly damaging to their brand? I don’t think we are quite there yet where these CEO’s believe a D monetary policy is better for them and their companies. Until then, it won’t matter who the R’s run.

what’s not to like about D monetary policies.

Takes office. Gives away a crap ton of money for green stuff before he even evaluates the effects of Covid give a ways.

Inflation skyrockets.

Blep and Nutella claim its global and not his fault

Tries to fix by saying it’s transitory and giving away more money

Runs country into the ditch

Blep and Nutella speculate “yeah but these important people say Trump will be even worse”

solid arguments for D monetary policy.

I think I heard Jared Bernstein arguing the same monetary policy.

The Fed controls monetary policy. You’re talking about fiscal policies. Economics 101.

And in what ways has the country been run “into the ditch?” Be specific.

Majority of economists say inflation would be higher under Trump than Biden: WSJ survey

Economists say Trump would reheat inflation more than Biden: WSJ (

Of the 50 economists who answered questions about Trump and Biden in the survey, 28 of them said the risk of a return to high inflation levels was greater under the plans proposed by the Republican, than under those of the incumbent Democrat.

Eight of the economists in the WSJ survey said inflation would be worse under Biden than Trump. The other 14 said the difference between the two agendas would be negligible.

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

My guess would be Trump doesn’t even understand the businesses he’s involved in but rather has people who do the actual work of running them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sat down with business people who know his type of businesses, he would not be able to carry on an informed intelligent conversation about them. They would leave the meeting thinking he doesn’t have a clue.

And then for him to think he understands the economics of inflation and such is more of him just blustering and faking it.

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

If he were in charge of interest rates, he would have never increased them. Despite Trump saying we’d never have had inflation if he was in charge, he doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary. Tariffs, tax cuts, illegal migrant worker deportations, devalue the dollar: all inflationary. Project 2025 talks about returning to the gold standard.

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

If he were in charge of interest rates, he would have never increased them. Despite Trump saying we’d never have had inflation if he was in charge, he doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary. Tariffs, tax cuts, illegal migrant worker deportations, devalue the dollar: all inflationary. Project 2025 talks about returning to the gold standard.

When Weird DonOld ran in 2016 he stated he would eliminate the deficit. When he got into office, he wanted to print enough currency to pay off the deficit. They had to explain to him that it would not work. That it would cause the dollar to collapse and inflation to soar and collapse the U.S. economy.

One thing I can guarantee is that even a sniff of removing the Fed’s independence would absolutely tank the dollar. And if it actually came to it that Trump is president and can wrestle any kind of influence over monetary policy, then the USD would fall even further.

When Weird DonOld ran in 2016 he stated he would eliminate the deficit. When he got into office, he wanted to print enough currency to pay off the deficit. They had to explain to him that it would not work. That it would cause the dollar to collapse and inflation to soar and collapse the U.S. economy.

Wait… that’s a bad thing?

doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary.
… returning to the gold standard.
I’m an economics imbecile: this would cause inflation?

I’ve read enough to know all his other idiotic ideas will, but have not read anything about returning to the gold standard. If you have any insight, or can point me, I’d greatly appreciate it.

  • Jeff

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

If he were in charge of interest rates, he would have never increased them. Despite Trump saying we’d never have had inflation if he was in charge, he doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary. Tariffs, tax cuts, illegal migrant worker deportations, devalue the dollar: all inflationary. Project 2025 talks about returning to the gold standard.

When Weird DonOld ran in 2016 he stated he would eliminate the deficit. When he got into office, he wanted to print enough currency to pay off the deficit. They had to explain to him that it would not work. That it would cause the dollar to collapse and inflation to soar and collapse the U.S. economy.

The reason the “I just like his policies” crowd are never able to name any of the actual policies they love is because even they know his policies are nuts.

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

If he were in charge of interest rates, he would have never increased them. Despite Trump saying we’d never have had inflation if he was in charge, he doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary. Tariffs, tax cuts, illegal migrant worker deportations, devalue the dollar: all inflationary. Project 2025 talks about returning to the gold standard.

When Weird DonOld ran in 2016 he stated he would eliminate the deficit. When he got into office, he wanted to print enough currency to pay off the deficit. They had to explain to him that it would not work. That it would cause the dollar to collapse and inflation to soar and collapse the U.S. economy.

The reason the “I just like his policies” crowd are never able to name any of the actual policies they love is because even they know his policies are nuts.

We also have to remember that in 2020 trump said if he didn’t win there would be a Great Recession the likes of which we have never seen.

That never happened.

Trump says he is the best, he is the only one who can fix it, he will fix it in the best way possible, but he isn’t going to tell you how - or when he tells you his thoughts they are sooo dumb he says he is just asking questions (the same way my kid asks why the sky is blue).

If I’m a Fortune 100 CEO, why would I donate directly, therefore publicly, to such a polarizing figure when I can donate in secret to a SuperPAC and likely have some control over how that money is spent, if I’m so inclined given my sphere of influence? I’m not supporting a person, I’m supporting the party who I think is going to allow me to keep my money now and make as much as possible in the future. Right now, I see my direct donations going towards one person’s legal bills. Why would I?

True, however the head of Yale business school says that in his experience top business leaders despise Trump, despite being registered Republicans.

Opinion | Donald Trump Doesn’t Have the Support of Corporate America - The New York Times (

*** "Mr. Trump continues to suffer from the lowest level of corporate support in the history of the Republican Party.***

I know this because I work with roughly 1,000 chief executives a year, running a school for them, which I started 35 years ago, and I speak with business leaders almost every day. Our surveys show that 60 to 70 percent of them are registered Republicans.

The reality is that the top corporate leaders working today, like many Americans, aren’t entirely comfortable with either Mr. Trump or President Biden. But they largely like — or at least can tolerate — one of them. They truly fear the other."

Like many educated, reasonable, people he has issues with Trump’s economic policies.

Mr. Trump and his team are doubling down on some of his most anti-business instincts, including proposing draconian 10 percent tariffs on all imports; unorthodox monetary and fiscal policies, including stripping the Federal Reserve Board of its independence; possibly putting in place yield curve control to force interest rates lower; and devaluing the dollar — all of which would drive inflation much higher. These Trump positions have more in common with Karl Marx than Adam Smith.

Most of the Republican party despises trump and has said so publicly. But if he can win and keep them in power they will support him and prop him up. Even his own VP has publicly said he’s horrible, yet, here we are.

ThisIsIt nailed it. I doubt the CEOs in question really care who’s in power as long as they don’t get in their way. Plenty of large, influential donors contribute to both campaigns in one way or another.

During his lie filled press conference yesterday Trump once again challenged the independence of the Fed and said claimed that a failed reality show host who ran multiple companies into bankruptcy is a convicted fraudster knows better.

Trump says he should get a say on Federal Reserve interest rate decisions (

“I feel the president should have at least (a) say in there,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. “Yeah, I feel that strongly. I think that in my case, I made a lot of money, I was very successful, and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

Completely delusional.

If he were in charge of interest rates, he would have never increased them. Despite Trump saying we’d never have had inflation if he was in charge, he doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary. Tariffs, tax cuts, illegal migrant worker deportations, devalue the dollar: all inflationary. Project 2025 talks about returning to the gold standard.

When Weird DonOld ran in 2016 he stated he would eliminate the deficit. When he got into office, he wanted to print enough currency to pay off the deficit. They had to explain to him that it would not work. That it would cause the dollar to collapse and inflation to soar and collapse the U.S. economy.

But you’re conveniently leaving out the fact that we could just declare bankruptcy!

Viola, problem solved.

No, people care. They know another Trump presidency will be a mess. While Musk, Sacks, Theil, etc get attention for their pro-Trump babble they are a small, but loud, minority. Hundreds of VC’s have come out in support of Harris.

More than 200 venture capitalists pledge support to Kamala Harris (

The list is long and growing
Home | VCs for Kamala

***“We are pro-business, pro-American dream, pro-entrepreneurship, and pro-technological progress,” ***

“We also believe in democracy as the backbone of our nation. We believe that strong, trustworthy institutions are a feature, not a bug, and that our industry - and every other industry - would collapse without them.”

doesn’t have a single proposal that isn’t inflationary.
… returning to the gold standard.
I’m an economics imbecile: this would cause inflation?

I’ve read enough to know all his other idiotic ideas will, but have not read anything about returning to the gold standard. If you have any insight, or can point me, I’d greatly appreciate it.

  • Jeff

I wasn’t including the gold standard in my list of inflationary proposals, but rather as a crazy economic idea. The main problem is it constrains economic policy and is inflexible during crises. As the economy grows, more money is needed and the gold standard adds a constraint unrelated to economic activity. It’s an economy based on geology. Historically, the economy was much more volatile under the gold standard.

No, people care. They know another Trump presidency will be a mess. While Musk, Sacks, Theil, etc get attention for their pro-Trump babble they are a small, but loud, minority. Hundreds of VC’s have come out in support of Harris.

More than 200 venture capitalists pledge support to Kamala Harris (

The list is long and growing
Home | VCs for Kamala

***“We are pro-business, pro-American dream, pro-entrepreneurship, and pro-technological progress,” ***

“We also believe in democracy as the backbone of our nation. We believe that strong, trustworthy institutions are a feature, not a bug, and that our industry - and every other industry - would collapse without them.”

Yet there are plenty of businesses and high net worth individuals who disagree and are throwing money at the Republicans as well. Their war chest isn’t exactly empty. That article you linked admitted that the silicon valley investor class, who used to be almost exclusively democrat, now have a growing and more powerful group of republican backers.

This isn’t ideological. It’s just about making money and buying influence.

No, people care. They know another Trump presidency will be a mess. While Musk, Sacks, Theil, etc get attention for their pro-Trump babble they are a small, but loud, minority. Hundreds of VC’s have come out in support of Harris.

More than 200 venture capitalists pledge support to Kamala Harris (

The list is long and growing
Home | VCs for Kamala

***“We are pro-business, pro-American dream, pro-entrepreneurship, and pro-technological progress,” ***

“We also believe in democracy as the backbone of our nation. We believe that strong, trustworthy institutions are a feature, not a bug, and that our industry - and every other industry - would collapse without them.”

Yet there are plenty of businesses and high net worth individuals who disagree and are throwing money at the Republicans as well. Their war chest isn’t exactly empty. That article you linked admitted that the silicon valley investor class, who used to be almost exclusively democrat, now have a growing and more powerful group of republican backers.

This isn’t ideological. It’s just about making money and buying influence.

I don’t see anything close to “both sides” here. Despite the handful of vocal people like Musk and Sacks the tech money is largely on the side of Harris. The VC list I posted has grown to over 700 people. There is another list of tech workers that is in the thousands. Corporate PAC contributions to Republican congressional candidates between 2016 and 2022 dropped by 27% while corporate PAC contributions to Democratic candidates rose by 20%.

Trump’s erratic behavior, lack of respect for institutions, and nonsensical economic policies are poison, they drive reasonable people from the party. The tech industry has a solid Conservative/Libertarian base. Get rid of Trump and GOP will flourish in the industry.

Also huge investment in renewable energy projects across the states. The fastest growth in these projects is actually in Texas. Most of the projects in the southern states is in solar. Wind in the north east. Around 300,000 jobs created from these projects thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. Thanks Biden. Trump wants to roll back the incentives for these projects.